The Horsehuman Connection Matrix

Jini Patel Thompson part 2

February 23, 2024 Ishe With Jini Patel Thompson Season 2 Episode 4
Jini Patel Thompson part 2
The Horsehuman Connection Matrix
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The Horsehuman Connection Matrix
Jini Patel Thompson part 2
Feb 23, 2024 Season 2 Episode 4
Ishe With Jini Patel Thompson

As our conversation continues, we explore the natural wisdom of the earth and herbs and bio-connective understandings.  Jini's engaging stories wind through nuggets of wisdom and inspire true spiritual connection to every living thing.  

For more information on names or materials referenced, or to contact Ishe- please email.

Show Notes Transcript

As our conversation continues, we explore the natural wisdom of the earth and herbs and bio-connective understandings.  Jini's engaging stories wind through nuggets of wisdom and inspire true spiritual connection to every living thing.  

For more information on names or materials referenced, or to contact Ishe- please email.

This is the Horse Human Connection, a captivating podcast where we extend into the world of equine assisted learning, horse training. and gentleness in working with these magnificent creatures. Captivating stories from the leading professionals and ordinary people alike unravel novel ideas in being with horses. The Horse Human Connection is an idea, a place, and a voice. The idea is to support the quiet revolution and recognize the intelligence and true nature of the horse. The place is a destination farm near the Umpqua Forest and River that slows down visitors and patrons enough to experience the shift. The Voice is this podcast. Welcome to today's episode. Oh, I love, I love that. This story about Jax stuck in my mind because, I've had horses not want to get in trailers and I often thought like there's a reason for this, you know, there's something, something going on there. What you do with the horses in the video and being with them and the animal communication, you do tapping. Do you do tapping with horses or to help horses to help people with horses in that relationship? Or is that really separate with just people? Well, um, the thing with tapping, so just for people who don't know, we're talking about an acupressure tapping method. So the most common one that people know is called EFT and you just. tap on acupuncture points while you're saying going through the process. So where this came from was again, back to my health business, listen to your gut. I have extremely severely chronically long term ill people that are going through my program. And for any kind of chronic illness, when you're looking at why, why this disease and not some other. Why have I done all this, but I'm not healing a foundational root of your disease, your unease, your imbalance is almost always going to be found at the emotional or spiritual layer of your existence. And so I had been telling my readers. It's just for decades. You have to use simultaneously a healing therapy that integrates the mind, soul and body, right? So that would be the acupressure tapping, hypnotherapy, somatic experiencing, craniosacral at level two or higher. You have to get into that. Well, the issue with that was if you go to see a practitioner for any of those therapies. You're looking at, well, here you're looking at a minimum of 150 a session. That's on the cheap side. So how many, when you have someone with a chronic illness who has so many layers of trauma, how long is that going to take to clear that from someone who's too sick to work and generate money? And so then I would say to them, I would say, you know what, go and find a course. I'm going to be doing a course on, you know, EFT tapping because that's something you can do for yourself once you learn the technique. And I found it so helpful. I became a certified practitioner because I was using it for my kids, for my animals, for my friends and family members. So I thought I really want to learn this. So I became a certified practitioner. A certified EFT practitioner. Well, then I went looking and people were like, I can't find a course. I'm like, oh, I go looking. Well, no, because all of the courses that teach you how to tap to the place where you can actually affect change are geared for people who want to be practitioners and therapists. And so guess how much they cost 3, 000, which fine, if it's going to be your business, that's a reasonable amount to pay, but again, we're back to the cost issue. So then I teamed up with another friend of mine, who's also a certified practitioner and we created this course, which is my version of it, which I really emphasize the mind body connection. So I called my version laser tapping. So if you go to laser tapping. com, you can try a free session with me. You've got a choice of three sessions that usually apply to most people. So that's where the whole, and that's what I then made available to all my people, all my health people to be like, you've got to get into this emotional, spiritual layer. And here's a way you can do it at a fraction of the cost. Right? So that's that program. And so then the horses of course, know that I have this knowledge and this is the way that you know, that a healing therapy is very effective is if your animals. Ask you to do a session. Um, and so I first became aware of it. I had two cats from the same litter