The Alimond Show

Jonathan Lahey of The Lahey Group

January 02, 2024 Alimond Studio
Jonathan Lahey of The Lahey Group
The Alimond Show
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The Alimond Show
Jonathan Lahey of The Lahey Group
Jan 02, 2024
Alimond Studio

Have you ever wondered how some folks accidentally stumble upon a gold mine while others sweat out daily, barely making it by? Our guest today is a prime example of the former, who ventured into real estate purely by chance and has since turned it into a flourishing venture. Tune in to learn how he managed to strike a balance between life, health, relationships, and business. One pro-tip - he swears by the power of mentorship and how a mentor can save you time, energy and a heap of stress!

Keeping your eyes on the prize isn’t always easy; our guest makes it look effortless. We discuss the significance of staying focused, maintaining a morning routine, and consistently working towards your goals. But it isn't just about working hard; it's about working smart! Discover how a mentor who isn’t afraid to call you out and guide you can make all the difference. Plus, we get into the nitty-gritty of crafting compelling marketing strategies, maximizing video content, and effectively using different social media platforms.

Success can be contagious! Surrounding yourself with successful individuals could be your ticket to personal growth and success. You'll get to hear first-hand how our guest identifies and addresses potential client fears and objections and creates effective marketing campaigns. We all have different definitions of ‘fine living,’ and our guest proves that he genuinely cares about helping others achieve their version, be it owning a yacht or just being able to pay off your mortgage. So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through this journey to find your own version of success.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever wondered how some folks accidentally stumble upon a gold mine while others sweat out daily, barely making it by? Our guest today is a prime example of the former, who ventured into real estate purely by chance and has since turned it into a flourishing venture. Tune in to learn how he managed to strike a balance between life, health, relationships, and business. One pro-tip - he swears by the power of mentorship and how a mentor can save you time, energy and a heap of stress!

Keeping your eyes on the prize isn’t always easy; our guest makes it look effortless. We discuss the significance of staying focused, maintaining a morning routine, and consistently working towards your goals. But it isn't just about working hard; it's about working smart! Discover how a mentor who isn’t afraid to call you out and guide you can make all the difference. Plus, we get into the nitty-gritty of crafting compelling marketing strategies, maximizing video content, and effectively using different social media platforms.

Success can be contagious! Surrounding yourself with successful individuals could be your ticket to personal growth and success. You'll get to hear first-hand how our guest identifies and addresses potential client fears and objections and creates effective marketing campaigns. We all have different definitions of ‘fine living,’ and our guest proves that he genuinely cares about helping others achieve their version, be it owning a yacht or just being able to pay off your mortgage. So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through this journey to find your own version of success.

Speaker 1:

I had a meeting. I had to meet another agent.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because we were bringing agents on board and I said yesterday appointment, thinking it was right off the highway. And when I got to the house I'm like, oh, this is going to make me late because there's 20 minutes in like from the highway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I know Sometimes those little little changes.

Speaker 1:

That little change, I was like oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to go about your first of all, your hair. I love your hairstyle, thank you. The haircut and the style is very, very like. It just makes you look cooler.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

You know you're a completely boring guy with your hair, cut it just makes you look cooler.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Dion Center said. Do you know, Dion Center is the football player. He said you look good, you feel good, you do everything else better.

Speaker 2:

There we go, so I live by that motto.

Speaker 1:

There we go, like you have to try at least. Yeah, appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

I love that. So I'm going to be a little bit about how you got into real estate and just your fun projects that you're working on right now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, absolutely. I got into real estate so I want to say it's by accident, because I actually never had any intention to be a realtor. I got in in 2004 because I wanted to invest, and I actually wanted to invest in the stock market but the only person who I knew who could help me with that back in 2004, she wasn't available. I started reading books about investing in real estate by accident, and so I started investing in real estate. After my first property, I decided to get a license and that's pretty much how the story started. People saw that I was starting to invest in real estate. I asked for my help and I started helping clients left and right, and that was 2004, all the way to 2009,. 2010, when the market crashed. That's how I started.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

I remember I didn't want to be a realtor. I thought one of my best friends from high school became a realtor and I made fun of him. Six months later, I was a realtor. Six months later, you're like I got the right to be a realtor. A year later, I was like, oh, I'm a realtor now. That's funny, you know. Yeah, yeah, balancing life is not easy. It's like an ongoing project or like an ongoing challenge. It's like all right, how do you balance life, health, life, health, relationships and your business, because it's all different parts of your life.

