The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

The Christmas Rose and Lots of New Plants

Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 5 Episode 7

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On this week’s episodes, Dee and Carol talk about new All-America Selections for 2023, a book on birding, and the Legend of the Christmas Rose.

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Here are some links:


Coleus ‘Premium Sun Coral Candy’, perfect for containers!

Salvia ‘Blue by You’, a lovely perennial salvia hardy to zone 4B

Snapdragon ‘DoubleShot™ Orange Bicolor F1’, so pretty!

Leucanthemum ‘Carpet Angel®’, a groundcover Shasta Daisy

Colocasia ‘ROYAL HAWAIIAN® Waikiki’, the first All-America Colocasia winner


Jalapeno Pepper ‘San Joaquin’ (National Winner)

Kabocha Squash ‘Sweet Jade’ (National Winner)

Tomato ‘Zenzei’ (Regional Winner)

On the bookshelf:

Slow Birding: The Art and Science of Enjoying Birds in Your Own Backyardby Joan E. Strassmann  (Amazon Link). 

We also mentioned another book, The Bluebird Effect: Uncommon Bonds with Common Birds by Julie Zickefoose (Amazon Link)

The birding movie we mentioned:  The Big Year


The Legend of the Christmas Rose: Five Christmas Paintings and Their Interpretations by Henry E. Jackson, M.A. (1914). (Good used copies if you search enough. Reprints if you must.)

Rabbit Holes:

Carol’s blog post about her grandmother’s school assignment.

The usual stuff:

Affiliate link to Botanical Interest Seeds.  Book links are also affiliate links.

Email us anytime at  

For more info on Carol and her books, visit her website.  Visit her blog May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee and her book, visit he

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