Just Covered

Vanessa Barnes | Empowering Advice : Helping clients take control of their financial futures.

Legal & General Season 1

 In this episode of Just Covered, we’re honoured to be joined by Vanessa Barnes, chartered financial planner and recently appointed board member of the Consumer Duty Alliance. Vanessa is a trailblazer in many ways, running an all-female financial firm, she’s a powerful and dedicated advocate for women and the unique financial challenges they face, amongst many other things. This thoughtful discussion covers a range of key topics, like helping clients to find happiness in retirement, and details some of her own techniques for dynamic financial planning, like ‘the bucket method’. Take a listen…


This episode also covers:

· The evolution of financial planning from product-focused to life-centric approaches.

· Attracting women into the profession and how the industry can improve education, awareness and collaboration to support this.

· How advisers can empower their clients and deliver long-term emotional and financial wellbeing, especially into retirement.