Speaker 2:

And your mental health too.

Speaker 1:

And your mental health right, and then your body health and your mental health and your emotions and how do you balance all that? So this is like what I find is like, and then the more successful you are. If you're like a business owner, it's also lonely because there's not many people you can talk to. So just being surrounding myself with people that I can trust people my peer group who are other people who are successful has been like one of the things that I'm really doing that through networking, through networking and through relationships.

Speaker 2:

Are you in any type of like mentorship, mastermind? Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Actually, that's one of my secrets to actually growing a successful business was All right spill the tea.

Speaker 1:

There's a tea right there, right. So I ended up writing a book about it too. Back in 2014, I wrote a book about my journey of finding a mentor and this mentor one day had emailed me back in like 2011. I was a struggling agent. I was selling like five homes a year, barely making it, and I got an email from him and he said Jonathan, you smell those like automated emails. I know it's not like actually customized to me, but my name was on it, so I read it and it says I'll show you how to get people to want to work with you.

Speaker 1:

Come to my event. So I came to the event and one of the things I never did before was I never paid for coaching. I never paid for somebody to actually show me how to do stuff because I figured I was like 20, I was like I think I was 30 years old at the time and I was like I'm young enough I can figure this stuff myself right, I didn't want to pay anybody to like show them how to show me how to do it. But that changed my life when I hired him as my coach slash mentor. It was a shortcut. Instead of like trying to figure stuff out myself. He's like no, no, just copy this. Copy exactly how I did it and it was a shortcut to success.

Speaker 1:

If you want a shortcut to success, find a mentor, find somebody who already did and accomplish what you want and copy it, and even if it means you have to pay that person a lot of money that a lot of money is money will spend, because you're going to not have to spend your energy, spend your like, waste your like your mental health, right. You don't have to go through all the failures on your own. You have somebody that you can pick their brain on. Even better, if that person's local, if that person's here doing what you want to do, that's even better, because then they already experienced the market in your local market. And if that person is willing to share everything that made them successful, it'll make you successful.

Speaker 2:

Do you mentor other people now?

Speaker 1:

I do mentor a lot. I do, yeah, so that's one of the things that we do. So at the Fine Living Group, one of our things is we help inspire and empower our partners to help them achieve fine living. So that's actually our mission statement. I like it. It's to help them achieve fine living. Yeah, so the fine living is like.

Speaker 1:

Everybody has a different idea of what fine living is right. People think, oh, fine living means maybe I own a yacht, maybe I go on vacations, maybe. But honestly, fine living can be defined in whatever you want. I have a chicken farm. You have a chicken farm right In the backyard on a two acre lot, and that's fine living for you Awesome. Some people say, hey, fine living means I'm in the penthouse unit overlooking the Potomac River in downtown DC, and that's fine living, great. For some people it's like paying off my mortgage, paying off my credit cards, being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whoever I want, wherever I want to go, and that's fine living. You define what fine living is to you. My job in our organization is I'm going to help mentor you. I'm going to help you figure out where you are and where you want to go and what's in the way. I love that, and then I share all my strategies that help me get to where I am. I'm like here's the blueprint and you get to pick my brain.

Speaker 2:

And that blueprint is so important because a lot of times people can hit a certain level of success and they will cap themselves right there because they continue doing more of what got them there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And sometimes that's not the right. Most of the times that's not the right things. You've got to do something completely different.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Otherwise, you'll just stay here Year after year. You'll stay here, Right. And so that's why good mentors, good mentorships, good programs give you that blueprint to say all right, you've reached success at level one, Now it's time to go to level two.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is like you don't know what level two is until you hit level one. And so, like I remember making my first million in one year. Wow, and it was always like the goal I always wanted to achieve, because that's what they talk about and all these conferences right, be a million, like make a million dollars in a year. It was December 31st, 5 pm and we were at $997,000 gross commission for the year December 31st and I'm like I'm not going to make it. At 5 pm I got a call from the lender and he's like, hey, we're clear to close, go to the closing table and we broke a million dollars. I broke a million dollars in one year in commission.

Speaker 1:

And I remember the feeling of like I was so ecstatic and excited the next morning I woke up. I'm like I just reset it back to zero. There's got to be something better than this, right, it's like the excitement only lasts for so long before you realize the end of level one. Now do you want to reset back to like square one or are you going to make your goal bigger? Are you willing to commit to the next level of whatever that achievement is? You know, is it more money? Is it.

