The Project: Kuwait

Mary Sheila Gonnella “ Queen of all Things Nutrition ” helps us solve the mystery of blood sugar complications with weight gain, digestive issues, brain fog, and fatigue”

February 01, 2020 The Project Kuwait Season 1 Episode 112

Why is what we eat so important to our overall health?
What does it mean to have a holistic perspective when it comes to healing, why can't we just rely on one thing?
What does it mean to balance your blood sugar and why is this so important?
What is absolutely necessary for someone to loose weight and keep it off?
How does stress impact our health and weight, and what are some ways to address that?
You talk about the rhythm of your hormones, what does that mean exactly, and how can we "honor" that rhythm?
How does one make changes in their diet, when it can be so hard?
What are some of the strategies that you use with your clients that lead to their success?
Why do you think people struggle so much with cravings, what is the physiology underlying these cravings, and how can people address this?
Why do you call yourself the Queen of all things Nutrition? 

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spk_0:   0:00
Theo Project brought. Wait, what you learn? What up, Meg?

spk_1:   0:10
Hey! All right. So today we get to talk. Thio Mary Sheila Danela, who's a board certified ballistic nutritionist in the owner of Occidental Nutrition

spk_0:   0:22
totally blew me away with adapted Jin's Quarter SEPs got membrane pathways, amino change and the bro science of protein and protein is more is good. Do listen to the episode You're gonna find out a lot from this episode.

spk_1:   0:37
Yeah, I think a great breakdown of how to honor the rhythm of our hormones and our bodies. She gives realistic approach of maybe some supplements and things that were interested in and how often we need to be utilizing these things, taking some of the stress away of a lot of the big picture of all the puzzle pieces that go into our help. So Amazing episode loaded.

spk_0:   0:57
And if you enjoy the episode, don't forget to tell your friends and family toe Listen to this show and leave a rating interview on iTunes and you could win a T shirt. In

spk_1:   1:07
fact, I

spk_0:   1:07
am Hatter. You have won t shirt So enjoy

spk_1:   1:11
guys eating

spk_0:   1:12
alone this morning.

spk_1:   1:15
Guys, welcome to the project today We are joined by Mary She Lagan Ella. She's a board certified ballistic nutritionist and her company is Occidental Nutrition. Thank you for joining us. Thank you so much for having me before we ah, kick off into some of the nutrition talk. I would like to know what is Occidental nutrition. Good question. So Occidental is actually the little town that I live

spk_2:   1:39
in in West Sanoma County. And it's a really lovely little town. It was founded by a Italians, my husband's family being one of them, and it means of the West. So it's the opposite of Oriental, which means of the East

spk_1:   1:55
waiting. I know e anything where I couldn't think of exactly what to

spk_2:   2:05
call my business when I started and I had a little office in town and I thought, Well, let's just keep it simple for now, and

spk_1:   2:10
yeah, I like it. It makes sense. I looked a little history behind it. Well, all right. So you do call yourself the queen of all things nutrition. I'd like to know a little bit how that came about and why you've claimed yourself that

spk_2:   2:24
I know I put myself on a throne and I never thought I would do that. And, you know I did. And the reason why I did. I have to say, when you're in business for yourself, you have to really claim that space and have the mindset of success. And that really was helpful for me.

spk_1:   2:44
But more than

spk_2:   2:45
anything, why I called it. That is because for seven years I was a teacher at a nutrition college. So I was teaching people like me who wanted to become nutritionists and who wanted it just, you know, step into the field. And when I started teaching there, you know, I taught a few different topics, and then I just kept teaching different topics. And the pressure to be able to stand up there and try to give them a CZ much as I could was really for me. And I really put my heart and soul into that job. And, you know, I came in there so prepared every time I taught, and it just gave me such a foundation. So it's that idea that if you really want to learn something, teach it it, teach it, you are gonna know it inside and out. And so it just got to this place with my teaching. My students of would always say

spk_1:   3:33
you know everything. How do you know everything?

spk_2:   3:36
And I thought, Well, I don't know everything by far, but I know a lot. I think when you really know your subject, even if you don't know the answer, you can kind of talk about it in a way that helps to peel the onion or take away something layers. So I think it was just that when I was just reflecting on a lot of that feedback and I was sort of giving myself a little more of a expert title, and it's just what came And I really resisted it for a while. And then I said, Well, what they have just just be the

spk_1:   4:06
queen? Definitely. Oh, yeah. That word is I think that is really important, though, because when you say that, yeah, teach. If you really want to know something teacher, I think it's because it holds you accountable to become actually the student off that subject here, constantly researching. And I think that's the thing. I get that from people. So they're like, How do you know so much violence have been things and really for Maddie. And I am interviewing, you know, experts and researching things like this, you know, we start to become somewhat of an expert in the fields just by absorbing me the information and seeking it out and just knowing where to go and how to research it. Oh, I think that's a huge everybody has access to. This is just, you know, who really wants it exactly. I

spk_0:   4:44
actually I actually have a quick question for you, and I think this is a good way to kind of kick it off. What are some of the issues that you see with modern day nutritionists and what they're learning in school? I mean, since I've graduated university, a lot of what I learned was just so obsolete within, like, a year or two, especially in my field. I was a marketer. So what is it like in the nutrition in the medical field? When it comes to that, especially nutritionist we in Kuwait, they're popping up all over the place and they charge premium prices and order some of the issues that you see what can kind of be fixed within the educational system. I don't a loaded question. Sorry.

spk_1:   5:20
No, that's a good question.

spk_2:   5:22
I organic medical clinic, The doctors there, they don't have the training. They have their own healthy habits. So there is still a lot in the medical community that doesn't have the training. And then there is the Maybe the dietician passed, right. The path The university path through nutrition that is still somewhat can be fueled by the powers that be in the more the USDA standard in the pharmaceutical standard. And you can see that reflected very easily. If you have a friend in the hospital and you see what they're eating and being fed and you're like, Oh, my gosh,

spk_1:   5:57
this is terrible saying, I know all right, Especially when you say,

spk_2:   6:01
Oh, wow, they're in here for this and they're eating that. I think these are the opposite of everything. I would tell them to eat if they were my exactly right. And then there are your right. There's There's a lot of programs now certificate programs vainly for the holistic realm of nutrition. I think a lot more of that happens to be more cutting edge because it's kind of also going with the times a lot of them are very specified of, you know, you don't ancestral program or a holistic program. But what I'll say is, I think being in this field, you have to stay on your toes, and I I personally have been in it for about 12 years. There are times where I dragged my feet to the newest fad, and then I get there and I'm like, Okay, I get it. That makes sense to me. But because my background is brilliant, holistic nutrition and the way that that we talk about it sometimes is. Sometimes people need more of a building diet. Sometimes people need more of a balancing, and some people need more of a cleansing. But it's all within whole foods. So I could say, OK, they anymore, cleansing. Maybe you no less animal protein for a little while and less heavy fat and more fiber and greens and all this and then sometimes you will need more protein. They need to rebuild. They are healing from something. So it's about really singing your toes. And it reminds me of a few years ago is probably five plus years ago, one of my students said we paleo had just really hit the mainstream. And she said, This is it, isn't it? Like, do you really think it's gonna continue to keep changing? And I said, Well, yes, on Lee, because when I first started, it was robbing and and then it was this and then and I just keep seeing it change. I don't think it's ever gonna speak static. So I think that's the thing is that we have to be open and we have to know we can never stop learning. We have to pay attention to science, and that's really what makes it this really dynamic field. Yeah, but my

