TDM: Total Dad Movies with Tooky, Dave, & Mike Podcast Artwork Image

TDM: Total Dad Movies with Tooky, Dave, & Mike

Mike Dorval, Tooky Kavanagh, David Rabinow

Mike and Dave are two Gen X Dads who grew up watching movies because there was  nothing else to do. Tooky is a Millennial dad-in-training who grew up with the internet, and thus never needed to watch ROAD HOUSE on cable. Mike (a standup comedian) and Dave (an improviser and occasional academic) will present Tooky (comedian, social critic and dad-in-training) with a new (old) movie every week and answer the important questions: Are white people ok? When did Nic Cage become a whole thing?Are these movies good, or are Mike and Dave wallowing in toxic nostalgia? Every Tuesday, TDM promises to bridge the generation gap, one dad movie at a time.

Intro/outro music: "It's Almost Late Night" from the album WE HAD A GOOD RUN by Dave Rabinow, available at