Speaker 1:

Giving back, is it something else that's more meaningful than just money? Whatever, it is right and so like right now, it's not just money for it, it's like all right, I want to be healthy, it's the relationships, it's. Yeah, the money is there too, but I also want to help other agents be successful. So right now we went from. Right now we have over a hundred agents around the country that we're mentoring, and that's where like that makes me excited. You know that what makes me smile and wake up every morning is like I get to play a role in all these real estate agents' lives and helping them be successful. It's not just about me anymore.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's such an amazing way to like shift your life in a different way, where it's not just about the money and it's not just about taking care of yourself, but you're pouring into other people. And something else I wanted to touch on, as you were talking about like okay, you hit that million dollars and I've heard that story you shared that story before and that whole resetting. It's like, I think, for most entrepreneurs or real estate agents, anybody who's bringing in their own money for the most part.

Speaker 2:

You think, oh gosh, does that mean I have to work harder?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I just completed this big goal and I worked so hard to get here, and is this going to be like groundhogs? That just resets and I got to do it all over again.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But, as I'm sure you coach and mentor your team, it's like no, no, there's just you're going to get to that million and not have to work so hard. That way you can hit 2.5 exactly hit some whatever other goal, but you're gonna learn from what you did and we're gonna make it easier. We're gonna put some shortcuts in there you said it, that's exactly it.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly it, and it's like. You're right. I'm like. So I reset it back to zero on January. This is December 31st. I hit my goal January 1st. I'm like well, back to zero. So do I want to double that? I don't want to work double. I don't really want to, because I felt like I already work as hard as I can just to make that first million in a year. I'm like. So two million means I have to work double. I'm gonna get sick, yeah, and so I had to learn how to then leverage the power of leverage leveraging people, technology, systems and processes and making sure. Now I I'm very specialist in what I do right, I coach my agents, I mentor them, but I leverage can you give me three tips?

Speaker 2:

right, I mean three freebies.

Speaker 1:

Oh, three freebies huh.

Speaker 2:

Three freebies for agents that might be watching this, or I'm sure this is gonna be applicable to any business owner. Yeah of just little things that you could do in the next week or month that could help shift your life forward.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm. The first thing is find a mentor like that's like I'm most powerful. If I'm ever stuck in a place when I feel like I'm not growing, yeah, I always look at my surroundings. I'm like do I have a mentor, do I have a coach that's keeping me accountable? That's number one. Find a mentor as quickly as possible. You don't have to stay with that mentor for a life. Some some mentors are there for a season for you. Some are for a lifetime for you.

Speaker 2:

How do you know a good mentor versus a one that maybe you need to replace quickly? What's the good signs of a good mentor?

Speaker 1:

They can keep you accountable, because not everybody can. You've. I'm sure you've had that situation before where that person could be inspiring, but that person can't keep you accountable. The accountability is the most important part. They can inspire you, but inspiration without accountability Doesn't do anything. So having somebody who can speak to you, to your life, and say, hey, did you do this? Yeah, your commitment last week was to complete this. Did you do it? And you respect him or her enough to actually show up. So if you cannot show up, it's either you or it's the mentor. Right, but that's the most key point. It's just find a mentor, somebody that you respect, the somebody that you listen to, and somebody when they call you out, you listen. And, by the way, the best mentors will say things that you don't want to hear. So if that mentor just tells you all the things you want to hear, find another mentor.

Speaker 2:

You see, it was such a nice smile.

Speaker 1:

It's like it's the person who calls you out, that's actually can call you out and tell you the things you don't ever want to hear is the mentor who's gonna get you to where you want to go, because otherwise they're just giving you all the bullshit. Sorry, they're just gonna tell you all the sweet stuff that you do you already know anyways. Right, they're just patting in the back hey, good job, good job. No, you don't need somebody to tell you You're doing good job. You know you're doing good job or not without a mentor. You need somebody to just like hey, why didn't you do it? That's it right, there, right? The other part is right now, being consistent. You're gonna be successful in life. You're gonna be successful as a business owner, real estate agent, real estate business owner, whatever it is Most entrepreneur, and I'm sure you agree with this. It's not that we're not consistent.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's because it's that.

Speaker 1:

It's because we love the shiny new object, right, we're like, oh, look at that, that's sexy, I want that, and that one looks good, I'm gonna go over here. And oh, that tool I'm gonna spend $1,000 for because that's gonna make me million dollars. And then you go all over the place. You don't need all those things. You need to have three things, to focus on, three or four things, and you focus on it consistently every single day. You'll make a million, two million, three million. You can go as big as you want, but you have to be consistent, like somebody asked me this, somebody interviewed me the other day and they're like John, what's your theme right now? I'm like consistency, we all need it. We all need it, I need it, you need it, everybody who's listening to this. Consistency, if you can just consistently show up.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna win.

