Things You Should Know

Checking in with the Girl...I'm Still the Girl!

February 28, 2024 Traneisha Season 2 Episode 13
Checking in with the Girl...I'm Still the Girl!
Things You Should Know
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Things You Should Know
Checking in with the Girl...I'm Still the Girl!
Feb 28, 2024 Season 2 Episode 13

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Welcome co-worker and friend Crutch back to show as she and Traneisha as they share the joys of solitude, lessons learned from Beyonce, and provide another reminder that you ARE NOT IMPORTANT AT WORK!

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Welcome co-worker and friend Crutch back to show as she and Traneisha as they share the joys of solitude, lessons learned from Beyonce, and provide another reminder that you ARE NOT IMPORTANT AT WORK!

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Speaker 1:

What's up, gang? It's Trinicia English and you are listening to the Things you Should Know podcast. You know, I remember once upon a time you had this really dope black-owned tie-dye t-shirt I'm about to tell you. Should you bring my shirt back, bro? You lost it, it was a wild night.

Speaker 2:

I lost it. I gave it away to the people On a Tuesday, it was a fucking work day. Nah, I'm gonna go.

Speaker 1:

I've never been so upset with you, I think in my life and in our entirety of our friendship. I think that is the angriest I've ever been with you, going to pre-service hungover Like we didn't know he was gonna have to be at work at 8 o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Well, it should have probably even earlier, and I know you were recording this shit, motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

I mean this would all either be part of the intro or the outro. Yeah, welcome back to the podcast. This is the Things you Should Know podcast featuring Tanya Tanisha English. I'm Tanya Tanisha English. I am back with, honestly, like a crowd favorite, a fan favorite of the pod it's the homie, danielle Crutcher, and the round of applause. I'm gonna let you slowly make a little clap.

Speaker 1:

Make a little clap for them. It's been a minute. I mean not for me. I talk to you often. I actually have been talking to you for the last hour. It's been a minute but and so we got to do, because the last time you were on the pod you were getting ready for your six weeks sabbatical. So we do got to check in about that a little bit, let the people know how that was for you. But we kick these things off with housekeeping every time. Gotta do a mental health check. How are you doing mentally right now?

Speaker 2:

Man. To be honest, I feel like the end of the year was a little rough, but 2024 has been super promising for me. I think I am vibrating at such a high level. Right, I've been. I've been doing my journaling every day. Hey, right, I've been actually like working out lifting the low weights. You know, I get fit and fine. Fit and fine, come on, fit and fine. Right, you know I'm not going as many walks, but, yeah, my mental health is good today. I do this again next month, who knows.

Speaker 1:

But not today overall we vibrate.

Speaker 1:

Hi, baby, that's what we got to do. We got to take it one day at a time. Now you mentioned journaling. I want to bring this up because I think this is really cool. I think you should tell the people about this. I think it'll be inspiring. One of the things that I know that you've been doing is writing letters to different people in your life, different things in your life. Talk to me about that, because I mean, that's a form of journaling, but I feel like it's a little bit more Now that journaling is intentional. It's intentional in a different way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I appreciate you bringing that up.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I think it's a great question.

Speaker 2:

No. So actually, when I was on my sabbatical, I thought about I wanted to do a form of healing, a form of like grieving, a form of celebrating, right, it's something I realized is that I really love writing and I was like you know what? I kind of want to start a podcast. One of my favorites was like you should do this, I think you're funny. And then I came on the things you should know.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to the podcast.

Speaker 2:

And I started thinking about a series I wanted to do right, and I'm calling it audio letters. So I've been writing letters to different things in my life that were traumatizing, things that I've celebrated, entities like I wrote a letter to basketball. I wrote a letter to love. So, yeah, and I do think it is a form of healing. I wrote a letter to. I had a went to Champaign, urbana, illinois, right, I went there a few weeks ago and I wrote a letter to Champaign, which was super healing because the end of my time in Champaign wasn't the greatest, but when I went there that weekend, I remember like those first three years which were pretty fucking magical. So I think creating the whole narrative versus just looking at a glimpse of things is something that I've learned and I've realized through writing to these different things in my life. So, yeah, soon to come I'm going to start releasing them, maybe in April.

