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We're The Brits In America

A podcast by British expats in the US, for British expats in the US.

We're the Brits In America is brought to you by Plan First Wealth LLC, a US/UK cross-border financial planning and wealth management firm exclusively serving successful British expatriates now living in America.

Being an immigrant to America can be - should be - a wonderful, life-changing decision. But, it can also be extremely challenging, accompanied by some unique and idiosyncratic rules and regulations that can catch the unknowing expat unawares.

At Plan First Wealth LLC, on an almost daily basis, we see Brits in America making many of the same avoidable mistakes and missteps - some of which have been going on for years and can be costly to resolve.

Meeting with prospective clients one-on-one is great and we can have an enormous impact on the people we work with directly, but we're not moving the needle.

We're the Brits In America seeks to address the problem en masse. 

Our mission & purpose is that of Plan First Wealth LLC - we want to help fellow British expats thrive in America. We want them to change their and their family's lives financially. We want Brits in America to be rewarded for their boldness and their risk taking and be wealthier and happier.

We believe that this can be achieved, in large part, by avoiding the expat landmines that can trip them up and by taking advantage of all available opportunities.

We're the Brits In America consists of 3 different show formats:

Ask An Expert will tap into host Richard Taylor's network and bring subject matter experts - professionals in the US/UK advisory space - on to highlight some of the challenges and also opportunities that accompany being an expatriate in America.

From The Trenches will see Richard and colleague James Boyle bring you their take on what's going on in the world. They'll do a deep dive into some technical topics and share their thoughts on some of the popular financial planning aphorisms, all interlaced with the real stories and observations that they encounter on a daily basis in the field.

Finally, Always An Expat is a show where we bring in an interesting expat to talk about their experience moving to and living in America,

I hope you enjoy! More importantly, I hope you thrive



We're The Brits In America is affiliated with Plan First Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor.  The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Plan First Wealth. 

The information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. 

Plan First Wealth does not provide any tax and/or legal advice and strongly recommends that listeners seek their own advice in these areas. 

We're The Brits In America

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