spk_1:   8:00
first diet that I got into it after being a college athlete. And it was that shift from college athletics playing into, like a work 9 to 5. I said, You no longer training 30 hours a week, you know, can no longer eat 6000 calories a day and be okay with it. It's like Yes, but I did. The zone was the 1st 1 and then Paleo came out of you mentioned, and then it was own paleo together. And then, you know, I just kept going from there there, and it just kind of steps filed this whole like yo yo dieting thing. Think the important thing that I at least learn going through that I don't regret trying out all these things because I think I learned a lot about myself in the process. I mean, there's a lot of damage and think that, you know, we're done through some of them, but in the end, it just teaches you to be aware. And so I like what you've pointed out of, like the building, the balancing of the cleansing with all of these things. I think a lot of people look to a cleanse in order to help kill themselves from something. But understanding your body naturally has that cleansing system within it and the way you enhance that is through your food choices. And there's a whole real food. I think that's what paleo you know. The big thing with that and why she probably felt so passionate about it was just it was pushing the good whole foods that people needed to get on board with, because what I noticed in your bio, you put a really good point in there growing up in the seventies where you guys were, you know, the guinea pigs of that fast, convenient, cheap nutrition that was pushed as as healthy at the times. That's taken a lot of reversing, I think for people to get back to just like a

spk_2:   9:18
whole fresh food is where it starts. Yes. And just learning how to kind of cook again and right, changing the relationship of a lot of people. Lost that.

spk_1:   9:27
Yeah. So I guess going along with that, Like what it means to

spk_2:   9:30
have a holistic perspective when it comes to healing. Why is it that we can't just rely on on one thing for that in the holistic perspective? Yeah. You know, Ryan's me. I had a client who I was working with older woman who had had a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Right. So one way we think about osteoporosis is take calcium, right? Like white bones are deficient. And I need more calcium. Well, if you were just gonna think about calcium in your bones, you could think of calcium as maybe the bricks. Like if you're gonna build a brick wall, you would put the bricks. But if you didn't put any mortar than you, the bricks, the brick wall could fall pretty easily. Yeah, right. So that's just one little piece. So, what? I look at somebody that maybe has deficient bones, Fragile bones. They are likely dryer. Right? So their constitution is drier, so I wanna look at Wow, Do they have enough? You know, fat and lubrication and all of that. I also want to make sure that they're getting enough of the nutrients of all the mortar that the bones need, right? Everything that the bones need to build. Is there inflammation in the body? Right, Because that's gonna halt any of those nutrients getting from where they need to go house their hormones house their thyroid gland and their blood sugar balance and any inflammatory markers. All of these things are gonna play a role. And are they super stressed out? Are they exercising? Like there's a hole? We have to look at every act aspect of life. What are they sleeping? Okay, when it comes to the bones, you want to look at everything right? All the pieces of the puzzle of some of these lifestyle. So I bring this story up just because when we worked together for a while and then she came back after going to see her doctor, and her doctor said, you know, her tests show that her bones were actually better than they had been. And she said, I just want to know what it was that I did that made a difference. Said it was everything. It was everything. It was all the pieces of the puzzle. We have to remember that if I don't sleep well, I'm gonna wake up. My adrenals are gonna be more amped up and stress that day. That is gonna That means I have higher court or to solve what is higher courts all mean. Well, I might be craving more sweets and sugar that day. I may make different choices than I really want to be making for myself. That higher court assault, even if I go to exercise, might impact my muscle breakdown is right. And you know, high court is all over time can even thin the lining of my gut. And that might mean that other bugs or pathogens or anything they're more opportunistic in that situation. So they might have an opportunity to come in and do their thing. So there's just a lot of repercussions. High Court's over time isn't good for the brain as we're aging. So one thing leads to another. And so if we look at so that's just from Steve enough sleeping well or going to bed too late. What about the foods that were eating right? And the quality of the foods were eating really? Right, right. Some people, you know, there's so many different ways that we're eating now and that we're doing things, but a lot of it comes down to the food that we're eating. What's their quality? Are they prepared properly? Right? Because that's a lot of what our ancestors taught us is Wow, if you're gonna eat those grains, you better. So come and sprouting first. If you're right. Same thing. And that's and seeds. And a lot of times people are eating tortillas or something, which there's no way that this process properly at all. So

spk_1:   12:54
yeah, so how do you, uh I guess I'm working with somebody and giving approach. We're talking about all these everything that you know how much sleep, how much water you're drinking, what you're eating, how you're moving. You know, all these things, like back in overwhelming person that Aiken, you know, get them to a point where just like it doesn't really matter what I d'oh, you know something's gonna be off. So how do you I guess, you know, educate or or coach that with your your clients to keep them from getting overwhelmed? Absolutely. A big part of

spk_2:   13:19
that is if you want to make changes in your diet in your lifestyle and just how you feel in your energy, you have to remember one thing is that it took a while to get to where we are today. So we might have a whole life of feeding and moving and being a certain way. And suddenly it's kind of caught up with us. We realize we don't feel so good then we want to make some changes. So the fact of making changes is something else. It's going to take a long time. It's not an overnight. I tried this for a week and it didn't work. I mean, I've heard that so many times. Well, I tried giving up gluten for two weeks, and I didn't feel any different. Well, it's not just the gluten right, and even that healing is going to take time. So when I work with people, I don't work with them for just a one consul, give them everything and have their eyes glaze over some

spk_1:   14:11
way. Yeah, exactly. Okay, I got it. Yeah, exactly. It's a lifestyle. It's a process. And so many of the

spk_2:   14:21
things that we do, our habits and our behaviors are so emotionally linked to who we are. It's our right. It's it's how we grew up. It's what's comfortable to us. It's what comforts us when we're feeling uncomfortable. So we have to kind of unwind so much of that. And so when I work with people, it's like, Hey, let's work together for six months. That way I can just we can work on one thing and then we work on another thing and another thing, and we can just keep going. And it reminds me of that Aristotle quote that I really like that says excellence is not an act but a habit. Yes, right. It's about what we're doing every single day. If if hydration is not your thing and you're that person, that's like I drink like a glass or two a day like I just forget and you know, then it's How do we set you up to actually start drinking more water? Well, number one, you know, get a water bottle because that is key. I think at least it is for me to myself

spk_1:   15:20
healthy. Yeah, Yeah, it's one of my water bottle security blanket all day and think what exactly makes me feel better? And then, um and then it even having a water bottle. Some people, most of us

spk_2:   15:36
have our phones with us. I have people set timers. You know, I'll have people set timers in between their meals, not at their meals, because sometimes it's the only time people remember drinking too much water with your meal. It's

spk_1:   15:47
not the best. I just had this conversation with a group of his leading, um, online workshop with a group of women in Hong Kong. And sleeping hydration are like the number one in two things that I talk about first people because we were doing it every day to some degree. But most people, that's where it can level out a lot of issues, but a lot of them that have the hydration, you know, struggle with that is talking about different ways that, you know, maybe flavor it with some, you know, lemon slice or maybe a little fruit slice or something in there to make it a little bit more exciting for you carrying around a water bottle for sure. And then, yeah, the, uh, other one of not drinking too much during your meals because I can impact your digestive enzymes and everything. So what's I guess? A little. Do you have a little science behind that? Of what? That impact as when you drink too much during the meal.