Speaker 1:

Hey, april. So we'll be on the lookout for that, let us know We'll get all of the info out to the people. Yeah, I think that's mad dope. A girl from Cedars City Yay, look at the girl from Orange. So I'm so glad that mental health is doing well. So sabbatical how was it you took six weeks off of work and what was that like Not waking up and having to go to work every day. That I don't remember, you haven't had it yet.

Speaker 2:

You will be working. Since we sent us to school. You sent me to pre-k at like two Robbin getting up every day with something to do. So every day? So low key? Don't tell them by this. I was like asking them sabbatical for eight weeks. Listen, because when you're intentional strategic.

Speaker 2:

It takes sabbatical right before the holiday break and you get an extended time. Yeah, man, it was everything the first week. It's kind of like all on vacation, so you just kind of like bullshit around. I took some time and I sat in silence for about 60 hours. No other human interaction, no TV. I listened to music a little bit, but it was just instrumentals, and I just read, spent time with myself, cooked myself dinner and really just sat with who I have become, where I am now and where I want to go. And it wasn't easy, right. There were moments of so many tears, right. Moments of joy, moments of like clarity and, like I think that everyone should do that, shaya, like it's nice to be able to think without the interruption of social media, human interaction. Right, it's just, it's really powerful and I wouldn't do it like twice a year.

Speaker 1:

I'm with you. I did something similar right before you went into your like 60 hours of retreat. I, for my birthday, I went out to Brown County, indiana. For those who don't know Southern Indiana, my birthday's in October. It's beautiful in Brown County at that time of year.

Speaker 1:

Just like fall, everything perfect, and I was in like solitude for 72 hours. I did listen to music because music is just such a driving force in my life, but being like disconnected it was everything. I want to do it twice a year. I want to do it once around my birthday and then once in the spring. I again, if I could like, tap onto that, like everyone should do that. Spending time with yourself, like the healing, like the tears, the amount of time to like reflect, uninterrupted, without any other, like without social media, without human interaction, is so powerful. It was like changing for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I agree yeah. It's hella dope. But you know what, though? Imagine doing that and then being able to do whatever you want to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 2:

Not have to re-engage with work or with. You know what I mean. It was just like wow this is crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, like that was.

Speaker 1:

You know I had three days and then I had to go back to work, like you kept to keep riding that way.

Speaker 1:

And I'm saying it like I'm hating, and I am, but I'm hating because, yeah, I'm not there yet, but I'm very grateful that you had that. And I will say this I don't know if I've said this to you like you came back so refreshed, like you are like on your shit, like the focus, the drive right, the moving the things forward, the way that I'm seeing you show up, and not even like just at work. Right, cause I think we no, the people know this, we work together, but just I'm more impacted in how you are, like showing up as a human being, like I think the way that you show up as a friend is even different and more powerful and impactful. From that time right, like the way that you checked me y'all crushed this some shit to me in the middle of her sabbatical that like has changed my life and it was literally like this is not your mission. What is your mission? You need to spend the bulk of your energy on your mission.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I guess I'm still in that Like. That's the thing that you should know. Like yo the bulk of your energy needs to be spent on your mission whatever that is, and sometimes you aren't at a place where your mission, and some people never get to a place where their mission is what supports them right, financially, whatever and so you have to work into someone else's mention to fund your mission, but the bulk of your energy should be spent on your mission, and that, honestly, has allowed me to be sick from work this week.

Speaker 2:

Cause that shit's not my mission?

Speaker 1:

It's not. This is my mission. So with the little energy that I have, I'll get back to them on Monday. They give me PTO. I got sick time. I'm going to use that and with the little energy that I got, I'm going to work on my mission and not theirs.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, cause you know what?

