The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Garden Chatter with Gift Ideas, Plus Slow Down

Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 4 Episode 6

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Carol and Dee talk about Peperomias and Pecans, plus books, gift ideas, and more on this week's podcast episode.

A few helpful links:

The Quotidian Mysteries, by Kathleen Norris.

NGB's Year of the Peperomia info, plus their Red Bubble Store with Pansy products

What are the Differences in Pecan Varieties? By Royalty Pecan Farms.

Pecan Varieties for Oklahoma | Oklahoma State University

Our friend, Jenks Farmer

On the Bookshelf:  Planting for Honeybees: The Grower’s Guide to Creating a Buzz, by Sarah Wyndham-Lewis and James Lewis Weston

Also Some Ancient Gentlemen: Being an Examination of Certain People, Plants, and Gardens, by Tyler Whittle

Lego Botanical Bouquet, Lego Bird of Paradise, Lego Bonsai. (Affiliate links)

GeezLouiseDesigns on Etsy for miniature paper plants.

Email Carol if you want a typewritten note!

Affiliate link to Botanical Interest Seeds. (If you buy something from them after using this link, we earn a small commission at no cost to you.)

Email us at 
For more info on Carol and her books, visit her website.  Visit her blog May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee and her book, visit her website.  Visit her blog Red Dirt Ramblings.

Book links are also affiliate links.

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On Instagram: Carol: Indygardener, Dee: RedDirtRamblings, Our podcast: TheGardenangelists.
On Facebook: The Gardenangelists' Garden Club.
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