spk_2:   16:29
I'll just explain how I usually explain it. But I love that we're on the same past that

spk_1:   16:33
you think I've talked about the situation. So if one of the things I like

spk_2:   16:39
to think about with your stomach is your stomach is a pot, it's gonna be what cooks your food. It really liquefies your food and turns it into what we call Kym. And the first part of the stomach digesting is we build up a little bit of the mucosal layer, which

spk_1:   16:54
is kind of protective

spk_2:   16:55
from all those assets that are gonna come out. So when the assets come out, they are strong. But we don't want to toe loop them. And that's the main thing that water will do is it will really dilute those juices because what happens in the stomach is the most important part were I mean, every part of digestion is important, But one of the most important things is that in the stomach is where our proteins begin to unfold, and that unfolding then allows the enzymes in the small intestine to really start to break them apart. More so did you think about it? One simple way of thinking is if you have a long pearl necklace, right, that was all connected and the pearls are like the chains of amino acids. They're all strung together, and ultimately, and the amazing thing that we do in digestion is we take all of those amino acids. We break them all the way down, and then we restructure them and turn them back into us so that those proteins get the caminos get broken down, and then they get restructured and in the liver and turned into whatever body part we need to continue to rebuild, which were always doing so in the stomach. If you imagine that long chain of amino acids coming from our proteins. It's like we're breaking momentous little Bunches and then in the small intestine there, being broken down into individual says that as you add a lot of water to your meal, then those juices air, totally deluded you're not gonna do is much unfolding of the proteins. And sometimes it can also make us way too full, and that too much fullness is gonna Also. It's not gonna allow what the stomach has to do, which is mechanical and chemical digestion, so mechanical being the muscular contractions of this stomach moving to continue. Let all those chemicals breakdowns toe happen right hand, so things will just sit. And sometimes when they sit too long, instead of that downward motion that we want, things will come up a lot of times that might even contribute to things like Heartburn and GERD, and that's really uncomfortable and really damaging to that tissue.

spk_1:   18:53
That's what I love that analogy of the necklace that makes it very simple and breaking down what's happening with Thea the assets. So how can you ensure? I guess during the day the rule that I had always kind of heard was 2 to 4 ounces every half hour. Can ensure that you go into your sleep, your workouts and your meals hydrated, I guess. Do you have kind of, ah rule of thumb around that, or do you have a amount that you prescribed to people Thio Ensure that And you said 2 to 4 ounces. Yeah, sort of like sipping

spk_2:   19:19
on water all day. We has actually really pretty good. Yeah, I mean, I usually like to tell people. Try to have, you know, four ounces or less with the meal and if you're thirsty and then it's good to wait, you know, maybe 90 minutes or so before you start drinking water again after a meal after meal. Exactly. And

spk_1:   19:39
if you get

spk_2:   19:39
real thirsty, like after a meal, have a few sips of water, just don't guzzle your whole water bottle. And then what's nice about that is I am a firm believer in, you know, eat your meal and then wait and the nature next meal and and ideally, we should be going 4 to 6 hours between meals without feeling super hungry. If somebody tells me Gosh, I'm hungry and hour later, then that's it. clue for me that there's some blood sugar issues. So if we could go 4 to 6 hours, which makes it perfect, cause if you go 4 to 6 hours and you can hydrate in between there, you know, and then eat your meal, you know, on I'd say hydrate up to probably 1/2 hour 20 minutes before a meal. You know, even having a little bit helps kind of liquefy and get the stomach ready for digestion. Yeah, so yeah, I think that's a great rule of thumb is 2 to 4 ounces.

spk_0:   20:27
So I I got a quick question. You hit on a couple of points. I kind of save all my questions for, like, a little into the episode. And I'm gonna ask you some of the bro science questions somewhere. We'll get a lot of at the jamming from the athlete perspective. You hit on something really important with branch chain amino acids and protein intake, and you always hear Right now, I think amongst the gym goers, protein is king right now, and you have to consume and consume protein protein. This now first question is RBC Azour branched chain amino acids the same is, you know, a protein powder. You know where the differences between them, If you can answer that. And second of all, the excess protein, I mean, how much does our body really need of protein, even if we are breaking it down in the gym? So sorry. It's a pretty loaded question, but totally. I hope I can

spk_2:   21:17
answer, but I'll do the best I can. Branch chain amino acids. They're just gonna be a few of the Amine O's that are there, so many of them. And there's just a few of them that do help with protein synthesis. So their specific in that protein synthesis and you know it's interesting is some protein powders can actually raise insulin, you know. So I think there is that whole idea that they can convert to glucose. Sometimes it could be. How much do we need? How much do we not need?

spk_0:   21:46
So would that be a specific protein powder that converts to glue? Because that's not the first time I've heard that I've heard that before. That excess protein just converts into glucose, which then, in turn, kind of just it's sugar. Basically, at the end of the day,

spk_1:   21:59
Well, that's an issue that a lot of people going. The key tore out run into is that they don't pay attention to the protein and take, because eventually that's not going to keep them in contest. That's going to kick him out. Exactly.

spk_2:   22:11
Exactly. So there is that idea because if you know somebody isn't ketosis, the protein numbers should come pretty far down. And then the fat intake comes up. Mostly. I've heard about that with way protein, Um, over maybe some of the vegetable proteins, but way protein is much more. I don't want a traditional, but it's just had a longer shelf life with us using it as opposed to the vegetarian or the beacon proteins or vegetable proteins. So as faras like, how much protein do you need? Right, And I mean, honestly, I think one of the things if the protein that you're gonna be eating is gonna keep you in the zone. You want to be in like if you're in ketosis or not, or if it's raising your blood sugar. I mean, everybody's going to be different. So I think ultimately, if you really wanted to know, you'd have to do some testing. You have to probably test your key tones and test your glucose and see well what is happening when I'm eating these foods. Because some people they can process that stuff and come right back into the zone that they want to be in. And other people, they're gonna eat the same thing. But they're just more maybe carbs sensitive and even those extra extra proteins turning. Converting to glucose can make somebody way more sensitive as well. What testing methods you

spk_1:   23:23
recommend. I know there's something like the genetic ones that are out there like Is that like the 23 me stuff? Does that stuff kind of help figure that out? Or is it more specified of, like going to a ballistic nutritionist and specifically, you know, taking Yeah. I mean, if you really wanted

spk_2:   23:35
to just see that those things I just talked about even just having a glucose testing your glucose with a little prick and then testing your key tones, that would be a really simple way to do it. And then, as faras the metabolic picture. Gosh, how What is my metabolic picture? You know, genetics would be great to see if you have that genetics of being more prone, being diabetic. If it's runs in your family, that's a great way to just know right off hand. If you have diabetes in your family, the shape of your body is another one. If you have, you tend to hold more weight in the Bali, have the thinner legs and the bigger belly. That's another big one, too. And then the other things to look at. When we look at that whole picture of how well you tolerate carbs, that's your weakens. Also look at all the metabolic bolic pieces on a regular standards lab test. So if cholesterol is has been challenging, if there's kidney issues ever, or just even hype, blood pressure high tracklist Reid says, they're all gonna be showing signs at the metabolism. That's sort of in distress from what were you doing? If that makes sense, yeah,

spk_0:   24:44
some of that went way over my head, but some of it something I'm gonna have to look up later on the most of it. I understood and and going back to from a normal person's lifestyle, too. We have a lot of athletes that listen to the show, also specifically cross fitters, power lifters. Some strong men listen to this show also. So what are some of the things that they can study in their lifestyle as opposed to the normal person? Some of things you were talking about, the normal person would have to look at over a six month period. What could they look at in a shorter time to sort of aid in their recovery process? Because that's the buzzword and fitness right now is recover, recover, recovery and food. I mean, plays a huge part in that whether you eat too much or eat too little, so and it does from what you said depends on the person. But what are some of the factors that we can look at Thio? Help us come up with a you know, a good solution per person, so to speak.

