My Apologies
An apology doesn’t just mean saying that you’re sorry - it can also mean giving a reason for something you believe. On this channel we will examine various apologies for living a life of faith and virtue! And if I say something that offends you… my apologies.
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Podcasting since 2023 • 27 episodes
My Apologies
Latest Episodes
The Strategy That Disarms ANY Apologist
As a Christian, YOU need to be prepared with an answer to people who question your faith! In this video, we dive into an argument made famous by the Muslim Apologist Ahmed Deedat to reveal a POWERFUL strategy to defend Christianity from d...

Divine Office Disaster!
On the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary I was SHOCKED to see an utter deception on the Divine Office app. I usually have a lot of respect for the prayers contained within, but this time I was disappointed in how misleading the information...

The Canon DESTROYS Sola Scriptura!
The canon of Scripture is the death of Protestantism!! This is what you’d see if you read through some of my comments on this channel. A shocking number of people seem CONVINCED that this particular argument is check-mate when it comes to...

Sola Scriptura Still Stands Strong
In this video we’re going to examine this shocking new argument made on Reformed To Rome's Youtube channel against Sola Scriptura. We'll explain why it falls short and then before the end we’ll even build up a positive argument FOR Sola S...

Scripture vs Tradition | the REVOLUTIONARY system
I’m going to reveal the paradigm that was revolutionary to my understanding of the roadmap. Once I comprehended this, I actually changed my personal view of scripture! We'll examine the BEST system for explaining how people view Scripture vs Tr...