again, both feral and neighbors. A feral cat had had them in an old car on her property and we got this panic call and she was like, the coyotes and the raccoons have already killed two of them today. The whole letter is going to be dead by tomorrow. Can you take a kitten? Because if you don't take them, they're going to be dead. So we were like, okay, and we went over and so we took two kittens. Well, the one kitten was the most terrified being I've ever seen in my life. And because she held this energy of fear and terror, guess what she created in her reality? Every bad thing that could happen, happened to this cat. Like it was insane. Like, and I'll give you an example, like opening, you hold a door open for her. She wants to go outside. Okay, go outside. But she's too scared because she's afraid that the door is going to close on her. So you're, you're like, I'm here. You're safe. You can go through the door. But she has this, again, we're back into the emotional, spiritual trauma body. The minute I move that door could hit me and I could be dead is what she's running. Right? So she doesn't go and she doesn't go fine. You go, okay, fine. You, you let go of the door at the minute as the door starts to close is when she decides to go. Then guess what? She gets hit by the door. And it was interesting cause my kids were young at this time. And I was like, do you see what marbles is doing? Do you see how your energy creates your reality, how you get back what you put out? So she was this amazing teacher for, for me and the kids. So anyway, again, right? I got two businesses. I got three young. So I sit down with this cat. I go, you got one session. Let's go. So I do a tapping session on her behalf. And that's called surrogate tapping. So once you learn the technique, yeah, you can do sessions for your, any pet, any animal, you could even do it on behalf of another human, although I don't recommend that, because you really, for humans, like, we need to take responsibility for healing ourselves, if at all possible. However, I'll tell you where it's useful, when you're on an airplane, and you got a screaming baby. Am I tapping for that baby? You bet I am. Because we're going to help that baby, so the whole plane can be helped. So that's where, where are those spots? I have a trip coming up just in case. Yeah, but you'd have to know the whole technique. Okay, right, right. Yeah, but here's some easy spots just for people who are experiencing, like, let's see, you've got a lot of fear, anxiety that runs up. A really good spot is right here. So this is your little divot. Um, you know, in your, in your chest and here's your collarbones and so you go just below that divot right here. So you can either do it with four fingers or you can just do it with a loose fist. This is called the thymus thump. This is your thymus gland right here. So you just tap there and you feel your feelings. I'm feeling really scared. I'm feeling high anxiety. I don't think I can handle this. I'm super anxious right now. I don't know how many get through this and you just keep tapping and that alone or the other one is on the side of your hand. Same thing, four fingers. You just tap on this and you speak your feelings either out loud or in your head. And because this helps those feelings instead of being trapped. To start flowing through the meridian system of your body. So even if you just use those two points, you will likely experience some shift in intensity or, you know. I'm just curious because I have a horse that's coming up laminitic and she has a history of this. Is this something that you could use for that? Yes, and ironically, I have a tapping video for laminitis. Oh, you do? On my YouTube channel. Gosh. Or free, just go there and follow along and substitute. When I say I am Montaro tapping for Montaro, you say your horse's name. Sipsy. I am. What is it? Her name's Sipsy. Yeah. I am Sipsy tapping for Sipsy. I'm Sipsy tapping for Sipsy. Three times. I'm Sipsy tapping for Sipsy. And then you just follow along with me in the video. Oh. And people. Yeah. The people who've done it said, wow, this was. This completely changed my perspective and I got more information and yeah, great. Just go to my YouTube channel and type in laminitis on the search box for my channel. It'll pull it right up. Okay. Thank you for that. Thank you. Yeah. Wow. So do you still ride? Well, so at the point that Zora said, I don't want to be, I want a team. Uh huh. And now I'm into three horses, three more horses, four, and oh, I didn't even tell you. So after I got the three horses, the five acres, I was like, okay, I can just manage this on this five acre property by rotating fields. Well the people who own that land. Who had never had a horse or anything to do with horses and because I put some money and I created a gravel paddock and I built a new shelter because they had guaranteed me that I could have the place for a minimum of a year, but really unended because the only thing that they would do if I left was maybe put some cows on there to keep the grass down. Well, they had been watching me with my horses and I would often, and their lawn was here and then the pastures rolled away. There would be times I would be down here like four acres away from them in the pasture. I'd look up and I'd see them sitting on their lawn chairs. I became their TV. They would literally sit on their