The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Bulb Buying Advice, Garlic Buying Advice, and a Podcast Recommendation

Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 2 Episode 36

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On this week's episode, we provide advice on buying spring-flowering bulbs this summer for fall planting and buying garlic this summer, also for fall planting, plus we recommend a podcast we recently discovered.

Helpful Links:
Dee's favorite recipes this week include a fresh tomato sauce for pastarefrigerator corn relish, and a caprese salad.

Basil 'Emerald Towers' at Burpee

Flower Bulb Sources include: 

Brent & Becky’s Bulbs for lots of varieties, including daffodils

Van Engelen - for larger quantities especially. John Scheepers for smaller quantities.

Old House Gardens - for Heirloom varieties.

Colorblends - with interesting collections

Garlic sources include Botanical Interest Seeds, Burpee, and Johnny’s Selected Seeds.

On the Bookshelf:  Honey and Venom: Confessions of an Urban Beekeeper by Andrew Coté.  

Another podcast we recommend is The Stubborn Light of Things with Melissa Harrison

We also recommend our weeding episode, Weeding with the Gardenangelists, to help you with your weeding!

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For more info on Dee, visit her website.

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