Trial By Wire
Struggling to understand all of the tech buzz words in the news? We break down complex technology concepts into bite-size pieces to talk about how to keep yourself safe online.
Podcasting since 2024 • 13 episodes
Trial By Wire
Latest Episodes
Episode 12: What is AI? Demystifying ChatGPT
You've seen the headlines, but what really is AI? We talk about machine learning, large language models, and why you need to be careful browsing the Internet nowadays, even if you haven't jumped in on the AI craze.Links:Clip...
Season 1
Episode 12

Episode 11: What is Malware? Staying Out of a Hacker's Botnet
Last time, we talked about why you might want to be more careful online. But how do you do that? We continue talking about an article discussing malicious software and how you can keep yourself safe.Links:
Season 1
Episode 11

Episode 10: Why Should I Care About Privacy?
If I have nothing to hide, why should I? Let's talk about the importance of Internet safety and why you may want to think twice about your stance on cybersecurity.Links:
Season 1
Episode 10

Episode 9: How Do Developers Think? Interview with Annie Elequin
You use websites all the time, but have you ever talked to a person who makes them? Annie Elequin joins us today to wrap up our series on the Internet with some insights into how the world of development works! Links from the show:...
Season 1
Episode 9