Speaker 1:

You're also not important at work. I'm not, you're not, I'm not, I'm not, not important at work. I've been out all week. I've been out all week. Everything's still going. They still slacking me. All of it Is all happening. I'll slack you today. Yeah, a lot of people slacking me today.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people thought I was going to be back at work today. Jada gets that. I guess you're right. Jokes on you. I thought I was coming back to work on a Friday. No, for what? What's the purpose? It's over. I'll see y'all on Monday. Bye, maybe Tuesday. Yeah, no, I'm going to be back on Monday. That's good, I will, but I'm kidding.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, what's up? Friends? Let me start by thanking you so much for being a listener to the pod. Really appreciate all the love and support we're getting thus far. With that being said, I need to ask a quick favor of you. First of all, make sure that you rate and review this episode and be sure to share all of our gems and content with everyone out in the world who needs it, and that's everybody, trust me. But secondly, if you haven't already, be sure to follow us on social media and, most importantly, make sure you subscribe to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts. I said this in the in the tease. That may or may not make it. You haven't heard about this risa tisa thing no girl, come on, you know, I'm so listen, it's real, me too, and I'm gonna be honest.

Speaker 1:

The only reason that I've heard about it if I were to be a hundred percent honest to myself is because I've been sick and there is really only so much the price is right that one can watch, wow. So risa tisa. Now I want to name at this point as the at this recording. I'm only halfway through it. This is a 50 part series, but 50, 50, 5, 0, 5, yeah, I mean listen, yeah, we get knock it out it's 50 10 minute segments.

Speaker 1:

Right, you can. I got to 25 last night and that's when, like the cold medicine just finally like took over and was like girl, go to sleep, rest, rest, you can finish this tomorrow. I until yesterday was not. I did not have tiktok, but as yesterday, tiktok was the only place that you could see all 50 parts, so I downloaded tiktok yesterday. Risa tisa is now is this tiktok celebrity, who has done his 50 part series called who the fuck did I marry? It's a 50 part series about how her ex husband was like basically a fucking car man and like a liar and played her and now. So I have not gotten into like the downfall part and like how this all comes out, but she tells this story about how she matches this man in 2020, in March of 2020, which was such a wild time. She matched with a man. In March of 2020, they decided that they were going to quarantine together. He had told her like he was divorce. He was working as a manager, originally a like a regional manager at a condiment company in Atlanta.

Speaker 2:

He's working at a condiment company in Atlanta.

Speaker 1:

They decided quarantine together. The company is going to purchase him this house, they're gonna purchase this company car. He just keeps talking about all this stuff that he's going to buy and financially provide. And this stuff, like the big stuff, like the houses, the cars basically this is a synopsis. They keep falling through but at the same time he's paying all of the bills, caring like all of the utilities.

Speaker 1:

All she's having to pay is like her car insurance, her phone bill mm-hmm so she's staying in this relationship which she talks about one of the moments in it, because there are moments in it where she calls him, she calls him the United Nation of red flags, and there are moments where she's talking about the United Nations of red flags.

Speaker 2:

I have been listen.

Speaker 1:

There are some times where. But she talks about how, how intoxicating it was to be provided for financially.

Speaker 2:

Sis, I get it wait, the United Nation of red flags is just sitting here right now.

Speaker 1:

The hilarious, yeah, so we run some fire though we I'm it's so in intoxicate, like intoxicating right, like fire is fun, it's because they tell us is dangerous and we're not supposed to mess with it, right, but like that's why you see all those SVU episodes where firefighters are pyros. I mean it makes sense. The math is not. Yeah, the math be math anyway. So all this stuff is fine through, but he's paying for things financially. Girl, she ends up pregnant, she has a miscarriage, there's like all this extra around it. But essentially, long story short, the man was lying. She refers to him as a pathological liar at one point he lies to her about his grandmother passing, his grandmother and his uncle passing from COVID during the height of COVID. She later comes to find out that none of that was true there's scamming, 10 scamming 10.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, you gotta find her. She, I mean, she's not hard to find, she's everywhere and like there's stories on her everywhere. But uh, yeah, that is that. That has been what has been driving me this week.

Speaker 2:

I'm not laughing at her, but she.

Speaker 1:

Well, she does. In the first video she talks about like sis, I laugh to keep from crying, do what you need to do. Some of this is funny like I get it, like it was my life like, but I get it. So she comes to the table, she, she knows what it is like. She gets it. She talks about where she feels like she made mistakes right. She talks about getting into situations where she was depending on him financially. She talks about how a lot of this stuff happened while he was still her boyfriend and that she shouldn't have married him but she already did. Like she knows what's up. She's about to get a lifetime movie deal or some other stuff. She's all right, we can Google, that's fine listen, I'm gonna go see the movie me too, but it reminded me a lot of remembering.