spk_2:   25:38
Yeah, I mean, any time we're thinking about recovery and when we're thinking about what's happened that we need to recover from a lot of the recovery, I would say, and you can add anything in here, too, is from oxidative stress. Great. There's a lot of the muscles are breaking down, you know, we're going to certain length of time exercising, and that creates a lot of byproducts that the body has to prop us us. So I would say one of the main things that is going to come from food would be from fruits and vegetables, ideally and food being more raw than being cooked. Not that you have to eat all raw food, cause but as faras just get, you know, making sure you're getting a lot of those antioxidants that come from fruits and vegetables. We do get more like a lot of times those things they kind of oxidizes well when they get cooked, so having a plateful of food, but having some of that be raw is gonna be really good,

spk_0:   26:34
So wouldn't play it kind of count, you know where you kind of dip it in so that you can still break it down a little bit easier. I've heard raw food could be difficult for the stomach to break down. Mega actually told me about that where you can have fiber, but not too much fiber. And then if it's too raw than you know, it's tougher. And, you know, we always go back to bowel movements and you know it gets tougher and you get constipated and so to speak. So would blanching. It kind of works like a quick cook and then put it on

spk_2:   27:01
Totally. Yeah. I mean, yes, and I and I, You know, I don't I'm not the huge, like, raw raw, but like, if you had a nice salad and you you know, if you had some kale on your plate like I'm a fan of cooking it over having that wrong or having your broccoli cooked. But having something some fresh stuff on there, too. Some fresh colors, too. You know, maybe you have a little pepper or some cucumber and, you know, whatever just different raw vegetables kind of mixed in there as well to whatever you're eating. But, yes, I am a fan of cooking as well, too. And then, especially some of those foods, because they are easy to break down. And they, you know, like the fact of the cruciferous family, right? They have something in them called Georgians, which can kind of block irate function a little bit and slow things

spk_0:   27:51
down. And that's not a rigorous family. I didn't even say that right. What is that exactly? What the doctor just Christopher's

spk_2:   27:59
family is is a family of superfoods. Really, it's broccoli, kale, cauliflower, rubella, brussel sprouts, bach toe a mustards. There's quite a few more in forgetting, but they're in a family of vegetables that they're excellent for helping to detox by the body, especially excess hormones. And they also they're super anti cancer. They're just they're great foods, but too much of him raw is not a good thing. So, yes, those are ones we definitely want to be, you know, saw tang or blanching or cooking. However, we come on a cook them.

spk_1:   28:36
I've also heard a little bit of like lemon, um, lemon juice or something on them can help break that down a little bit easier. Do you have any insight on that? The *** are lemon used. Yeah, and I mean one thing I think about with lemon juice because I haven't heard that, but that might be because I know you could do like

spk_2:   28:56
a cold cook where you do like I massaged kale salad or sand, and that does it is definitely gonna help break it down. And then even if you were doing, like cooking some spinach, spinach has a lot. The ox elated and lemon juice or the vinegar actually helps to abdicate those as well. Yeah, yes. Yeah. And, um, and the other thing I want to just mention about when we want to, um, recover and repair the body in the other big piece. That's really important. And I guess I'm gonna call in to talk about raw again first. I can't. But is our fats So fats and fat soluble vitamins are huge players in the end and as antioxidants in the body. So they're gonna help repair things. And, you know, think about Fats is being, well, lubricating right there, there, there to sort of aid in that way. But the thing about Fats is they can oxidize fairly quickly. And, you know, you could think about if you cut open an avocado and it starts to turn brown right, that's oxidation. So that's are bound by oxygen, so they're susceptible to heat, light and air. So as soon as you start cooking your fats, you actually start to oxidize them, and they're not gonna have the same benefits as they would if they were raw, so that can play a big role in helping to heal things because the thing that you have to remember is every single cell has a cell membrane, and that's remembering this made of fat. So the quality of our fats is gonna determine just even on a cellular of the level of the health of every single cell. And if it's if this if that fat is sort of fluid toe laugh, things to come in and things to leave easily, it's not rigid. And

spk_1:   30:27
that's also how

spk_2:   30:28
all of our tissues communicate. So, you know, like our vice, a community of cells are gonna communicate with, you know, other cells in the body be of the cell membrane, so it becomes really key. So that would mean if you're cooking and sauteing something up, you want to use the fats and oils that have a higher heat, which would be more of the saturated fat. And then you want to keep your unsaturated fats more on the raw side. So if you're gonna do a saute, you could always drizzle some really good olive oil on top of your salt. If you were gonna eat nuts and seeds, eating them raw versus roasted. And if they are roasted because sometimes roasted just tastes really good. And it's what you're making, you know? What is it dry roasted or is it roasted in oil? And if it's in an oil, what kind of oil is it in? Because we start looking at those boils? Sometimes they're sneaking a lot of industrial oils, enduring boots like If you get some nuts and seeds that are roasted in cotton seed oil, well, that's an industrial oil that's gonna have a lot of pesticide residue and who knows what else. And it's kind of snuck into our food system

spk_1:   31:33
that's so important, because as we talk about that, a lot of like where are, you know, things disguised as healthy? And where is it being being hidden? That's a huge one, and I think it's also important going back to the raw vegetables. The importance there, along with that so many of the nutrients that we can pull from those vegetables are fat soluble, right? So in orderto actually absorb them like you're saying, get them into the cells and you need the good good Raafat. So it makes a lot of sense out of the fat thing. I think people are starting to become a little less on the fat fearing fat side. I think it's gaining a little bit more traction. Thanks. So things like, you know, even keat over bringing that up again A little lower. Yeah, I think t give some good insight on what to be aware of. That is really helpful because I think that people just kind of go down the road of eating all the butter, all the nuts, all the bacon, all the you know, whatever it is. It not really paying attention, Thio to some of those quality issues than that. Thank you for bringing that up.

spk_2:   32:22
Yeah, and I just you know, I think you've been with Taquito. Rome is to, you know, go keep if somebody's going. Tito is, you know, great. Really. Making sure there's a lot of greens in that kita. So that's that's key. Because even though you're going to get you know, your carbs there, it's fine. We need some. We could still have some carbs and get some some cards,

spk_1:   32:42
Essentially free food. Exactly. Exactly. And they're gonna have

spk_2:   32:46
all of those benefits and there, you know, and they're going to give you that fiber, which is gonna help poop, right, So we just we need it all. Yeah.

