Emotional Autoimmunity: Dealing with the emotional issues of chronic illness

Episode 21: James Stratford, rebuilding his life with Psoriatic Arthritis.

Kerry Jeffery and James Stratford Season 1 Episode 21

James's first experience with autoimmune disease was when he was diagnosed with psoriasis on his scalp and behind his ears at age 14. He remembers his Dad getting mad with him and thinking he wasn't washing his scalp properly and sending him back to shower with some medicated shampoo.

He also remembers the fatigue. James had trouble getting out of bed and getting to school and always felt exhausted. He tried different ointments and creams to help the psoriasis but it always came back.

Eventually James was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis at just 20 years old feeling like his life was over and that he would never get better. Find out how Jame's got his life back in this episode.

Kerry Jeffery is a Coach, Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist helping clients all around the world to overcome the emotional issues of living with chronic illness.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia along with Hashimoto's, Celiac, Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Type 1 Diabetes.

Find out more about Kerry and her Therapy programs here.

Book your FREE online Discovery Session with Kerry here.

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