Speaker 1:

Remember what was his Zora? Remember? This is like maybe over a decade ago, the girl that was talking about that was tweeting the story about I don't know maybe they were some strippers or something in Florida. It was all on Twitter and then they made it into a movie you're expecting them to have. 10 years ago. Yeah, you know, I really knew that was a stretch, but I am going to ask you this?

Speaker 1:

I meant to ask you this earlier, but I forgot. Now I'm remembering. I know you remember this. Where were you when Beyonce broke AT&T and Verizon and T-Mobile?

Speaker 2:

trying to figure out like damn, I ain't paying my phone bill, you're legit. So yeah, let me tell you. I am so unapologetically myself and I'll say that me and one of my friends and a whole bunch of other people have been on the same phone bill for like 19 years.

Speaker 2:

Oh, plus 10, plus yeah so I paid a good under $70 a month unlimited data. I got the newest phones, whatever cool. So she takes me. Like that night before I was like yo pay your phone bill, right. So in the next day I was like I'm gonna pay tomorrow. I wake up I'm looking at my phone like SOS, cut the bitch off, cut it back on, cut it back off, cut it back on. I'm like, damn, did they cut my portion off because I ain't paid her the money yet? So I'm like, yeah, she fucking with me. Oh, she did cut my line off, bro. This is crazy. But then someone sent me like a article about like a, or a tweet actually, because you know we find everything out on Twitter about y'all really not gonna call it me as company with a Audi.

Speaker 2:

What do you call the? The outages, and I'm like yo, I don't know y'all. I was like well, I guess nobody can't reach me now, but I definitely was impacted and I just want 18 t to give back my $70 for the month. Thank you, can we please post that somewhere? Can we add 18 t when we post this? Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I mean because I would agree I didn't pay the phone bill. I mean I don't pay my phone bill. Still on the parents plan, shout out to y'all, love y'all. Mr and Mrs English are the best. Let them to. And I think that they should be really funded because I didn't get service back until like 3 pm, like my only job all day, which was wild, and I just love my queen like that, so much that she would break all of the phone services at one time. That was really amazing.

Speaker 2:

She could have given us a head up. Let's talk about the, the, Virgo.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about her because she's really kind of clowning, because I want to say we're gonna talk about the Virgo we don't stand for. But I do want to say this historically if you perform Super Bowl halftime, your streams shoot up. You make so much money off of that. They don't pay you to perform the halftime of the Super Bowl and people agree to do it because you make so much financially off of doing it that it's okay. Yeah, beyonce didn't even give us five minutes to bask in what usher had done, because then she dropped new music.

Speaker 2:

She, in the way, only ever go can listen, she capitalized and even have a break as what they had to rehearse and have the reform perform nothing nothing, just was sitting there unbothered while we stress to hear these country music songs.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna play, I'm not gonna hate, right.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna and I'm not gonna front, I'm not gonna be like, oh, the girl is a country music diva, cma cuz she's not. But I, you know, I love a little Shania Twain every once in a while give me a little like, you know, buckle bunny situation. You know it's a couple of bops, right? You know I was ready for Old Town Road, right? Yeah, yeah, you girls who have never listened to a country song in y'all's life will talk and say up and down that you hate country music. Are now these country divas? I can't listen.

Speaker 2:

Everybody game more cowboy boots, more hats, they might have outfits, baby the cat, when Beyonce goes on tour for this album. Baby I, you heard it here first.

Speaker 1:

Here's my prediction and Parkwood, please do not like if I'm correct. Know that this is hypothetical, but I'm 95% sure I'm correct. I do not believe that Beyonce is going to tour this album. I believe Beyonce will be doing this album in the sphere in Vegas. Beyonce is. She toured the world to see us. Now she is going to make us all come to Vegas to see her for this act to. Let's go back to reading. Alright? So Beyonce came to me in a fever dream. I'm not making this shit up. So the guy for those who don't put it all together the girl was outside, the girls to outside. Nba all start was last weekend. The girl was outside. She was to outside. She called COVID. The girl been inside on men mandatory five days inside mandatory, mandatory, five days inside.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what the CDC following the recommendation so the mandatory inside.