lawn with a drink and watch me with the horses. Because they were absolutely taken with what they saw happening with these. So I'm going to talk to you a little bit about what's going on with these feral horses and me, I didn't even, most of the time, I was not even aware that they were doing this. I was like, well, they're so far away. What can they see? Well, apparently they saw enough that they became completely taken up and inspired and within a month or two of me getting the three new horses. They go on an auction for a slaughter rescue on Facebook and they buy a horse and it's going to be delivered in 24 hours. And I was like, Oh my God, and they were like, we were so inspired. And then we saw this horse and she was going to slaughter too. We couldn't. So we just got her. And I was like, Oh my Lord. And I said, well, I don't know if this herd is going to accept her because they were going to integrate it with yours. Without talking to you first. Yes, it's their land. So I get told the horse is arriving in 24 hours. So I created a separate area for the horse. And I said, we're just going to have to see what happens. Wow. Oh, that's the video of the one that gets let out of that little spot. That gets, maybe that's not the same one. No, no, I didn't video their horse. Okay. Okay. No, she wouldn't have been in any of mine. But basically we tried a number of different ways. And the herd, Odalina in particular, would not even let her approach the fence line. She would go after her with teeth bared and I was like, okay, they cannot be integrated. So guess what then has to happen? I have to leave. Because it's their land, which again, long term, very, very insanely stressful and difficult. But turned out to be the best thing for the long term gets us onto this other property. So um, that had also been happening at the same time. So things are really different now with 11 horses. So riding is no longer really a, yeah. So my point about telling that story was to show you how the mayhem increased. Exponentially, who has time for riding at this point, right? That's right. And now I've got three semi semi feral horses. So I'm at the point in my own journey where I still believe I have to get these horses halter trained at least, because if they all good, yeah, escape, how am I going to get them back into the pasture? Like I need to halter train. So now I'm I'm back to the very beginning with Um, like, especially with Odie, this, like I said, the sight of a rope, she's gone. So I have to start. So that took up a lot of time and energy. Um, and then I was, then I had to get them used to going out, you know, on the roads and blah, blah, blah. That takes, so the whole thing just kind of went by the wayside. And then by this time we're shooting the YouTube videos and we're into a whole other realm. We've gone so far down the rabbit hole, there's no coming back from it. Right. And, and so. Riding just became this, and from time to time, I'd be like, Oh, I'd love to, but now the only way I want to ride is like, I mean, I've always ridden bareback since I was a child, but now the only way that I want to ride is with nothing on their face. Or not even a neck brain or anything. And I want to just be able to go and be in that. So from time to time, the horses, especially Odie, she would give me exercises to do. She'd be like, stand there and do this with your energy field. And I would fail and I would fail and I so and then I'll screw this so I got so many chores to do and I go back to do. So the writing conversation with us is not over. I'm still would love to ride again but there's just been literally. No time to devote to that because there's been so many other things that are more important and so, and you know, and, and I guess the importance of writing for me has faded because I found that deep connection, that deep communication in so many other ways. Um, and you know, you have to, as, as a horse person, you have to always understand that it doesn't matter how connected you are and how sentient and your telepathic communication. Like I'm on 160 acre wilderness ranch. If a cougar comes out of that tree line, the horse I'm riding is taken off. There's not going to be any dialogue or any communication. It's going to bolt immediately. Now I'm 55. What happens is the horse bolts and I take a tumble. Can I afford to be injured at this point in my life? So there's that whole specter that's entered into it. And we, we are like, we have Cougar, bobcat, lynx, bears, moose, we have everything here and the horses are on high alert. Um, and I have four guardian dogs and so yeah, I could ride, but it's, it's, you know, with everything you have to take your physical environment into consideration as well. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I understand what you're saying about that. I have, I have little bits that are similar in some ways. Yeah, but I'm not saying no. It's the dialogue is still open. Yeah, it's a hard edge. I found this edge and I've gone back and forth with it until finally I came up with, you know, if I'm going to give them a choice. It has to be a real choice. I can't just give that lip service because otherwise what happens is they call me on the bullshit and I ended up feeling really, really awful. So I finally came up with, as far as health, safety, and travel go. We're going to be in benevolent leadership. You're going to really need to do what I ask you to do. And, but it's not a hard line. Like there's, there's questions, there's some negotiation. Um, but when I ride, I want to be able to go on co created rides where we're really in it together. And I may not be bareback and bridalist, but I'm probably bareback pad and halter or bazelle. That's my favorite. writing stuff. Um, but, but it is, it's, it's a difficult line to walk. And once you have the knowledge, you, you can't unlearn what you know, you really can't. And so that's what I call the quiet revolution. In the horse world is so much knowledge. And I think a lot of it comes from people doing equine assisted practices or some kind of emotional healing work with horses or for horses that open up to some amount of telepathy where you can't go back. And there's so many of us now that I feel like there's a real tipping point of that spilling into traditional horsemanship. And softening some of those pure dominance practices that even if they look gentle, like there's so much natural horsemanship that I watch and, and watch with some people that I feel like are on board with me, that it's still like the people doing some of those videos are not. Consciously in their body while they're making the video, which is a very difficult thing to do. Like they may be in a heart space when they work normally, but somebody turns that camera on. And the minute you start talking, you're jumping out of your gut and your heart. Now you're in your head and people just don't seem to understand this. And so this is the package that I'm calling. The quiet revolution. And so one of the things I like to ask people on the podcast are, are you part of the quiet revolution and how well, and I would also expand that question. Cause I don't think it's just a question of, do you want to ride today or do you want to ride right now? Of course they say yes. And then you get on and you're riding for whatever amount of time. And the horse is like, okay, I want you to get off now. Are you going to get off? Are you going to come up with five reasons why you can't get off right now? It's too far for me to walk home. Um, there's nowhere for me to get back on. You know, like, and that's where our agenda driven and, and I will, I am the first person to admit, and I say this in all my videos, like my default to dominance is so strong. I was an abused child. I, I was like, do what I say or I'll beat the shit out of you, right? That's my entire upbringing. So I have such a default to dominance that I, I almost for many years had to go a hundred percent like benevolent leadership for me was like, no, I cannot do that. You open the door for that to me. I'm going to dominance. I know it. It's my default setting. So I would have to go a hundred percent the other way to saying to the horse, you're in charge. We're just going to do what you say and I'm not going to, I'm not going to have a player in this game. I'm just going to do what you say. And what was interesting for me is when I went to that far extreme, I realized, damn, these horses always, and I'm not kidding when I say always, I'm talking a hundred percent hit rate, have better ideas than me. So if I had allowed myself to, to have any kind of leadership or direction, my idea would have been this. Yes. Their idea is always better. So then I went, well, what's the point? I'll just do, I'll also just do what I say. But then that's when Odalina started talking to me about, yes, but what do you want? Right? So you can't just leave the game entirely. Like if you have a heart's desire to ride, to sit on my back and have me carry you, then we have to have, we have to enter into that conversation and you have to own it. And then and then so that's where we're at now of all these other things expanding and then her putting me through exercises to go see where your energy is at and you'll see where it is at because we are in an open field. We are not in an arena, and you are doing what I'm telling you to do and then you're going to see how, how. Me and the other horses respond to you. So, can you tell me a little bit more about that? Is that, is that like an exercise of expanding the electromagnetic field of your heart? Is it moving your energy up and down your chakras or grounding? What, what does that mean when you talk about that energy? Well, it's, it's basically whatever she says she tells me to do on the day. So I'll give you an example because this is on my blog because I actually had a friend there and the horses told her Start taking photos. So again, I didn't know she she pulled out her phone because she was off in the corner and I was in this. We have this huge. It's an old cattle barn, so it's really big with like 25 foot high ceilings and Odie had told me to go stand on one of the slow feeders and she said stand. So then I would be at the height where she could walk up next to me and I could gently get on her back. Right? Um, because she's a Belgian mare. She's tall. So she said, go stand on that slow feeder. She said, and hold the intention of what you want for me through all the levels of your body. So I, I went and I did that and in silence and I was when I did, it sounds super simple, right? But when I did that, the things that were coming up to my mind, to my heart, through my energy field. And, and you could see there was this. It's unworthiness or unwillingness to