Speaker 1:

Go. And then the third part is show up. Show up. The hardest thing anybody has to struggle with every single day is showing up Everybody, because they have to choose every morning. What am I gonna do? Am I gonna show up to what I'm committed to do, or am I gonna make an excuse or a story? You wanna be successful? Show up, that's it. Yeah, show up, be consistent and find a mentor.

Speaker 2:

I love it. Do you have a special morning routine or are you like roll out of bed and hit the ground? Run inside, guy.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not the kind of get at rolls out of bed and get the ground. I don't do that. I do have a morning routine. I do make my coffee. You know Tony Robbins, so Tony Robbins kind of changed my life so I learned from him what his morning routine is. He's still doing it and that's the same morning routine that I do. I do priming every morning. So I do breathing exercise. I visualize what I want for the day. I go through my gratitude. It's like what am I thankful for? Because when you're in the right state you're more likely to get a lot of things done and actually have a good day, versus you coming in tired and slow and in a bad place. So breathing exercise, gratitude and then visualizing what I want to accomplish.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I gotta get my kids into.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so actually we're going. I'm going to Tony Robbins. I'm crewing his Unleash the Power event in a week in Dallas. This can be my first time actually serving in one of his events. Usually I just I'm an attendant. I attend the event. This time around I get to serve and I'm actually excited to be in the other side of the show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I love that, that's really so fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's such an experience for you Totally great.

Speaker 2:

In terms of like. If you were giving advice to a business owner who I know, you gave us the three tips of how to move your life forward, but in terms of like, besides those three things, what would you say to them? Marketing wise.

Speaker 1:

I like this.

Speaker 2:

They can include or change.

Speaker 1:

Okay, marketing and branding is like I love marketing and I love branding. One of the things that I had to learn is that the brand is like you can be. It could be the color, it could be the logo, it could be the message, but whatever your message is, it has to answer the biggest fear that your ideal clientele has. So you have to know what their biggest fears are and you have to know what makes them happy.

Speaker 2:

How do you find that out?

Speaker 1:

You have to know your people. You have to know your clientele. I can't tell you how you figure it out. You have to do your research, find out what their biggest fears are.

Speaker 2:

Do you ask them?

Speaker 1:

Ask them, talk to them, talk to them, figure out, talk to your. So, like in real estate, talk to the sellers, find out what their biggest fears are and a lot of times, whatever their biggest fears are, they don't tell you.

Speaker 2:

On the first question, You're going to say do you just ask? Do you just?

Speaker 1:

ask hey, how can I help you? What's going on? Why are you thinking of selling? But really, what are you thinking of selling? And go deeper on the questions with homeowners.

Speaker 1:

Their biggest fear right now is like what if I can't find a home that I can buy? There's not enough inventory out there. So our message has to answer their biggest fear. That's marketing. If you want to attract people to you, speak the language that answers their fears. That's the benefit that could be your brand. So our brand for the longest time and it still is is you know what? Your home's all guaranteed. You'll all buy it. Because that's one of their fears. It's like what if I buy a home and I can't sell my home? What if I'm stuck owning two homes? What if I sell my home and there's no home out there? Don't worry about that. I'll guarantee your home so that way you can move. It'll be a smooth transition over to the next house. That's why our marketing speaks to their biggest fears. Business owners do the same thing. Whether you want to do marketing and it's like a special 30-day sale that you're doing just make it so that it solves someone's problem and that's going to be the most powerful message you can have out there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's the most important thing that you can do in marketing, and you were the first person who said that.

Speaker 2:

Really I'm so happy to hear it, just as a little hack shortcut for listeners that are like, oh crap, I need to get it together. I haven't really asked those questions. Something that I found is you can actually use chat, gpt, and ask, literally ask, especially I don't know the free version, but I know I'm on the paid version one you can actually say give me 10 fears and objections, for you got to say or demographic your market, what it is that you offer, and it does a pretty good job. It does.

Speaker 1:

So actually, if you go on my YouTube, we do really like two to three videos a week.

Speaker 1:

Which YouTube channel called On the real estate side, for real estate agents. It's road to real estate success. On the consumer side, for buyers and sellers. I think it's called real estate marketing with John Leahy, and so we have two different channels and we release two to three videos every single week for both channels. So we do like five to six weekly total and those videos are pretty much.