Speaker 1:

Right now we're on day three mandatory inside, so two more days left. But it took me a minute to break my fever. I did not break my fever until yesterday. Praise God, praise the Lord. But in one of my fever dreams, beyonce came to me and she said part three is the Destiny's child reunion you've been hoping for. That's what she said in my face.

Speaker 2:

It's a two to forty-three, february 23rd, 2024, and you said it first, beyonce, if my sister's right. Yeah, run us a check, me too, because I'm having a like 10%. Run us a check right now just 50-50.

Speaker 1:

That is something. Just don't listen honestly, and it really don't have to be a check. Just put me on the mailing list for the new drops. Like I saw that she had a, an event where she invited like some big super fans for the sacred hair release. Right, I just want to be added to that. If I am correct in any capacity, those are my predictions. My, I just am predicting that she's doing it in the sphere, but in the fever dream, she told me, part three was a DC.

Speaker 1:

That was a Destiny's child reunion. I bet there is talks that is probably a gospel album which, like that'd be cute, I guess like mmm.

Speaker 2:

But whatever I heard it was gonna be a R&B John like a soul.

Speaker 1:

Well, here's. I mean I'm gonna say this like All right, do I want to sell album for like a, an R&B soul album from Beyonce? Yeah, sure, but like, how is like we get R&B soul music from Beyonce all the time? Like I feel, like this means like these three acts of renaissance are going to be something Different, that we don't get all the time right. We got all that house music. You don't get a bunch of Beyonce house music like that.

Speaker 2:

Never never.

Speaker 1:

And now we're getting country music. We've had One country Beyonce song. She may give y'all a little rock album. Okay, cool, Whatever. But in my fever dream again she said it was a DC 3 union.

Speaker 2:

So what if she did a rap?

Speaker 1:

album. I Mean, okay, I'm saying this is, if like, oh, I'm not gonna like, oh, I'm gonna be unimpressive from a Beyonce rap album, I mean, like, I just don't think it's going to be something that we get all the time, I just don't think. And a rap album, an R&B album, that's regular for Beyonce, that's just regular for her. Okay, I just me personally. But again, there's that.

Speaker 2:

We went down a rabbit hole there a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we did, but shout out to the queen love the vergos or yanky shout out to the.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna say I realized during renaissance that I Kind of was holding a grudge against Beyonce.

Speaker 1:

Oh, talk to me more about this.

Speaker 2:

Because I was super sad that she didn't leave Jay-Z. Okay all right, right, right, right. That was what eight years ago I don't know However long ago.

Speaker 1:

I can't sign time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a social contract and I think I looked at relationships a little differently, like a lot of like black and white right, cuz I had this idea when I was a kid, that Long to know what you know your partner, you'll be married forever. Yes, I thought simple relationships were.

Speaker 1:

You know what I love this journey that we're going on and our if you are down for it. I would love to explore this even more because I think so many people walk into relationships with that simple Foundation of that is. All it takes is that I agree to be faithful to you and then we can run this thing into the wheels, run on a fall off, and while I think that that is important, there is so much more to relationships in that it.

Speaker 2:

It's one of, I feel like, being faithful might be Not at the bottom, but it's not very close to the top. There's so much other shit, right? Do you think about how these other relationships people are not monogamous, monogamous, open, polly that it's just so much right, right? So I say I had to say I think I was mad and right, and Then rest. Lots came along and I kind of remembered how like Much of a icon and genius and how powerful she is, an intentional, and I'm like, oh my god, babe, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, like that was immature of me. I'm up. I'm up now.