stand in my heart's desire. And at the same time, my friend Juliette's taking photographs of me and you can see it in my body, my unwillingness and my hesitation and my. of which I was, I was aware that I was feeling this. But again, like we don't, we have a disconnect. We don't understand that everything that we are feeling, thinking is reflected in both our physical and our energetic body. And so, and so I couldn't do it. I literally could not hold my heart's desire in purity. And so that was, and I did that over and over and over, and then one time I'm doing it, Kalia, the wild, one of the strongest females, walks up right next to me. And I'm like, no, I am not getting on your bad, like, oh, this is the answer I get, Kalia. No, hell no, because for Kalia, she's, uh, so we tried to trade, this is when we were trying to set, we thought she'd leave without her herd. She's nine months pregnant and using no, no tools. There's no whip. There's no nothing. Um, the, the rescue owner and the trailer guy who has. 20 years experience trailering wild horses were just gently walking towards her to get her to move towards the trailer. She scaled a five foot steel arena panel like climbed it over and then blew through a solid four board wood fence. That's Kaliya. That's the horse who's offering me her back. I was like, hell no. Hell no, sister, because I could, you could feel my weight and then you could, um, I think it's I was like, I could, you could feel my weight on your back. And then all of a sudden decide, I don't want you on here. I'm flying through the air in the next millisecond. So it's, the dialogue is fascinating to me of what is ensues. Yeah. And the trust. It's interesting to me what you're talking about, because. Teaching intention is part of how I've been teaching writing. It's not like I have a lot of students, but I occasionally get a couple or, or, and I like to work with them one on one, but to get my horse to go somewhere, you have to have intention. You can't just use aids, you know, that, that doesn't work. They won't go. Um, and then with the equine assisted practices that I do often, it's like young Ian type work with toys and big sand tray in an arena with the horses. And a lot of what you were describing about what comes up emotionally will happen. And, um, and so like, I know those two things, but I don't know them as like one thing together necessarily for me. I mean, it's fascinating because anytime we're with horses. It is an opportunity to work on ourselves and it's right there and it's in your face and different people take that challenge differently, but when you respond with just dominance or you respond with fear or you're still working on coming up with all the trust. That you absolutely need, especially as our bodies get older, like that trust thing is, is harder, right? Because the, the, the risks are higher. Yeah. Well, and here's an, here's another thing in part of my dialogue with Odi. I would like, let's say, so then I got to the place where I can hold that. I can hold my heart's desire in integrity through all the levels of myself. I can own it without projecting it. Just owning it in my own space and my own truth. And then the next thing that Odie says to me is she says, um, I'm worried about you fall. We cannot afford for you to be hurt. She's like, this is our primary mandate. You, everything rests on you. You cannot be hurt. So I need you to train your body. And she showed me pictures of me doing dive rolls and somersaults. So that if you fall, you are not going to be hurt by the fall. And I was like, ah, that's been a long time. So I went and I was like, when is the last time I did a somersault? I could not even remember. Like, do you know the last time you did a somersault? No, but I know the last time I did a handstand because I can't do them anymore. Right? Exactly. Right. So I go, I go, well, I think I'm okay. I'm going to go in and when I got to my house, I was like, I'm gonna do a somersault. I did a somersault and it hurt my head and I was disoriented and I was like, wow, this is one of those. Use it or you lose it as you age. So then I started going out on my daughter cause she's a gymnast, we have a trampoline. So I just started going out and doing somersaults and, and, and then I kind of got, then I got busy. And I didn't even get to the dive rolls. So now our, our riding conversation has stopped. Because I'm not willing to do and, and like valid, like I said, a cougar can come out. She bolts sideways, I'm hitting the dirt. How am I going to land? They cannot afford for me to have anything broken. They can't afford for me to have a concussion like no one can, right? So um, that's where things kind of stalled again. And then I was there one day and I was just like, you know, a little bullshy little mood that you get into. And I was like, no, I'm fine. I'm spry. I'm spry. And she's like, Right. I'm like, no, look, watch. And I run it the four foot slope. It's about three feet off the ground. Like watch. And I run at it to show that I'm going to leap on the sun and show you how spry I am. And I tripped and I ended up like sprawled across the slow feeder and she just got looks at me and walk slowly away. I was like, Oh, beautiful, beautiful. So yeah. Yeah. They are so wonderful. Could you even imagine your life without horses at this point? No, I mean no and even like now it's interesting