The Cereal Grain Café

Season 2, Episode 11 - Grain aeration with Ken Hellevang

Dr. Kurt A. Rosentrater Season 2 Episode 11

Corn and soybean harvest has begun in central Iowa.  As harvest progresses, make sure to watch out for farm equipment during your commute each day.  In addition to physical safety, it is important to consider grain quality and preservation.  Here in the U.S. we control quality by drying and aeration of the grain.  Our guest today is Dr. Ken Hellevang.  He has worked for many years to improve moisture control of grain in storage.  In fact, he even contributed a chapter on grain aeration to my recent book.  

If you are interested, his chapter on grain aeration can be found here.

More about Ken and is work can be found at his faculty website at North Dakota State University.

He can be contacted at  Thank you, Ken for a great conversation!

Our music is Inspiring Cinematic Asia by Lexin Music, which is available at Pixabay.