Anthropology on Air
Anthropology on Air is a podcast brought to you by the Social Anthropology department at the University of Bergen in Norway. Each season, we bring you conversations with inspiring thinkers from the anthropology world and beyond. The music in the podcast is made by Victor Lange, and the episodes are produced by Sadie Hale and Sidsel Marie Henriksen. You can follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anthropologyonair. Or visit www.uib.no/antro, where you can find more information on the ongoing work and upcoming events at the department.
Podcasting since 2023 • 19 episodes
Anthropology on Air
Latest Episodes
#19 Journeying anew, with or without knowledge w/ Marilyn Strathern
Welcome to a special episode of Anthropology on Air.In this episode you will hear the recordings of the 2024 Fredrik Barth Memorial Lecture, held by
Season 4
Episode 19

#18 Muskoxen, reindeer, and performing wilderness in Norway w/Karin Lillevold
In this episode, we speak with Karin Lillevold, a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies, and Religion at the University of Bergen. As part of the research project Gardening the Globe, Kari...
Season 4
Episode 18

#17 Theopolitical patchworks: Evangelical gangs in Rio de Janeiro w/Martjin Oosterbaan
In this episode we speak with Martjin Oosterbaan. Martjin is professor at the department of Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University, with a chair in the Anthropology of Religion and Se...
Season 4
Episode 17

#16 Birdwatching and loss in the Anthropocene w/Andrew Whitehouse
Welcome to season 4 of Anthropology on Air! With autumn on the way in Bergen, we kick off a new season with a resident of another North Sea city: dr. Andrew Whitehouse. Andrew is a multispecies, environmental anthropologist and a lecturer in an...
Season 4
Episode 16

#15 Public affection, morality police & gendered violence in Mumbai w/Atreyee Sen
In this episode, the finale to season 3, we speak with Atreyee Sen, Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen. Our topic of discussion is a talk Atreyee gave at our department entitled, ‘No city for l...
Season 3
Episode 15