spk_0:   32:55
Quick question about carbs. Carbs? I think I've been demonized over the last, like, three years, and they've been demonized so bad that so many people are staying away from You just talked about how important carbs actually are. Because when I went low car, it was like it was night and day with my workouts. It was complete night and day, and I knew my body was missing something. I couldn't figure it out. And then I was like, Shit, I'm only consuming like 100 grams of carbohydrates as opposed to what I was consuming three weeks ago.

spk_2:   33:24
Yeah, totally. And and that's the thing too, I think is like knowing your body and knowing how you felt when you when you did the opposite. Especially if you're working out a lot, right? Because if your if your cells are really used to fueling on what carbs gives us, which is glucose, then you're gonna thrive that way, right? And if you have gotten yourself into more of a key, toast this state right where you're not using the carbs that you're burning fat for fuel, then your cells can get used to that. So it's the kind of thing where you know you can train the body one way or the other, and it's not necessarily that one's better or more negative than the other. Right. And it's true. We have been no carbohydrates have been part of the human diet, you know, for a long time, and I like to break carves into two groups. So I break them into the starchy carbohydrates and the non starchy carbohydrates. So the starchy carbohydrates are the type of carbs that have glucose right, which is sugar. And there they are, all of our root vegetables and all of our winter squash and all of our beings and all of our grains. And, you know, nuts and seeds have some as well, too. So so all of those things, really, ultimately our seeds, so that sugar that is stored in those seeds are for basically, you know, the next generation, right, So in grains and beans and and root vegetables, right, all the sugars are all connected to fibers, so it's the process of digestion that then allows us to break apart the fiber from the glucose. And then we start to absorb right, and that takes time. It takes digestive teamwork. It's a process, and slowly the glucose just kind of trickles into the bloodstream. Insulin notices We are our blood sugar raises our pancreas notices. We create insulin, and then we bring that to the cells, and that is the energy for ourselves. And so that's a pretty good process. Our body knows very well how to do that. It's it's also glucose is usual for the brain. Um, and then there's also and I think, why carbs get so demonizes, because those same products, right? So if I had, like a wheat berry and I soaked it because it's a pretty hard berry, I soaked it. First I started to sprout it, and then I cooked it and I made a wheat berry salad, and I threw some greens and and and whatever all kinds of yummy things, and that's and seeds. I could make a delicious sweet berry salad, which is completely different than everything else that we have from week. Otherwise, what's gonna happen is I'm gonna take that wheat berry, and I'm gonna throw it into a mill, and I'm gonna separate it and turn it into a powder. But what I'm doing in that process is I'm separating the glucose from the fall fiber already. So, students, I eat that I am going to immediately have a lot of sugar into my bloodstream because it's gonna absorb really quickly. Someone have high blood sugar, high blood insulin and my cells where they're going to get what they need. But if I don't need all that sugar at once myself, they're all whoa, we're good. We have enough. We're full. So the excess of that glucose is gonna go to my liver, and it's gonna convert it to fat to start for later. So that's, I think, kind of why cards air so demonized because we really know that that process can happen. So the more process carbohydrates that we eat, the more we eat those the more that that ourselves become full ourselves, start to become resistant, our livers become fatty, you know, like we start to store that extra fat. And that's what happens to a lot of people when they are on the path toward diabetes. And, you know, diabetes is also the path towards Alzheimer's and, you know, brain degeneration. So it's and you know, inflammation in the body. So it's just and a lot more oxidative stress like we're talking about. So there's such a big difference between having like a sweet potato or, you know, some promise or garbanzo beans. Or, you know, we very solid than having tortillas and white rice, right? Those are the ones. So I think people kind of lump everything in one place right where you can really get a lot of good benefit from the whole carbohydrates. And then, in addition to the starchy carbohydrates, there's also the non starchy, which is our greens. And that's not where the plant stories stripper. There's very little sugar there, and that is where we get a lot of fiber. We get a lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Just the idea that greens are green means there's magnesium there, because the magnesium is that the heart of chlorophyll, magnesium is sort of like what what iron is to humans. It's magnesium ist plants, so it's really, really ah, rich anti. You know, mineral electrolyte places an antitoxin in the body, so if you think about greens and they're also carbohydrates. If you think about um, A like a kale leaf sitting out in the garden right and think about on middle of the summer time. It's 100 degrees, and it's just sitting there staring up at the sun. Totally protected cause. Got all this building protection then Kale does really well when it's snowy and icy, right? All the Stilton protection from Frost. There's all kinds of, you know, fungus is in the soil and there's pests in their spots, so much built in protection. Those are some of the benefits that we get. When we eat something like that, we get those protections. So you know, we need both and, you know, and again, if somebody's doing Peter, they're not gonna eat those starches. But if you're not, there's a lot of benefits that you can get from those root vegetables and grains and beans. There's laws, vitamins, minerals and fibers in the nose as well.

spk_0:   39:05
So you brought

spk_1:   39:05
bring up magnesium misfires. Recovery goes. That's a big big one for athletes to or anybody, but yeah, I

spk_0:   39:12
was gonna have talked about chlorophyll, so I was gonna say, you know, what about chlorophyll? Spirulina mock uh, I mean, are these three like, are those really some of the super foods that we should be including in, you know, daily intake? Because, I mean, I went on a binge of, you know, experimenting with the stuff, and I have to admit, I felt great. It was just getting in that routine of taking it every day and adding it to my diet every day. It was so difficult to remember that I just kind of, you know, when I looked at the expiration date was expired. I'm like, All right, you know, this is over and done with, but how important are those force?

spk_2:   39:46
Yeah, I'm a food first kind of a girl. So if you're having a charge time, getting a lot of greens in your diet than the powder's could be great. If you're already getting a lot of the greens in your diet, you might not need to, you know, by the powder is that stood in the shelves that geo expired. Like you said, I think a lot of people,

spk_1:   40:07
I think that's very common with somebody like me. I knew who's in

spk_2:   40:12
to help and all that, right? If we

spk_1:   40:14
have to tell me to us right now. But I will

spk_2:   40:18
say to You know, having that is a part of our routine. Maybe it's not something. Maybe taking the spiralling a powder like every single day is not necessarily. Maybe we do it a couple times a week, right? As a part of a regular balanced diet and variety. I think that is a is could be a great way to go and then something like Ma ca is kind of it. Well, it is an adapter, genic root vegetable, actually, and that it's very helpful for the adrenal glands, which again talking about recovery. We really want to support the adrenals, right? And the adrenals. Also, they need the magnesium. They need the healthy proteins and bats and all the minerals and proper hydration and good sleep. But Ma Ca is 11 of those adapted genic herbs that feed and nourish the adrenal glands, which, you know again are big players when we're working out, and just even if you're stressed out there, like right there

spk_0:   41:12
is, do you have it? Do you have a specific protocol for taking some of this stuff? If someone were to supplement with it. And I'm not saying supplement, but use the powders. I think they're a little bit more natural, in my opinion than the supplements, especially the organic ones from a really good brand. And you know that they're, well, research is there? Do you have a special protocol, like drink with cold water, hot water. Mix it in a blender because I've heard some crazy stuff out there like, Oh, you want to take this with olive oil so that it hooks onto that so or with pepper? I've heard, like always, you know, add lake black pepper tow whatever you're taking, so that it, you know, absorbs a little bit better. Is this true? Is their merit to it?

