Small Pods
Lilly, Adrian and their Dad sit down for a chat which includes book recommendations for kids, fun trivia, updates on the latest games and gadgets, movie reviews, topics of the week and much more.You can also drop us suggestions, questions or comments at lillyandage@smallpods.com.au or subscribe to our Fan Page at buymeacoffee.com/smallpods link on this site.
Small Pods
Small Pods Episode 30 - Goodbye to 2020 hope we never see you again!
On todays last show for 2020 the Small Pods review their visit to the magical Quizzic Alley Sydney home of the most Harry Potter merchandise we have ever seen! A must for kids these school holidays!
They also review a new cafe opened up near Dads house and what is happening this year for Christmas.
Thanks to everyone who have supported and donated to our show and please make sure you keep us going for 2021 by subscribing to our Facebook page at facebook.com/lillyandage and donating to buymeacoffee.com/smallpods.
THANK YOU! and Merry Christmas! from The Small Pods.