
Triciclo Peru: Operating a brand new restaurant during a global pandemic

OnMilwaukee Episode 72

Opening a restaurant presents myriad challenges under ordinary circumstances. Owners need to spend time and energy attracting diners to their venue, educating them about the food being served and building a core audience that will sustain their business financially for years to come. Even experienced operators know that it takes time to fall into a groove with service, maintain consistency and find ways of keeping customers coming back time and time again.

Those challenges become even more intense when combined with the uncertainty of a global pandemic. Such was the case for the owners of Triciclo Peru, a Peruvian restaurant which opened just four months before COVID-19 resulted in the mandated shutdown of businesses across the nation.

On this week’s podcast, we chat with Amy Narr, co-owner of Triciclo Peru about the journey that she and her husband, Mario Diaz Herrera, took to open their very first restaurant and the ways they’ve learned and adapted in the toughest business climate restaurants have ever seen.

During our chat, Narr shares insights about the inspiration for the restaurant, describes their unique dishes in mouthwatering detail and offers diners insights into the ways they’ve taken traditional Peruvian flavors and ingredients and adapted them to create their own unique dishes.

Along the way, she relays the inspiring story behind how the restaurant has struggled to survive and attract new customers during these unprecedented times.