spk_1:   41:53
Tumeric. I know. That's the thing. Yeah. You work

spk_0:   41:55
the big one. That's Yeah,

spk_2:   41:57
that's the black pepper, right? Yep. It's so interesting because there was a study that came out that talked about the effectiveness of tumeric needing to have the pepper toe actually help with the absorption, right? Yeah. Though again, this is where I want to just kind of come back a little bit too. Like food first, because people have been eating her cumin and Curry's forever ready for 5000 plus years and getting great, you know, and using it as medicine like in India. Right? And then we start. We catch on that it gets studied and all of a sudden you know, tumeric is the king and everybody's taking it. And then everybody's taking a supplement forms. And then we There's a study that says, Oh, you need black pepper. I love Kirk, cumin and turmeric. It's very hot. It's heating right? So sometimes too much heat. The body over time could be too hot and then start to dry things out and create deficiencies, Right? I've had a few clients in the in. This happened. It was It always happens in pairs or whatever. So I had a friend who said, Oh, I you know, my knee's been hurting and I've been doing this stuff. But now I have all this reflex, and so we sort of decipher, you know, went down and I realized why you stopped taking the tumor capsules that your take. Soon as she started taking stop taking him reflex went away. Then, like a couple weeks later, another friend saved. I said, Are

spk_1:   43:15
you taking to a castle. She said, Yeah, I

spk_2:   43:17
said, Okay, stop taking that right. So she stopped taking it and everything went. And this is a thing I come to find out. It's a thing that not everyone can tolerate it sink, and then

spk_1:   43:27
just think about this way. What if

spk_2:   43:28
you made this like super delicious curry? It was so good and everybody loved it. And you had all this leftovers. You're like, Yes, you ate it again the next day, and then maybe you had it, like, a day or two later.

spk_1:   43:39
But then by then, you're kind of like, yeah,

spk_2:   43:41
I don't need to make have anymore that I'm good. And maybe you don't make it again for another couple weeks or something. I

spk_1:   43:47
kind of

spk_2:   43:47
feel like that. You know, that's when food is our medicine. You had it, you craved it. You needed it. And then we kind of moved on from it. So again, with even the, um, the green powders and the mock a powders, I would say, Gosh, if you're feeling low and depleted or if you're feeling a certain way or if you just feel like you need a boost, like take it for maybe take one bottle of it and then take a break from it, like, follow through with that bottle with that, whatever you got, get what you need and then take a little break. If you feel like Gosh, I really miss it. I'm craving it. Well,

spk_1:   44:22
listen to that instinct, right. So this goes along with when you talk about, like, moving with the rhythm of your hormones are honoring that rhythm. Is this kind of what you're speaking to them? Kind of. Yeah. I mean, I think the more that

spk_2:   44:35
we listen in that sense, the better. And it's funny, cause you're reminding me like,

spk_1:   44:40
Oh, yeah,

spk_2:   44:41
About a month or two ago,

spk_1:   44:42
I bought a green powder on and I took it for a little bit. And then I forgot. And I think there's sometimes a

spk_2:   44:47
little bit of a wisdom, like maybe the body doesn't need it all the time. And, you

spk_1:   44:52
know, when I talk about

spk_2:   44:53
the rhythm of our hormones, we have so so I'll just kind of tell you my my thing about this because we have all of our metabolic hormones. We have our clans, and we've got the hypothalamus, which is our master Glennon, And then it always talks to the pituitary boot. And so I like to call. The hypothalamus is like the CEO of all of our glands. The pituitary is the manager. Like you're talking everybody else right like that. And then we've got the pineal help helping us with sleep. We've got our library clan, ruler of the metabolism, Sinus gland, part of our immune system. Pancreas right. Helps him helping us with blood sugar balance our Drina ls. And then, you know, women have their ovaries and men have their test ese. So we've got all these plans and these hormones and that what they do is they secrete hormones and hormones are messengers. They move through the blood and they tell the cells to to do things to take action. That's what keeps us bounce. We're all into different parts of the world right now, but as humans, we probably all have about the exact same body temperature. Right? If we tested each other's blood, we all have about the same pH. That is what our hormones are doing to keep us safe and surviving in our environment. So it's the internal environment keeping everything. Our blood sugars, you know, probably all similar. And our temperature. We go outside, whatever stresses air outside. So even stepping out into a cold environment, it's not really It's not like it's stressful, but it's a stress that the body has to regulate our temperature. Warm us up. If I get, you know, a stressful email or stressful situation, I'm gonna say hypothalamus is gonna talk to Pituitary is gonna talk to the adrenals, Gonna release Cortes. All right, If I'm cold because I'm going outside, I'm gonna release thyroid hormone that what happens is every cell has receptors for our hormones. It's gonna bug into the cell that's gonna tell the cell to take action and do something right. So we have we have all of this happening all at the same time. So in the morning, we wake up and our circadian rhythm are adrenals air. Hi. They come down in their low in the afternoon evening, so we go to sleep, right? So we kind of get this like currency in the morning to get up and go. You're here you go. Casey, given the stress today and then we kind of slumps down in the afternoon. We get maybe more tired and as we won't have picked me up, whatever. But we can go to sleep at night. Sometimes people's rhythms are the opposite, and they everything's, you know, they get a second wind at night. So that being said, we want to honor those rhythms. If we know that cortisol is high in the morning and low in the afternoon evening and we step too late and we get a second wind, that's not really honoring that rhythm. And they all work together. They're all like a team. I call them there. You have your own personal team of first responders, right? They're there to help us to stay, can you know? So we need honor the work that they do because we know if we if in first responder stays out too long, they're gonna make bad choices or they're you know, they're gonna mess up somehow, right? And it's not safe. So one of the things that I talk a lot about is how we eat our first meal because Cortazar will have the rhythm like going up in the morning down, and we'll insulin has a rhythm and same with left and where it goes, starts low in the day, and then it comes up so we could honor those hormones with what we eat with our first meal, which I like to say your first meal should be protein, fat, fiber. I wrote a breakfast. Recover about it because I like explaining the whole thing, explaining the rhythm of your hormones, even going to bed at a good time without having a lot of insulin before you go to sleep. That is gonna make sure that when you go to sleep, human growth hormone comes out at night. Right? And human growth hormone has, like, you know, depending on how many sleep cycles you have has about 4 to 5 sleep cycles each night.

spk_0:   48:37
So how can maximize that? Has an older How the hell can I maximize my H D H levels for when I am asleep, especially being a 36 year old cross fitter that thinks he's 20?

spk_2:   48:52
Yes, exactly. So human growth hormone can spike during your sleep about 4 to 5 tens again, depending on how many how much sleep you get and how many cycles you get. Each cycle is anywhere from like 90 minutes to hours right from the first sleep cycle. The earlier sleep cycle, like at night, is when our hormonal system wants to kind of detox by rejuvenate right repair. So, the first sleep cycle, it has the potential to come out the highest. So that would be getting to bed closer to 10 o'clock, you know, nine or 10 o'clock so that 1st 1 is the biggest spike. Also eating three hours before about approximately, but not having a lot of insulin in your blood stream. So not having, you know, a car V snap before you go to bed keeping her. And it's like human growth hormones. All insolence out. Night, come in.

