FLIPPED Mindset Podcast

Take a Mini Breath Break with Me!

February 13, 2024 Janet Morrison Season 2 Episode 2
Take a Mini Breath Break with Me!
FLIPPED Mindset Podcast
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FLIPPED Mindset Podcast
Take a Mini Breath Break with Me!
Feb 13, 2024 Season 2 Episode 2
Janet Morrison

Strap in at your desk, tread on the gym floor, or lounge back at home as we explore the power of syncing our body and mind through breath. Feel the tension melt away as your shoulders drop and your focus sharpens, learning to command the moment with a gentle inward reminder: you're the captain steering through the storm. No guest this time, just you and me, breathing in sync, unlocking a tranquil state of being. Whether it's the prelude to a daunting task or a pause in a hectic day, this episode is your personal toolkit for reclaiming peace amidst life's relentless hustle.

email: FlippedMindsetPodcast@gmail.com
Facebook: Flipped Mindset Podcast

Show Notes Transcript

Strap in at your desk, tread on the gym floor, or lounge back at home as we explore the power of syncing our body and mind through breath. Feel the tension melt away as your shoulders drop and your focus sharpens, learning to command the moment with a gentle inward reminder: you're the captain steering through the storm. No guest this time, just you and me, breathing in sync, unlocking a tranquil state of being. Whether it's the prelude to a daunting task or a pause in a hectic day, this episode is your personal toolkit for reclaiming peace amidst life's relentless hustle.

email: FlippedMindsetPodcast@gmail.com
Facebook: Flipped Mindset Podcast

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the flipped mindset podcast. Hi, I'm Janet and welcome to the first mini, so I'm super excited about this one, so I hope you guys enjoy. I'd like to take a moment. So if you've ever gotten where life gets crazy and a lot of us live like this, right, it's crazy, it's busy, we're go, go, go, go, overwhelmed, anxious, any of those things. So what I'd like? Because my life has gotten very exciting, it's busy and a little overwhelming because I'm doing things that are uncomfortable, but, whether it's because of good things, bad things or somewhere in the middle, the whole, the mundane of the normal everyday life running kids around, making dinner, cleaning the house, working full time, whatever your life looks like, what I want to do is I want to, I want to just take a minute and we're going to take a breath together. So what I wanted to do and this doesn't you can be in your car when I don't close your eyes, right, like you can close your eyes if you want to, but if you're in your car driving, don't want to close your eyes, but you don't have to close your eyes. You don't have to do anything different. You could be in the gym in your car, hanging on your couch, I don't care, like whatever you're doing, I'm currently sitting at my desk at work. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to just take a deep breath in, and if you want to follow along with me, you can, but if you can do what feels natural for you as well, we're going to take a deep breath in for a count of four, we're going to hold it for four and we're going to release it. If you want to hold longer, you want to less, it's okay, whatever you want to do. So let's take a breath. Ready, I feel good. I want to do another one. Let me start to feel your body relaxing. If you need to take another one, take 10, take 20, take 100. This is a neat little technique that I learned First of all, before I get into that. First of all, you deserve it. You can take a break to take a breath. Breath break everybody. So this is a technique I learned Well back.

Speaker 1:

I am a trainer at my work, so whenever I moved into the training space, I was an operator to plant, and then I had to move into this training space and then I had to learn to like go train operators. And here I am having to go travel to the world, different places, or you know, just different places of people I didn't know and I was very introverted, shy, reserved, I was terrified of public speaking, but I had to do it for my job. So what in this training that we learned is one of the things. The technique that the instructor told us is taking like three big, deep breaths, very similar to what we just did, but do it three to five times. And what this does and what you'll feel when you do this, like how did it feel in your body? Like think about that afterwards, how did it feel in your body? So for me, by the second time I was definitely more like my body. I had tuned out a lot of the other noise in my life. I could feel the air in my chest when I was releasing, I felt my shoulders relax a little bit. You know, I felt kind of wiggled into my into my body, a little bit right. So, however that felt to you, feel how it feels right. And the thing is it's kind of a trick, it's kind of we're calming down our nervous system. So what the instructor had told me is, when you do this breath exercise, what it does is, if you're anxious, nervous, you know, overwhelmed, whatever it is, and then you take these breaths. It makes your body relax. If your body's relaxed, your brain cannot be nervous, anxious, all those things. You can't be both at the same time. So it's basically a way your body is telling your mind shut the fuck up for a minute. All right, we got this, you're going to be okay. So this is a really good technique.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I'm feeling scared, I'm about to have to do something kind of like. We talked in one of the podcast about fear and overcoming fear, and right now I in my life I'm doing a lot of things that kind of bring up some fears because I'm doing stuff that's it's uncomfortable and it's new, and because it's new and it's unknown, it can be scary. So it's kind of one of those. I'm taking a break, I take a breath because I'm like I deserve a break. We all deserve a break. We can take a break in these breaths. Taking this break and taking a breath only takes a couple of minutes, not even that. A couple of seconds. How long did it take us to do those two breaths right? And you can do it with nobody knowing. You can do this like, let's say I have done this before.

