" I'm Telling "
Listen to real stories by real students. Our podcast features students from South Mountain Community College (SMCC) Storytelling Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. These stories are recorded live in a classroom setting with just one take. They include folktales, fairytales, myths, legends, fact-based, personal and sacred stories. The Storytelling Institute at South Mountain Community College offers a variety of classes to teach students to become storytellers to enrich their communities, their profession and themselves. Listen and Enjoy! If you want to learn how to be a storyteller, please visit our website at www.southmountaincc.edu/academics/storytelling
Podcasting since 2018 • 71 episodes
" I'm Telling "
Latest Episodes
Naiya Vazquez ( Folktale) Bond of other and Son
Naiya Vazquez tells a second folktale about death during a Storytelling class at South Mountain Community College. If you want to learn how to be a storyteller, please visit our website at
Season 4
Episode 10

David Doyle ( Personal) The Magic Carpet
David Doyle tells a story during a Personal Storytelling class at South Mountain Community College. If you want to learn how to be a storyteller, please visit our website at https...
Season 4
Episode 9

Naiya Vazquuez (Folktale) Death and the 13th Son
Naiya Vazquuez tells 1 of 3 different stories about death during the Art of Storytelling II class at South Mountain Community College. If you want to learn how to be a storyteller, please visit our website at
Season 4
Episode 8

Debbie Rowe (Folktale) The Mustard Seed
Debbie Rowe tells a folktale about acceptance and community in Using Storytelling in a Variety of Settings Storytelling class at South Mountain Community College. If you want to learn how to be a storyteller, please visit our website at
Season 4
Episode 7