spk_0:   49:39
But I have a quick question. Sorry, because I do this a lot. I'll wake up and I'm just craving like bread and peanut butter. Like I'll wake up in the middle of the night and have a peanut butter sandwich. And the other day I couldn't find bread or anything, and I literally took a banana, peeled it, dipped in the peanut butter, ate it. Yeah, I brush my teeth went back to sleep. Why does that happen? It happens so often and I just think I'm a freak of nature and whatever it does take place.

spk_1:   50:09
Now, this explains some behaviors from my boyfriend as well. I'm very interested in this e like, how are you? You were just sleeping. How are you hungry right now, right? Totally. Well, that's, you know, kind of sounds like

spk_2:   50:22
a little bit of a low blood sugar swing in the middle of the night, which definitely happens. So again, here's our hormones keeping us balance. So usually we eating during the day. Then we Let's say you go to bed around nine or 10 o'clock and middle of the night for your full three o'clock. Let's say you're actually having a blood sugar swing because it's been a while since you've eaten. So what happens is your again. Your team of first responders is notices. Oh, blood sugar slow. So you release. Actually, court is all from the adrenal glands, sends a message to the liver, and then the liver releases stored glycogen, which is glucose. But it's stored in the muscles and the liver, and your blood sugar comes back up and you're back to normal, so it could be that you are waking up from that. You know, the middle of the night you're waking up, you know, when you're kind of in that low blood sugar swing and you're like I am hungry. Okay, so one thing I would say is

spk_0:   51:18
sour patch kids next to my bed. Sorry, my wife's a power lifter. She lives off a sour Patch Kids Lake,

spk_1:   51:26
which is lifting holy and competitions,

spk_0:   51:30
apparently, apparently, when she's working out all the time now. So

spk_1:   51:35
it might be a little addictive, all right, so I would say the adrenals can probably use. So that would be a case where it's like, Well, maybe some of those powders would be

spk_2:   51:45
good for you, kind of during the day to kind of support adrenals a little bit. Also making sure there's good blood sugar regulation. Often times that idea of waking up in the middle of the night becomes a rhythm for the hormones, especially the adrenal clans. And, like I know when we're under more stress, or once the body gets used to waking up, all the Senate's like, Oh, it's clockwork. It's three o'clock in the morning and I'm awake again, and now I'm hungry or whatever. Then All of a sudden the adrenals get into that rhythm. So ultimately we want to kind of get them, pull them out of that room rhythm. And that definitely takes time. Just as an example like I had a few years ago after the death of my father. It was just really stressful, like it brought up a lot of anxiety for me, and I started waking up in the middle of the night just and my mind would start going And, you know, next Daniel was two hours later and I, of course, for the first little bit, I just sort of wallowed in my sorrow. And then I remembered, Wait a minute, Mary Sheila, you have skills like you can fix this so I use amino acids, which help to regulate some of the or support the neuro transmitter pathways in the brain. And then there's also, like, actually a supplement. It's called Sarah Voss, and it's postulated Syrian, and it can help calm down the brain and calm down the Susan, Calm down the rick that response, that stress response that heightened response. So I started taking that right before I went to bed and and

spk_1:   53:19
I know that it takes a little minute for

spk_2:   53:21
your rhythms to switch. And so after the may be the first week, I was still waking up. But I was only up for like, 1/2 an hour and I couldn't get to that, you know, ruminating, mind place. It was more like I was hovering noticing. Oh, you're awake right now. But I didn't necessarily stay awake and start to go into that anxious anxiety mode. And then after maybe another week all of a sudden I was waking up in the morning and then that's when I said, Okay, thank you so much, Sarah Voss. I don't need you anymore, But you're in my toolbox in case I need you again later. So it would also be, you know, looking at half ing intake and you know, sugar and teii and anything else that could be stimulating to the brain right before I go to sleep during the day.

spk_1:   54:04
That's big insight. Essentially, we just did a little episode on kind of caffeine intake in Kuwait. That's the The Night clubs at night is a coffee shop, and

spk_0:   54:14
I can't believe people here still drink coffee till eight o'clock nine o'clock at night and they're like, No, doesn't affect me. I'm fine. I'm like, dude, seriously, if I have a coffee past two, I'm not going to sleep toe like 11 or 12

spk_1:   54:25
right? Exactly. And in some of that even

spk_2:   54:27
has to do with your pathways of detox medication. So we have two main pathways and one pathway is breaking down the caffeine and some people that have really the kind of efficient, really good pathways they could break it down right away. So those are the people that can have the caffeine and go to sleep. Then there's others of us like No way we cannot drink coffee. You know, I'm like you. I can't drink it too late in the day there.

spk_0:   54:50
So you talked about adapted Jin's a little bit earlier. What about Cord Recep? What about that? I mean, how important of those I typically like? I'll have, like, a racy tea sometimes, and, you know, I'll just try to It calms me down a little bit, and it kind of it mellows me out for some reason. What about that like, is it important? Is that something we should try to include more in our diet toe help, you know, common nerves or help with the adrenal fatigue that we go through.

spk_1:   55:17
Yeah, I mean, I would say if you're

spk_2:   55:19
working out a lot and you, you know, that's a big part of your life. And that's when a doctor Jin's and even, you know, like you were saying before the green powders, You know, the more oxidative stress that you're kind of putting your body through, Not that working out. It's negative, the more you're gonna kind of want some of those things. And the really beautiful thing about about adapted gyms in general, that whole family of plants is that they help the body to adapt to stress, and they often in there. I like to think of them having just this beautiful wisdom that sometimes if the adrenals heir to heightened, they can kind of help bring down if the adrenals are deficient, they helped bring them back up. So court accepts is actually an interesting you should look it up online because it is a fungus that actually grows on insect, which is very interesting. And but yeah, it is. It has been one that is another one that really helps. So if

spk_1:   56:14
it's kind of

spk_2:   56:15
calming down and it's mellowing you out, it's probably, you know, your adrenals might be kind of more heightened, and it's just bringing it back into this like balance. So there's a lot of you know that so sometimes even an adrenal blend will have some. That kind of like licorice can help to kind of boost cortisol a little bit. So it's sometimes nice in the morning when people are like their dream. Girls are really fatigued, and they just have a harder time getting up and going to have a licorice mint

spk_1:   56:41
tea that I'm obsessed with in the morning. Yeah, yeah, and that's a great thing. I mean, it's kind

spk_2:   56:46
of energizing. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So the adapted Jin's are, I think, are an excellent way to go for, you know, bodybuilders or just crossed it or whatever people that are working out and I'll just say so. I have a background in Eire Veda as well, and if you you know, that's kind of the where that medicine comes from and, you know, in Eire Veda in India they powder their herbs and then they put it into their teas and they drink so that when they drink the tea, you're actually getting them. The medicine is not just a tea bag, and there's a beauty to that in that you're actually been taking the medicine in and so powdered formed of herbs. So if you're doing smoothies because you're working out and you're putting, maybe, you know, sometimes like some ash Lagonda or some Cordy ups or whatever you're putting in or if you're making a bone broth like when I make my bone broth, I put another one called Old Continent Op Sys, which is really good for the immune system. And I put re she in there. Sometimes I put well, I don't always put licorice by its seaweed. I put all kinds of things that I know are gonna like, boost my immunity and help my adrenals. Same thing with a smoothie. If I'm gonna make a smoothie, right or some kind of a drinker, A green drink. I'll throw the Ash Lagonda and the Liquor Street and whatever I want to put in there just to kind of give it a little bit more.

