No Magic Bullet Podcast - An Honest Discussion on Mental Health

Collaborative Aging



“We age with success when we are in connection with others, it's relational.”

— Sue Lantz

On today’s episode of What’s In Your Toolbox: An Honest Discussion On Mental Health, host Bobby Koven has a conversation with Sue Lantz,  a boomer who is hoping to live a long and healthy life, and founder of Collaborative Aging. Sue is passionate about sharing her healthcare, housing, and caregiving expertise in a way that helps her peers – along with the people who will be supporting them – to envision and fulfill their best possible aging transitions and experiences.

Sue discovered early in her career that designing systems and tools for various populations requires an immense amount of collaboration - not just from individuals but from organizations as well. She took this wide breadth of experience with collaborations to develop Collaborative Aging, a platform that offers educational and consulting services to help individuals, families, and communities, to prepare the way for healthy, empowered aging and balanced caregiving.

Tune in to hear how Sue’s journey with elder care crossed over with various mental health experiences, and for some inspiration to plan your future as you age, collaboratively.

This‌ ‌episode discusses:‌ ‌

✔   Forming teams of care providers to age on your own terms

✔   The effects of aging on our mental health

✔   The importance of planning for care and support as we age


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:01  Welcome

02:29 Meet Sue Lantz

05:10 Collaborative Aging  

09:17 How Sue’s path led her here

14:02 Sue’s career journey 

23:01 What’s in Sue’s toolbox 

26:01 Sue’s journey with mindfulness


27:40 Aging and mindfulness

29:01 Sue’s Amazing Support Team 

31:10 Sue’s advice for collaborating with aging parents 

34:40 Next episode teaser 

Links:‌ ‌ 

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