The Project: Kuwait

Top Programming Mistakes: No Gimmicks No Magic Pill Rob Schillaci Weighs in on the Top 5 Programming Mistakes for Seasoned Athletes and Newcomers, Nutrition and Setting New Habits for Weight Loss and Strength Gains

Mahdi Aloun, Haya Al Qassar guest Rob Schillaci Season 1 Episode 49

Time Stamps:

2:02 Rob talks about his new online coaching platform – No Magic Pill (NMP) Programming @nmpprogramming


2:41 Mahdi introduces Haya, a behind-the-scenes Project team member and one of Rob’s clients. 


3:32 Rob discusses the “fluff training” that clutters Instagram feeds, where focus is placed on gimmicks and views and not substance. 


5:23 Rob talks about the importance of accessory work. He states that you are only as strong as your weakest link. 


5:56 Mahdi asks Rob about clients with weight loss as a goal. 


6:23 The importance of nutrition and setting new habits is discussed. 


7:22 Programming Mistake #1: The Program Hopper


12:08 Rob weights in on how coaches can motivate their clients, especially when the results are not as fast as they would like. 


14:50 Programming Mistake #2: Not taking enough rest days. De-load weeks are just as important as training; your body needs to recover from the strain. 


20:21 Rob mentions that sometimes everyone can get caught up with worrying about the weight on the bar instead of worrying about the quality of the movement. 


21:14 Programming Mistakes #3: Don’t max out every day. 


24:20 The mental side of lifting is just as important as building actual physical strength. 


26:12 Programming Mistake #4: Not following the program. 


28:45 If you want to learn a new movement, like muscle-ups or pull ups, you have to work on the boring accessory work. It may not be the prettiest or the most instagrammable, but progressions are the most effective way to master a new skill. 


36:00 Programming Mistakes #5: Trying to create a secret program by mixing too many programs together.

NMP Link

Rob Schillaci

Haya Al Qassar

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