when you move horses to different environments because now that we're on this 160 acre ranch, which I it's awesome because my whole living room kitchen Dining room has floor to ceiling windows So I have a 360 view of the ranch so I can see the horses usually unless they're like up in a tree line or really far away. And I have binoculars there that I can just grab. So I can see them and connect with them at any time physically even. And so what's been interesting is I'm actually physically going out there less. Because it's like I feel like they're a part of my life, whereas before when I had to drive to a separate location to physically see them, I would make sure I would get there, you know, four or sometimes five times a week. And now it's just like everything is just so much more chilled out and it's more on a, you know, well if I'm doing chores or like I gave them we gave them hay yesterday so I was out there for a while with it like it's just it's a, again, the whole relationship. Shifts again I was on 200 acres for a long time with my herd and it was, you know, 3 to 4 horses. Sometimes others would come and go. Um, and for a while there, I was in a tiny house. So if something scared them in the middle of the night, they would thunder over. You know, right, right to the little house. And I could hear them coming in like, protect us, protect us. There's something out there. Yeah, it's, it's really different being on 10 acres now. And I'm, I'm really missing that not having more land, um, and not having more of that. And there's pros and cons to both, right? There are. You know, when you're on self boarding and you're on limited land and you just see the negatives, you don't see the positives. And the positives are that it forces you to take. Set aside concentrated time like I will be at the barn from this till this and and for me when I arrived at the barn, my cell phone would turn off. And I'm fully present. So it provides a space for that kind of like, I guess, going to a gym or going to a yoga class versus doing yoga in your studio at home. So there's there's pros and cons to each to each side of it. And I had grown up having horses On my own land, but I could just look out and see at any point and having that level of communication. Then I moved all the way to the other extreme. And now I'm back to so it's all I can say is, yeah, there's clear, um, benefits to whichever I'm sure is you're experiencing to whichever setup you have and to just. You know, I wish I'd focused more on, well, I didn't know because I didn't have the contrast at that time, but there were certainly clear benefits to having them on a separate piece of land that I then drove to. And yeah, yeah, it was, it was reminding me of having all the land. Again, when I watched the video of yours coming in, where you had the, the cubes laid out and you were waiting for them to come down and then it ended up being a problem with the gate, but just. Seeing and hearing them come in. There's just something about that that I didn't miss. What are passionate things that are up for you right now? Well, it's interesting because Um, I've moved to this more again on the land, and, you know, now I have four dogs and I have, well right now, 12 sheep and so it's transitioned more to the holistic farm ranch experience rather than Just the focus on the horses and, you know, with animals and, and not only that, but the dialogue with the land itself and the trees. And like, I felt very strongly that I needed to dig a second water hole for them. And so I had to enter into a dialogue with, with everything to go, because that's a huge thing. Like you're going to excavate, uh, you know, seven foot deep. 20 ft wide hole on a piece of land, you better talk to everybody before you do something that disruptive. So for me, everything has, and the levels of communication have expanded far beyond just listening to your horse, but the horse within an ecosystem. And everything is interdependent within that ecosystem. And now you're listening and talking to everyone. And then for me on this ranch, Burdock has been a huge part of things. Oh my Lord. And you know, the thing is on, um, I've heard from other people that there's certain trainers. Funny how they tend to be trainers who will no longer watch my videos because they can't stand to see the burdock in the horse's manes and tails. And you're like, well, so let me give you a few more examples. And then, um, I had another woman who I don't even know a hundred comments across all of my videos and even replying to comments that other people had made, ranting at me. Because the horses had burdock in their manes and tails. And it didn't matter how many times I told her, listen, I can, and I have removed every burr, and it doesn't even last 24 hours. Within five hours, they're all back in. So what is it you're saying to me here? You're asking me to do something that is impossible. And then And then her rants were like, no, you are responsible because you purchased that land and you brought the horses to that land. I'm like, well, would you rather they had died in the slot? Like, and I'm like, what is really going on here? Like how and why is Burdock pushing the buttons of these? Like I'm, she must've spent hours commenting on all my YouTube videos. So that, that's really just fascinating to me because like, first it's like, what is, what is her