Thoughts of an Addict

Episode 5 - Give yourself a break

August 25, 2023 M
Episode 5 - Give yourself a break
Thoughts of an Addict
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Thoughts of an Addict
Episode 5 - Give yourself a break
Aug 25, 2023

In today's episode, I talk about the need to be kind to yourself and give yourself a break. 

Show Notes Transcript

In today's episode, I talk about the need to be kind to yourself and give yourself a break. 

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-1:

Hello there everybody. Welcome back to thoughts of an addict. This is M. Hope that everyone is having just an absolutely beautiful day. I know it's a nice day over here. And feeling super grateful that I'm able to even take another breath. So. Today. I wanted to talk about something. Delineating a little bit off from the path that I've been on in these last four episodes. What I want to talk about today is something that I feel like I should have brought up. Way earlier on. And today is going to be. Relatively brief to the other episodes. But today, I just wanted to tell. All of the addicts out there that are recovering, that are deep in their active addiction. Or hell just anybody listening right now. To give yourself. A break.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-2:

I know that addiction is not easy. Whether it be active, whether you be recovering. And I think that you owe it to yourself. Right now. To take a big deep breath.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-3:

Maybe by now, you've come to realize that you are struggling with addiction problems or maybe you've known. That you've had these issues for a long time. And even the fact that you're able to acknowledge that you have these problems. It's incredibly liberating. But it's also incredibly stressful. When you found out that you were an addict, your mind probably started capitulating and circling and. Stammering up and down like a monkey that just wouldn't stop. And it took you a very, very long time. To become addicted. And it's not going to, it's not going to go away overnight. It's just not, it's not going to go in a way in a week or a month. Or even likely a year. This is going to be a very long repair process of self discovery. So for today. Just give yourself a break. Relax. Have the faith that things are going to get better.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-4:

My knee-jerk reaction when I know that there's a problem to be solved as go, go, go, need to get it done. Right. Fucking now you're an idiot. If you don't get it done right now. And this is actually super. Counter. Counter-intuitive it actually doesn't get anything done. There's a quote by Bryant Miguel that says. Your call mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. And it's true. You're not going to still a. Mixing pool of water by stirring it even harder. The water stills when you leave it alone. And so there's nothing wrong. With showing yourself. A lot of self-kindness and self love right now. If you had a friend. Who had something that they had to overcome and you saw them stressing. What would you do? You would do what I'm doing right now to y'all. You would tell them to be kind to themselves, give themselves a break. Relax. Have the faith that things are going to be okay.

Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)-5:

I think I bring this up because I had to practice this myself today. School started. A lot of stuff going on now, calendar filled with stuff. So many things to do. And my derelict. Still will always be addicted mind. Then what it always does. It started beating myself up saying, why haven't you done more? You have so much more potential that you need to reach. You're an idiot. You need to keep doing more. You need to do stuff faster, harder. And then I remembered. That I'm human. We're all human. I mean. All we are just some. Evolved more intelligent apes. Spinning around on this rock through some empty vacuum. I guess what. Living is hard. Whether you're an addict, whether you're totally clean, maybe you've never touched a drug in your life. Everybody. Deserves self-kindness and everybody deserves to take a step back. Take a big deep breath. And recognize that it's okay. If some things are taking you longer than you would've liked. Go outside. Go enjoy nature. Pour yourself, a nice cold glass of water and. Sit in your living room and relax. Do whatever. You can, that doesn't involve drugs that doesn't involve harming other people. That makes you happy. You deserve it. Like I said, you didn't get addicted in a day. It took a long time and. This process of getting clean. This is going to take time as well. So if you've been listening to this for a week and you aren't clean yet, and you're thinking yourself, oh fuck. I did it again. I relapsed, I did drugs two days ago, or, oh fuck. I haven't figured it all out. That's okay. That's okay. Your only job right now. This day. If you are an active addiction. Is to get your head. To your pillow at night. What ha without having ingested any drugs in your body. If you did that, then today was a total win. And hell. Even if you didn't do that, but you still had the acknowledgement that you want to get better. That's a small wind, too. So, like I said, this episode, Is going to be much, much shorter today. And I don't know who needs to hear this message. But I want you to know that things are going to be okay if you believe they will. I believe they will. For you. But you can only believe that for yourself. And for that. You deserve a break. Thank you so much for listening. And I hope you tune in again, next time. This is your grateful recovering addict. Taking a break. This is M.