Speaker 1:

My son was throwing a Tinture Chantrum, right, he's throwing a fit. I'm getting overwhelmed, I'm getting on the verge of just wanting to like scream, right, because I'm like I don't know what you want, but what I did, instead of doing that and getting mad, and because I knew, like as soon as I knew, if I got mad at him and yelled at him and did that and acted on that impulse of that overwhelm and the frustration and just letting the whole thing of the day come out, I know I'd feel bad about it, because I know he doesn't mean to cause this right. This is just life and how it goes. So what I did would do. I would take a breath, I would tune him out for a second and I would take three, ten breaths, right, whatever I took, I took a couple of breaths. It calmed me down. Now this allows me to go from like it kind of switches that part in your brain from the fight or flight and that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, to I'm now more and a little bit more of my rational brain and now I can handle this. Hey, I got this right, like. So my body's not on edge and it makes it a little bit easier. So just a little tip Take a breath.

Speaker 1:

There's people when I am coaching them, or even some of my friends and stuff when they're coming to me, for they're like my daughter or my sister or some of my friends, some of my good friends and stuff. If they come to me and they're just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I don't know what to do and I'm so overwhelmed, blah, blah, blah. First thing I'll have them do is breathe with me and we'll take two to three breaths. And what I find funny too is you may resist it at first. I've seen this before, done this with my daughter. I told her let's take a breath together and before we even blew out the air this isn't working I'm like okay, we're doing another one, like we're going to do it until you do at least three to five without saying anything.

Speaker 1:

And you know there's a resistance, that will, that can happen and your body resisting it, like it's your brain going no, we're not going to calm down, I don't want to calm down. We're not saying that you're not, we're not invalidating your feelings, we're not. Yeah, we're not saying like that's not that, that didn't happen, that that's not what it is. What we're trying to say is you need to take a minute and you can calm down and that will help you think more Freshly, because you get into this bubble, bubble, bubble, but it's not gonna tada, the breath won't work. Oh, like, just just do it with me, just breathe with me, so if you get overwhelmed and you kind of get that way, you can replay this. If you want, um, maybe I'll put it out, maybe that's good. Yeah, maybe I'll put some breathing you know, hey, breathing with Janet and you and up free on my website and you can download it and you can just, you get those times you're feeling.

Speaker 1:

You know, put it in your phone and a recording that says this says Play this when I feel like you know, when I feel like the world's coming apart or whatever. Right, I have things saved in my phone. I Digress, okay, I have a thing saved in my phone. I came across this thing on Facebook where there was like this kindergarten or class that I don't know if anybody seen this or not, but there was a kindergarten or class that did this recording and in this recording it's these like Little kids giving you like you can do this, and I mean it's cute, it's so freaking cute. And so I listen to it and, of course, things come through your feet sometimes to me.

Speaker 1:

I always say my, my, my Facebook is like the best partner, is like the best partner ever had, like it always knows what to tell me at the right time, because these things that come up all the time when I need to see them and hear them. So this came up. So what I did was I saved that number in my phone and I say call this when you feel sad, when you feel down, and so it's saved in my phone that way. So that way when I come across on I'm feeling good, I'm like, oh, let me go. Oh, play this. Like you know I don't. And then I play it and I'm like it cracks me up. Those kindergarteners are so cute. Like it's hard not to smile and not to be like oh yeah, that's. You know, if I find it, maybe I'll post it in the show notes. So if you guys want to, I'll see if it's still up. If so, like that was, like one of the best things.

Speaker 1:

So again, it's one of those things if you start feeling anxious and nervous and you don't know what to do and you're like that that life. I got so much to do and I got so frustrated and I've got to do dinner and I've got to go pick up my kids and I still want to have time for myself, but I've no time for myself and I got all this stuff going on and I just don't know what to do. Take a breath, just take a breath. It doesn't cost anything, it doesn't. It doesn't you know. It doesn't take like hardly any time at all. You deserve it because you're a badass motherfucker. So you got this. Okay, you got this. Just remember, take a breath, serve, take a breath, and I use this all the time. So I hope this helps you. Thank you guys for taking this breath. Break with me. Let's take one more breath before we go. Inhale, fold, exhale, until next time, stay. Wonderfully weird.