Speaker 2:

I grew up now and I also think about just looking at doing a little deeper dive, going to the book of hold during my sabbatical and Really listening to Beyonce and going to the concert and going to the movies and just really thinking about like this motherfucker made a mistake or mistakes whatever, but the foundation that you all have built Right, like it's worth fighting for. And we don't know the ins and outs, we don't know what actually happened because they're private, like that, which I appreciate shots of the Virgos. But now, as I look at relationships myself and my own relationships, as they're so complex and Everybody outside has all this shit to say, but they have no idea the love or the respect or the commitment or the sacrifice that the two people or more whatever have put into that relationship. So who the fuck am I to judge? Nobody, right? So, yeah, my bad babe, please still put me on, give me the check when you, when you actually do the destiny child for the third part of the side.

Speaker 2:

It's like my bad book of hold was great, loved it. Well, yeah, man, I just. I realized that that was a reflection I had, as I've been like Listen to Beyonce more again. It's just like yeah, yeah, so dangerously in love, listen to that song every day, every morning. Now I'm like that's why you still here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, it's just like. Yeah, I Mind is a cheating thing. I hope to be able to build something like that with someone like that is Amazing to me and and I even think and we talked me and Brea talked about this on a previous episode I even think through like him standing up on that Grammy stage like that and as nervous as he was and hello said, right, you even went up there with the point to be like yo like y'all really shating this woman that I love. Like what is it?

Speaker 1:

and it takes so much to get there and there you don't know the ins and outs of their relationship, what was agreed upon, like all of those things, and so it really helps you to one Mind your own business, right my fucking mind your own business is a reminder to mind your business and drink water and Realizing, like yo, what you got over there with you, like in your relationship, might be different than mine, but what it is is me and this person have to have to make an agreement on what we are going to do, or these people, right, depending on how many people are in the relationship.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the people ever you're in this relationship, singular or multiple. If we've agreed on what this is, that's all that matters. We've agreed on this and these are the rules, or the the box like that we want to play in or we want to play by, and if you don't agree with that or if you don't want to get with that, cool, but you ain't in this relationship with us, so it don't matter right, mind your fucking business, get some water, get some water, go get some water.

Speaker 2:

But you know what? To something that like. So it is on me to couple that's been together 10 plus years, eight, whatever. I'm always like okay, what's the secret and the thing I hear the most as Communication? Right, so what you just said? Right, communicating that we're on the same fucking page? Right, but at least in the same chapter, shit, oh, you're in the same book the Sun, tide, motherfuckers. You in fiction, I'm in nonfiction. Let's, let's get it together. Yes, right. The other thing I think that comes up a lot is this needs to be your friend. You have to actually like this person. You really need to like this person. So those, I think, are like the top two things. Communication and I even take it even further, just thinking about my own relationships, I think, effective communication, yeah, because I've seen what not being on the same page shit, not even the same book has done for my own relationships.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's friend and romantic right. Like I think that that is, that is the the foundation of Every relationship, right, business, personal, romantic Right. Well, you gotta make sure you have that strong communication and we're all on the same page. I often say, like I'm looking for a Partner in crime or a teammate, like I want us to be on the same team. Right, I want for the goal, I want for us to be aligned on where we're going and how we moving to get there. All right, let's go.

Speaker 2:

Let's hit it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I.

Speaker 2:

I recently see sabbatical taking me so many places. I recently thought about, like, what do I want in a partner, aka a teammate? Right, I've been on teams my whole life and I even think about, like where have I been successful at I've been successful at work? What have I done here to make my team successful? Oh, I felt my team with people who have strengths that I don't have.

Speaker 1:

Oh, talk right, come on, talk to them. Come on, what should they know? Let's go.

Speaker 2:

I think sometimes we separate, we try to separate our professional life from, like, our personal lives, and that's fine. But, like, look at some of the characteristics of the attributes that like make you successful in both and then use it as crossover, right? I get the focus analogy all the time. I Am a visionary. I might go to my team, be like yo, I want to go to the moon. You know my team gonna say, oh, let me. One of them is gonna be like oh, let me do some research to see you know what people have done before. Oh, let me make a list of things we need to do. They're gonna do their thing, gonna come back and we're gonna miss the time together. I'm like, okay, this time I'm gonna get to the moon, that's how my team works, right. I'm like this is what you do, that's how do we do it. That's it, because I know I'm not the person to go. Well, let me go. Look at this excitement. Pedia, I just dated myself mad.

