Wild Woman Reborn

Eps. 42 (Solo) We Can Feel Good: Reminders for Managing our Mind

January 29, 2024 Kristen Bilodeau Season 1 Episode 42
Eps. 42 (Solo) We Can Feel Good: Reminders for Managing our Mind
Wild Woman Reborn
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Wild Woman Reborn
Eps. 42 (Solo) We Can Feel Good: Reminders for Managing our Mind
Jan 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 42
Kristen Bilodeau

What we need the most - as humans, as women - is to be in  OUR  place.  By “place” I mean alignment - congruence with who we are.  It is in those connective moments when we feel good, when we are in sync - where we feel the beauty, joy, happiness of presence of life and with who we are.  All we want is the freedom and feeling of being in that “place”.

BUT, our anxiety and physical symptoms get in the way, our ego gets in the way - our stories and limited beliefs get in the way,. Our thoughts and inner critic/inner child gets in the way.  We may have dark thoughts, sadness, depression.  

1. Listening to our body
The importance of tuning into the warning signals our bodies and minds are sending

 2. Going within and understanding your story
Recognizing, holding space for, and appreciating the lessons that our stories have for us

 3. Let go of the ego /inner critic
We all have one, it is about setting past the limited way of thinking and being that transforms our view of ourselves

4. Awareness is our greatest asset 

 What we are aware of cannot full consume and control us - awareness is turning the lights on so we can see what we need to process, reconceptualize, and change.

Wild Woman Reborn Program has openings for 1:1 spots where you work with Kristen  to unwrap what gifts you have and start feeling that spirit change your life!! 💃💃💃💃
Reclaim your Power FREEBIE:

3 Steps to Reclaim your Power

Click the link in Bio below to learn more!

Connect with Kristen on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wild.woman.born

Show Notes

What we need the most - as humans, as women - is to be in  OUR  place.  By “place” I mean alignment - congruence with who we are.  It is in those connective moments when we feel good, when we are in sync - where we feel the beauty, joy, happiness of presence of life and with who we are.  All we want is the freedom and feeling of being in that “place”.

BUT, our anxiety and physical symptoms get in the way, our ego gets in the way - our stories and limited beliefs get in the way,. Our thoughts and inner critic/inner child gets in the way.  We may have dark thoughts, sadness, depression.  

1. Listening to our body
The importance of tuning into the warning signals our bodies and minds are sending

 2. Going within and understanding your story
Recognizing, holding space for, and appreciating the lessons that our stories have for us

 3. Let go of the ego /inner critic
We all have one, it is about setting past the limited way of thinking and being that transforms our view of ourselves

4. Awareness is our greatest asset 

 What we are aware of cannot full consume and control us - awareness is turning the lights on so we can see what we need to process, reconceptualize, and change.

Wild Woman Reborn Program has openings for 1:1 spots where you work with Kristen  to unwrap what gifts you have and start feeling that spirit change your life!! 💃💃💃💃
Reclaim your Power FREEBIE:

3 Steps to Reclaim your Power

Click the link in Bio below to learn more!

Connect with Kristen on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wild.woman.born