trauma or experience right around something like that. But then in another way, it's like, I want to ask, how is the Burdock serving? I'm thinking there's some purpose that it's serving because if the horses, Burdock is way down there. If they wanted to avoid some of it, it seems like maybe they could. I don't know how much Like Yes, they could. They have 160 acres. They don't have to graze where the burdock is. Okay, so it's not everywhere. Then, the other question is, what are they pointing at? Because sometimes horses will bring your attention to things in the physical world like that. My horses do that all the time. I, I mean My lead mayor would show me where she thinks the water should be. She'll show me where, she showed me where I didn't know there was water on the larger property. They know, they're really connected with the land. So it's like, is something out of balance? Is the burdock Is the burdock saying something, you know, there's like all of these other questions that people miss when they're stuck in their judgments, but there's a reason they're stuck to, and there's a story, there's a story to that. Exactly. And I think again, like, that's part of the medicine of burdock, like for burdock to have the ability to trigger those people so powerfully. That's a strong medicine, right? I'm going to talk a little bit about Burdock because all those questions you asked, 100%, absolutely. And so part of my journey, because of course, now if I'm here, I've not just got Burdock in my horses, I've got it all over my dogs. And, and, and coming in my house and sticking in me and like, it's like, because as the animals pick it up, they move it all over the ranch. Right? And so, so first question, what is the purpose of Burdock? Why is Burdock here? This land was massively, horribly overgrazed by cattle for 15 years solid. Guess what state the land is in. It is compacted. It has no minerals left. And I know that because I've always given my horses free choice minerals. They are literally vacuuming them up here because they're not getting any minerals from the forage. There's like, 100 different plants here, but they don't contain minerals. So they're having, the horses are supplementing, self supplementing. So what does burdock and thistle and all those super annoying plants do? They have the long tap roots that pull the minerals up from deep in the earth and put them back into the topsoil. So I don't even want to get rid of burdock. I want burdock to do that. And burdock can, how long would it take me to remineralize the soil? Like going out there with a powdered mineral blend and like. And I said, Don't don't even go there. That's absolutely ridiculous. It would take me years. It would cost me tens of thousands of dollars, or I can just let bird off and thistle and Mullen and all the other plants that come when soil is destroyed and disturbed and, you know, depleted do that job for me in probably two or three years. Right. So for me with, and then the other part of it, when I was hitting a peak of frustration myself with Burdock is I was like, right, I'm going out there, I'm going to meditate with you. So I went out to a patch and I dropped into meditative state. And at that point, Burdock said to me, go and get a plant. You must hold us. You must experience. So Burdock had me, and I was such resistance to going over and taking a Burdock plant, you know, but I did it. And then. Once I did, and I started pulling apart and it was like, explore every piece, like get, understand this knowledge in your physical body, like get to know me physically. And as I, I was like, wait a minute, the, the stocks of Burdock were like ropey. I'm like, why isn't, why aren't they making rope out of Burdock? Like with Cecil, right? Or why aren't we making cloth out of Burdock? Like flax. Mm hmm. Right? Like, and so all of a sudden, all these ideas and then the stock itself was so woody. I was like, I wonder if you could make DMSO, which is a healing substance that I use extensively with my gut people to dissolve scar tissue, right? So if you have scar tissue inside your intestines, you can't, there's no way you're going to function properly. You'd normally have to go for surgery. Well, we have a protocol that actually softens and dissolves that scar tissue and DMSO is a huge part of it. DMSO is derived from tree bark, but I'm looking at the burdock. I'm going, you're, this is like a tree. This is not like a plant stock. This is like a small tree. So now I'm thinking, so burdock says, as all these ideas are flooding me, as I sit with burdock and I explore her, burdock says to me, you can, you can cut us down, but don't get rid of all of us. Don't like leave some good patches because you are going to need us in the future. And I was like, So I said, okay. And then the other thing that happened was I, as part of this conversation with Burdock, I said, well, I, And again, the foundation of plant medicine is that whatever plants appear on your property are there for you as well, because our bodies are in a dialogue with the plant world. So I'm like, the fact that burdock is everywhere, obviously there's something here for me too. So I, um, as well, dug the burdock root again with permissions asking and asking where, and burdock told me how much to take. And I made those into tinctures. And, um, after I had created the medicine, I thought, Oh, well, I should