Speaker 1:

She said encyclopedia. I'm curious to where she's going to get it in psycholopedia.

Speaker 2:

Well, I got a library. My big ghost it is doing shit for free in museums. But anyway you have to, from my perspective, is fill your team or your part, have a partner that is going to compliment the things that you don't have, but you need to win the championship. Yeah that's how I feel, and once I got more clear about what I bring to the team, it helped me understand what I need my teammate to bring.

Speaker 1:

I Love that, I love that. And we'll say I'm in a similar place, right, I'm not gonna say like I'm not a visionary, but where I thrive is if you tell me where you want to go, I can instantly make a plan for us to get there. Now Do I want to execute the plan first to get there? No, but I can definitely make the point yeah, there we go. And so that's what I need. Like I need an executor, I mean someone who's going to be able to. I'd like to idealize with me and us Come up with vision together. I'm gonna be able to get us, to have us a plan to get there. And I need somebody who's like let's go, let's get to work, let's do it because I'm coming.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, but I don't want to do the work, yeah that's not for me.

Speaker 1:

That's not where I get my joy at. Yeah, and you have to know that. Yeah, I really appreciate that. That's super dope and uh, thank you, beyonce, for teaching us that.

Speaker 2:

Hello, that's all I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

That's how we say it.

Speaker 2:

If I finally forgive myself for not forgiving Beyonce, where?

Speaker 1:

will we even be? Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we will never have leveled up.

Speaker 1:

You know, this is what we gotta do and this is why she is the queen, this is why we go up for her the way that we go up for her, because even as she is leaving, living Her private life, coming to me and fever dreams to let me know what the vision is gonna be, where she's teaching us lessons. He is yo shutting our phones off so we can reflect. Look at that. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Beyonce, we gotta find our jz.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we do, or something like it. Listen, I don't know, I want to hold exactly, but hey, you know me too.

Speaker 2:

I think that might be the wrong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know we'll switch some stuff up. Listen, oh man, oh listen, you know what I was. We've given the people the gems, just as always, just sprinkling the gems. Hey yeah, boom, boom, boom. Uh, let's go ahead and get out of here. Uh, you got anything you need to promote, anything else you want the people to know, people to be on the lookout for.

Speaker 2:

This is what I think people should know, right, because I don't even know if we're gonna air this during black, during black history. Oh yeah, it's coming out, it's gonna be out next week, so for black history. I just want to share something to help put some things in perspective for our Our brown folks. Right, we have such a great entrepreneurial spirit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we do we do right. We're always like, oh, I got this great idea, let me start this business, but only between two and three percent of us actually have employees. Mm-hmm, yeah. So I say all that to say build your business, find resources, hire people so that you can work for an organization or people can work for a company that shares the same values.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's the things people should know Start your shit and hire your people.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I love that right, Like that's what it takes to be the community that we want and what we need. To be right, we have to fooboo for us, by us.

Speaker 2:

We got to be looking up for us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. That's all I got.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that. That was good. It's always great talking to you. I don't know why you be tripping like you. I don't know. I'm gonna say ready yeah no, you got it. I don't know what you be tripping for. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate this, and thank you for dealing with my congestion. We'll see you all next time, hopefully feeling a lot better. Shout out to the homie a, d, a correcture, gang, gang, gang gang in the Virgo crew audio letter out there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and look out for audio letters. We're definitely going to get all of that going. You all have a great rest of your day. Like, subscribe, share. I'll see you next time, bye, bye. Today shout out to Shani.

Speaker 2:

Bring my shirt back.

Speaker 1:

Bring the shirt back. Please get in contact with the podcast the number is 2399696 and return crutches t shirt. She needs it back.

Speaker 2:

And I was a good one too. Shoot, I'll be bugging.

Speaker 1:

Got a little too drunk.

Speaker 2:

You know I was like you know what, but I feel like I was put here to share with the masses. So your t shirt Listen, sharon is caring man and Karen is also caring.

Mental Health and Self-Reflection
Risa Tisa TikTok Saga
Understanding and Respecting Relationship Dynamics
Effective Communication and Teamwork in Relationships