Speaker 1:

I just asked chat GPT what's the biggest fears these people are having right now? And then I just talk about it. So yesterday it's like, hey, here's the four things you have to do If you're a real estate agent. You're going to be successful in 2023, 2024,. You focus on these four things and I'm like, because this is your fear right now, how do I become successful in a market that quote, unquote people are saying is going to crash, or in this market that is slowing down? I'm like, here's the four things you have to focus on and it's just based straight on hey, I use chatGPT, just like you said, what's their fears right now? And then you answer it. And so your marketing can be on social media, it could be on print media, but right now we do a lot on videos, we do YouTube and the live videos.

Speaker 1:

So if people see your print, they're still going to Google you. And when they Google you, youtube is one of the most powerful medias that's out there right now so you could be on social. So our YouTube video we also upload to Facebook. We also upload as Reels on Instagram. We also share it on LinkedIn. So it's on so many different channels. But YouTube they get to see you as a motion picture. They don't just see a story of you and read about you. They don't just see your print media which is on a postcard and they see a photo of you with your messaging. Now they get to experience you speaking. They get to hear that you're an actual human being versus just an idea. That's why YouTube is so important in our marketing. Right now. It's like you know what? Everything that you've heard about me. Now you get to see the real person talking about it.

Speaker 2:

I think it's really obvious. We're sitting here doing a video, right, and this is a video right now.

Speaker 1:

I'd love this opportunity to just be in front of you, because people get to see us as humans.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. It's human advice it does Humanize is the picture, the photo on the business cards or in front of the houses. They've got their sign writers and all that stuff. So yeah, I'm a big proponent of video content, but I just like hearing it from other people like what they think and the things like I was taught or told.

Speaker 1:

I was told it was like 2018, my mentor, right, I paid a boatload of money. We flew together to California. We were in Huntington Beach in California and we sat down at the conference room and he said, jonathan, you should start doing videos. And I remember I'm like sure, sure, I'll do it, because in my head I'm like it's so much work or I was scared. The other part is like I was scared to be on video. So I'm like sure I'll do it. I kind of blew him off and I took notes and he's like you need to do videos and this is what you need to do. And he gave me the whole blueprint Just do it. He's like commit to it. I'm like sure, took me two years, two years later, he's like Jonathan, have you done it yet? I'm like what? He's like the videos. I'm like no.

Speaker 1:

So I started doing the videos in the middle of the COVID year so 2020, when the whole world shut down and I had nowhere to go and everybody's afraid, and I'm like this is a great opportunity to talk to people's fears what is going to happen to the real estate market. So I started shooting videos from my living room. I remember the first video I shot. It was a 30-second video that took me two hours Because I'm like not good enough. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, right?

Speaker 1:

My first video was so discouraging. I'm like, if this is how it's going to work, I'm never shooting videos Until I was like you know what, let's get over it. Just like, just due to one take shot. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, just laugh whenever you're like you messed up. Just laugh. You know, people love the fact that you're not like perfect. People don't seek perfection, by the way. People want to work with people that remorse over themselves and nobody's perfect. So I realized that I'm like you know what? I'm just gonna giggle or laugh. I'm just gonna smile every time I say ohm, or like whatever. Just be human. And now we're just. We're just doing videos left and right and I'm not perfect in any of them. People make fun of me all the time. When I see my video, like I saw you mess up there, I'm like, yeah, that was my design, for nobody's perfect, you know.

Speaker 2:

What's your setup? Look at, look like. Are you doing at home? Do you have a team helping you?

Speaker 1:

So I do my shots. Most of the time will be in my dining room, so I would stand in front of an accent wall like the one that that we are at right now. So, like this, I'm standing front of what wall? Like this, I will have my my ring and I'll put my phone in front of it. And I just read from my teleprompter. Easy as that easy is that I tell people all the time, but not have to be complicated and my teleprompter is on my phone.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. Yeah do you use big view?

Speaker 1:

I use big view. Yeah, here's big view. I use chat gbt. I come up with the ideas from what chat gbt will tell me here's the biggest fears or here's the topics and then I'll I'll work with chat gbt to come up with the content and I'll clean it up to make sure it sounds like me and I put on big view. So that whole thing, per video, will take me about 30 minutes to prepare and shoot. If I'm doing the, if I'm writing the script, and then after I shot, this shot will take Usually one take, and I'm done because I don't care anymore. On days where I'm really picky it might take me like four, four takes, but usually it's one take and the videos are Usually like within two minutes, two to three minutes long max, and then I'll take that video, the raw video, and the script, and I send it to my editor and then so he has a spreadsheet of all the videos that he's going to publish in a week.

