The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Gardening Talk Sprinkled With Daylilies

July 13, 2022 Carol Michel, Dee Nash

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Carol and Dee talk about drought-tolerant flowers, starting fall veggies from seed now, plus more, with quite a few mentions of daylilies sprinkled in here and there.

Some Links:

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From All-America Selections, a Begonia: Viking Explorer Rose on Green F1

'Porky Pig' daylily

Nan Ondra's Hayefield site for unusual flower and vegetable seeds

Article on growing drought-tolerant plants   

Hat tip to John Scheeper's Kitchen Garden Seeds for today's veggie topic

On the bookshelf: The Once & Future Gardener: Garden Writing from the Golden Age of Magazines 1900 - 1940, Edited and with an Introduction by Virginia Tuttle Clayton (1999)   

 Article about how  bees chew holes in leaves to make plants bloom earlier:  (from May 2020…)

 Documentary Honeyland on Hulu. 
Article on the ethics of documentaries
The rest of the story of the beekeeper featured in the documentary 

Carol's blog post on another Lost Lady of Garden Writing, Mrs. Francis King.

The Aunt Dimity mystery series (Amazon link to first book. Bookshop link to first book)

Affiliate link to Botanical Interest Seeds. (If you buy something from them after using this link, we earn a small commission at no cost to you. This helps us continue to bring this podcast to you ad-free!)  Book links are also affiliate links.

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For more info on Carol and her books, visit her website.  Visit her blog May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee and her book, visit her website.  Visit her blog Red Dirt Ramblings.

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