Theology for the Curious
Debating theology that makes sense of life and faith. A team of regular people discuss issues of theology, faith and life. Uncovering bible thinking from cutting edge, to conservative, to all things in-between. A lively debate show that gets you thinking, challenging the relevance of God, scripture and faith to today's contemporary outlook.
Podcasting since 2023 • 110 episodes
Theology for the Curious
Latest Episodes
Ep.108 - Take Another Look: Does God Send People to Hell?
How do we define hell? What is its purpose? Is there a possibility that there’s no such place? What does a twelfth century Irish knight, and Dante’s inferno got to tell us about hell? What exactly could Jesus have meant in speaking about a plac...
Ep.107 - Take Another Look: Did Jesus Really Die for Everyone?
The puritan John Owen offered three understandings of the extent of Christ’s atonement. Firstly that he died for all of the sin for all of the people. Second that he died for some of the sin of all of the people; or thirdly that Christ died for...
Ep.106 - God's Special Agent: The Holy Spirit - Our Greatest Future Hope
What do we mean by the Spirit’s preservation? How sure can any believer really be that they will realise the great hope of salvation? How much is it down to us and how much does he intervene? Does our lack of perseverance cancel out his act of ...
Ep.105 - God's Special Agent: The Holy Spirit - More To Life Than What I Have
Can you be a believer if you’re not baptised in the Holy Spirit? Does the lack of the baptism experience impair your overall journey of faith? Does it impact on your relationship with God? How do we understand the Spirit’s baptism? Have the cha...
Ep.104 - God's Special Agent: The Holy Spirit - Doing More Than I Can
How are we to understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit; from the spectacular and unusual (words of wisdom and knowledge, healings, working of miracles, etc), to the more comparatively normal and ordinary (administrations, helps, mercy ministries...