Survival:Beyond the Bug-Out Bag

What's the Frequency?

June 25, 2023 Bill Bateman Season 5 Episode 23
Survival:Beyond the Bug-Out Bag
What's the Frequency?
Show Notes

A question for our area broadcasters: "Can I tune in to your radio or tv station in an emergency? I'm putting that question to our local media as it is one of the more common questions I get in my classes and presentations.

 In addition, we will talk about the problems with just milling around when you get a notice to leave and how the two questions can actually blend together.

I talk a lot about planning. But what does that mean? We will look at the options for the first few days to help get you started. I'll discuss some Communication options from high-tech to really simple. All that and updates on our open classes for July and August,

Community Presentation:
June 28th, 1 pm
Ashland Senior Center
Free- Please reserve a spot

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Music Pond 5 Individual License, Commercial
Music Pond 5

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Copyright: Refuse to be a Victim Personal Protection Training 2018-2024