Make:Cast is a podcast from Make:Community (make.co), producers of Make: Magazine and Maker Faire, and hosted by Dale Dougherty. We are exploring ideas, tools and people behind the maker movement.
Podcasting since 2020 • 83 episodes
Latest Episodes
Make: Turns Twenty and We're Still Going
Dale Dougherty discusses the launch and evolution of Make: Magazine, a DIY technology publication, since its inception in February 2005. The conversation includes insights from original team members Mark Frauenfelder, Dave Albertson, Shaw...

I'm 3D Printing Chocolate: A Conversation with Ellie Weinstein of Cocoa Press
In this episode of Make:Cast, Dale Dougherty interviews Ellie Weinstein, founder and CEO of Cocoa Press, a company that manufactures 3D printers that print chocolate. Ellie discusses her 10-year journey from a high school project to launching t...

Upskilling with Steph Piper
In this episode of MakeCast, Dale Dougherty interviews Steph Piper, a creative technologist from Queensland, Australia. They discuss her Maker Queen website, her Skill Trees project, and her new book, Skill Seeker Maker Edition. Steph shares in...