Speaker 2:

And then he just says magic, and he does his magic.

Speaker 1:

Comes out with the captions, comes out with all looking pretty, all the b-rolls there. When I talk about houses, there's a video of people showing houses. That's not me. When we're talking about clients, there's people looking at houses with clients. He has all the b-roll part of part already done for me.

Speaker 1:

You just show up with your pretty face and lead off and the actual shooting is like three minutes long, like that actual works, three minutes long. So, and I usually do my shoots on Tuesdays after my sales meeting and I'll just knock out like six videos at a time and I send it in. I love that, yeah, and sometimes my content is just based on what I talk to my agents about. So, like yesterday, I shot a video that's literally based on what I just told my team. Yeah, and I'm like oh, this is good content. So I came back as I'm preparing my lunch. I'm like let's prepare a script just for these four things, and I shot a video.

Speaker 2:

Makes it easy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, makes it easy.

Speaker 2:

Especially if you're in the field doing it and Don't overthink it right.

Speaker 1:

Don't overthink it and and it's like people want to hear what you tell people in a natural setting. So I just I just take the stuff that I just told my my team and I shot a video.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. It makes it easy, simple.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for being on the podcast. Before we wrap things up, is there any message specifically that you would like to share with the listeners, or any special projects or anything that's coming up that you want to touch on?

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, don't give up being entrepreneurs. Not easy People, by the way, people think it's easy because it looks glorious from the outside. Looking in, they're like, oh, look at them. I know it's not easy to be an entrepreneur. It's not easy being a business owner. Just don't give up.

Speaker 1:

And then like, also, the most important part Maybe not the most important, like it's top three is be careful who you hang around with. Like your peer does matter. Your surroundings does matter. If you hang out with people, um, who are responsible, you'll be responsible. If you hang out with people who are healthy, you'll be healthy. If you hang out with people who are not healthy, you'll be unhealthy too. So, just as you're growing your business as an entrepreneur, like the one thing I can tell you, if you hang around with other entrepreneurs who don't believe that they can grow, you're gonna start believing that you cannot grow too. And it's vice versa.

Speaker 1:

And that's what happened to me, one of the things that I learned back early, back, I think. It's like 2012. I was it was right after this conference, and I was sitting at the bar drinking my my liquor and I was trying once. All these agents around me and they're all saying how it is. It is impossible in our market to apply what they just learned from stage. They're like it's impossible, it's not gonna work here and the dmv, that's not gonna work. And I was like what the heck? Because I'm really inspired at that time and I look to the other side of the of the bar and I saw the other side of the bar were people on stage who made it work. So I picked up my drink and I went to the other side of the bar. I'm like, hey guys, I'm gonna go over there. And I started hanging out with people who was making 10 times more than me and at the time I wasn't making a lot of money and I went to the other side and they all became my peer. Until today, the people that I hung out with on the other side of the bar, I can still text and call last minute and be like, hey, I need you guys and they'll be there.

Speaker 1:

But what the best part is, their mindset became my mindset. The way they believe, what they believed in was possible became my beliefs. What they thought was impossible, which is not much, became my beliefs. Their work ethic became my belief. Even the way they dressed I was like they all look Different. People who are successful. They are different, right. So if you want to be successful, surround yourself with successful people, but like truly successful people, not just the one that look good, but it's also the beliefs. Do they have the beliefs and the attitude to bring them successful? Like? That's my biggest thing?

Speaker 2:

And then such an amazing piece of advice if you want to connect with me I was gonna say how can we find out more?

Speaker 1:

John lehicom. John lehicom, j o n l a h e y dot com. Uh, that's gonna take you to my calendar. So if you want to talk to me and do a consultation with me on, you know, if you're a real estate agent or a business owner and you want to like master my and brainstorm with me, I'd love to do that, um. Or if you're a homeowner that want to sell your home and you want to talk to somebody who Help you figure out if it's the right time for you to sell or how to get the most money for your home, just go to john lehicom, um, and then we'll schedule a time to sit down with me.

Speaker 2:

You're good Because you're prepared.

Speaker 1:

This is what I do worked on it.

Speaker 2:

I worked on it. You can help other people.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

That was awesome High five.

Real Estate Success and Mentorship
Tips for Success
Importance of Video Content in Marketing
Surrounding Yourself With Successful People