do some research on what burdock, because I knew it was a liver cleanser and gallbladder support. I knew that, but what else could burdock do? Well, I was blown away. Like we have randomized clinical trials showing that burdock. We're taking, I think they were taking it three times a day reduces the recurrence of diverticulitis from 10 percent from 34%. to 10%. Why, why would you? I mean, what is, how is burdock doing that? Like when you think about what we typically think of, you know, burdock and thistle, we tend to class them in the same liver cleansing category, right? Liver gallbladder spleen, but obviously burdock is capable of so much more. And so as I did more research and I found actual clinical trials, I was like, this is a super medicine. And then the most interesting thing that I found, because in my tinctures, um. Some of them were like really like there was a layer of sediment or white cloudy thing on it. So I tagged a couple of herbalists. I'm like, What is, what is this? And they were like, it's inulin. I was like, oh, oh, burdock is 40 percent inulin. So when you tincture it, the inulin comes out from the rest of the medicine. Then I find a clinical trial done with um, mice, I believe, where they gave the mice just the inulin from burdock. So not the rest of the medicine, just the inulin piece and along with probiotic supplementation and what they found, bless you, what they found is that if they gave the inulin from burdock right before bed, the improvement in the mice microbiome was astounding. Wow. Yeah. So now, so, so then we're like, well, what else can burdock do? So that led me down this whole rabbit hole of researching the medicinal value of burdock. And it really is a powerful medicine for our time. Do you think horses are self medicating with it? I have never seen them eat it. And I haven't seen the sheep eat it either, which is, I was hoping I'll get the sheep belly, the bird. No. No. Because burdock is really bitter. So they're only going to eat it if they have probably an acute problem that they need the cleansing for. Like when Juno, after he was castrated, Odie told me to go and pick a whole bunch of dandelion. So I picked an entire tote bag full of dandelion for him. And he ate the whole thing and I could tell he was not enjoying it. He was just methodically chewing his way through it. He ate it like medicine. Uh huh. And then Jax one time when he had been injured and I was teaching a friend of mine at the time about how to listen to horses in terms of medication. And so the vet had left antibiotics and a diuretic and blah, blah, blah. And Jax refused the diuretic completely. And he. It's interesting. That was such a fascinating story because the amount of the antibiotic that he would take and the number of days I actually tagged my brother, who's a medical doctor, and and he also founded a rare disease foundation because he's a geneticist, and I said, What do you know about this antibiotic? Is there any new data on its efficacy? Because the vet had said, Take this dosage. For 10 days, while Jax had taken it for, I can't remember what it was, five or six days and then said, I don't want it anymore. My brother sends me back. He says, Oh yeah, there's been all the, the antibiotic dosage timelines have changed because of new research. And he said, for that one, it's maximum efficacy ends at like five days, which is when Jax had said, I don't need it anymore. So we had like. Absolute hard line communication and then the diuretic that he refused, I had noticed that he was going out in the pasture and eating an entire row of this plant that I had never seen the horses eat. So again, I posted on Facebook, does anybody know what this is? A number of people. Oh, yeah, that's such and such. I look it up. It's a diuretic. Jackson's like, I don't need the med. I got it in the pasture, right? It's it's. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me at all. When I was on, on the Island of Kauai, I sought out some people to do some horseback riding. And this woman took me up on this old trail. She said the old Ponte Olos, I think is the word for cowboy in Hawaiian. Yeah. Uh, would take their horses up this trail because as such a large variety of different herbs and plants And when the horses were sick, they would take them up there to graze and the horses would just make themselves Well self select. Yeah, exactly and I did a whole post on that on how you can create your own herb garden That, you know, is in a fenced area that you can turn your horses out because some of them, some herbs, they actually like them. So they might eat the whole plant. Right. But this way, you either have a time to turn out into the herb garden area or you plant them in planters with like, um, like cages around them. So that the horses can only take the top of the plant and it doesn't, the plant can keep growing, but you know, for horses that are kept in stabled or penned environments or like somewhere like Arizona where they're just in a dirt lot, that would change your horse's life to have a self selection herb garden available. Yeah. Absolutely. Would. All right. I'm thinking we should end it here. Okay. I really appreciate you chatting with me today and I am going to go and check out that laminitis video. So thank you. Excellent. Thank you for that as well. All right. Thank you. Jenny. Yes. Thank you so much. Okay. Bye.