RMR Training Podcast

Set and achieve training goals - Cali Schweikhart

Rich Ryan

Cali Schweikhart is an endurance coach and Spartan pro team member who has been very proactive in helping the community stay fit during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

She has also teamed up with Spartan race and the #beunbreakable campaign as well as the Endurance Project to help spread her message. 

She drops on the episode today to teach you:

  • Some fun challenges to keep things fresh while you train without any races coming up.
  • Why you need to learn about your personal mindset and how to customize your training approach from it. 
  • We even touch on her personal nutrition journey toward the end of the episode that has a lot of value.

Follow Cali on IG @cschweik  and at her coaching website https://cs4training.com/.

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