The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Gardening for the Birds or Is Gardening for the Birds?

Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 4 Episode 15

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This week, Dee and Carol talk about Bird of Paradise houseplants, grains and sunflowers to grow for birds, a bird book, and more.

(Apologies for some of the glitches... we had some Internet issues today which we will work to fix by next week.)

A few links:

Info on Bird of Paradise plants from Costa Farms

Broom Corn from Botanical Interests

Amaranth from Baker’s Creek

Botanical Interests  Songbird Delight Flower Mix and  Purple Majesty Ornamental MilletGerman Foxtail Millet at Baker's Creek. 

On the Bookshelf:  The Bluebird Effect: Uncommon Bonds with Common Birds, by Julie Zickefoose. Julie has a YouTube Channel and a website.  

Some other bird books worth checking out: The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think by Jennifer Ackerman 

Crows: Encounters with the Wise Guys of the Avian World, by Candace Savage. 

The Atomic Weight of Love by Elizabeth J. Church  (a novel)

Dirt:    Bird Feathers and where their color comes from. Blue Birds Aren't Blue, and This is How They Fool You

Affiliate link to Botanical Interest Seeds. (If you buy something from them after using this link, we earn a small commission at no cost to you. This helps us continue to bring this podcast to you ad-free!)  Book links are also affiliate links.

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For more info on Carol and her books, visit her website.  Visit her blog May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee and her book, visit her website.  Visit her blog Red Dirt Ramblings.

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