spk_0:   57:59
I was just gonna ask you to Ash were gone because that's something I just got back on the trainer like I was like, All right, I got to start taking ash. We're going again because it actually helps in my sleep. Calms me down. It It actually really does a lot for me. Um, and I noticed a difference night and day after, like, five or six days have taken it. But is there a better protocol than taking in pill form? And I mean, I ordered the droplet bottle from a pretty good source, had really good reviews, and I've read it before that taking the droplets is better than the pill form.

spk_1:   58:28
I had my dad take Thea powdered ones. Ah, like testosterone was, you know, kind of an issue for him. A lot of health concerns. And so we went for the the powder one. And he was just, you know, mixing that in with and smoothies and things. Ah, where you could There was a lot of success with that, but I know my dad a lot of adrenal repair and things like that from cell to he's noticed a big difference going liquid forms of things versus hills. Um, for almost any kind of supplement.

spk_2:   58:53
Yeah, I mean, in the powder, there's, you know, a few benefits. Any powder will be less expensive if that's an issue and it is just the powdered route, and you can put it in however you want to put it. I mean, you could even put it in s capsules, but again, it's that idea around, like taking your food is medicine. Yeah, and actual God is great. It's very warming. So if you ever noticed over time, if you feel like you know you're getting hot or you're having any kind of night sweats or anything like that, then it might be okay. Let me back off on this for a little bit and then I'll come back to it because sometimes they again they can bring us back into normal. And then we can, you know, take a little break. I don't know. I'm just a fan of ebbing and flowing. And sometimes when we naturally take a break, it's probably our body's wisdom that were, you know, somehow I had a doctor say, That's me once used this very out there 100 medical degrees, but like just brilliant but on another very intuitive and does all this testing. You know, somebody that's not mainstream at all. And I went to see him and he, you know, through his muscle testing, diagnosed all these things in me and put me on all this stuff. And I had another appointment with him, you know, probably three weeks or a month later. For the 1st 2 weeks, I was so into my supplements that he I got from him and then all of a sudden, it completely completely evaded my consciousness. I completely forgot on DSO and went back to him. I had my tail between my legs and I was like, I forgot I stopped taking them. I completely forgot. He said that's okay. You probably didn't need them anymore. He said, You know, this happens all the time. You probably got what you needed, and then it just You're good. Don't worry about

spk_1:   1:0:25
it. I was like, Okay, so that is really comforting, because I feel like I go through that I used to be on, like, a certain kind of holistic plan. I don't know of all those compliments of things, and I and I felt good in those times and then yeah, you kind of dive off from it and kind of get into something new. Or maybe you just take a break completely. And I think that does help you get in touch a little bit more of being able to listen to your body and understand those deficiencies and cravings off one of those really need, you know, army. So that is that is comforting to hear from E. I. A nutritionist. Think I would like to tell that story a little bit better about your medicine cabinet? Yeah. Amazing. Thank you. Now, do you have any other questions?

spk_0:   1:1:07
No, I'm I'm still trying to, like, absorb everything you said. I know this thing, teenager. Yeah, this is this is, like be attending a lecture at a university, And, like, from the best professor, cause, like, there's just so much knowledge that has come out that I'm kind of like All right. Yeah, that makes sense. You know, it makes sense why I crave meat so much sometimes and why, you know, the other day I hate fish, and I was like, Oh, my God, I need fish For some reason, I asked my mother in law she could make me baby. It's a type of fish that we have here in Kuwait locally. So it's It's so weird. It's comforting to know that our bodies are letting us know. Hey, you know what you need, Ash Lagonda. There's a reason why I went diving into my medicine cabinet the other day looking for Ash, Lagonda and everything else because I'm guessing, you know, I'm just in that adrenal fatigue or whatever, and I just needed it this point. So thank you so much. I mean, it really kind of put the intuition and the science together. I would say, Does that make any sense?

spk_1:   1:2:06
And I think it's Yeah. No, totally. I would agree with that. And I think it's pieced together a lot of topics that we've talked about before, but it kind of put a little mortar between the bricks. I think of our information and they're so yeah, that eso we like Thio. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Well, I was just gonna say one

spk_2:   1:2:23
last little thing and you know one of the things too. I just brought my a vada in for a moment. But, you know, one of things I teach with that is we are made of the elements, right? So we are We are made of earth and we are made of water and we have fire in our body and we have space and we have air, right? So that's so We're just like the outside environment, and so any of those things can come out of balance. And so one of the questions we want always ask ourselves a really easy way to kind of know what What I need is my hot and the cold. I feel too wet or dry, and sometimes you might be like, Well, I'm hot and dry or I'm, you know, cold and wet, right? I'm you, Cassie. And I sick and I'm you know, so if we can start to kind of think of I mean, we also have to know maybe what the food they're going to give us in that sense, but

spk_1:   1:3:11
right. But understanding at the environment within us is exactly exactly amazing.

spk_0:   1:3:16
I definitely want to bring you back on and just be going to talk more about that. They talked more definitely talk more about that and talk more about the athletes mindset and what athletes conduce do to maximize your recovery. And I mean, I'm sure you know, if Tom Brady, if you live in America and you don't know Tom Brady, you you're, like, in space somewhere and he practices the anti inflammatory diet and you know which he doesn't eat meat. And someone called the mountains, Like, look, about of a burger if I want one. But I just don't need one and you know, the anti inflammatory. So I would love to have another episode with the year and just bring you back on to talk about some of these things from an athletic perspective.

spk_1:   1:3:57
Yeah, yeah. Anytime. Yeah, that's all right. We like Thio wrap up our sessions with a little like rapid fire questions. Just kind of a bizarre. That's I'll give you two choices, and you just pick which one sits with you the best. So celery juice, orange juice, celery, celery. Is there any reason behind that? Are I like what I want to know? Why e so much e mean it? Because when you juice

spk_2:   1:4:25
something and it's got that much sugar, you don't have fibers, the buffer and it's just gonna go straight to so little for delivered after process

spk_1:   1:4:31
it. Yeah. Good. Clean answer B for chicken. For life. If you had to choose one means I mean exactly. Exactly. All right. So you have to choose one paleo vegan carnivore. Kato One for life. What would you pick? Probably Tito, you know. All right. Yes, that makes me happy. It kind

spk_0:   1:4:54
of got everything in it too, so

spk_1:   1:4:57
yeah. Yeah. Um, explore the space or ocean like me. Yeah. Do you explore space, Our oceans? Ocean? I'm a mermaid. So yes. Uh, and then Maddie, what's this last one? You

spk_0:   1:5:09
have to live in the brain or the gut of a human being, Like you can either be like a cell living in the brain or sell. Like living in the gut of a human. I don't know if you saw that movie in the nineties of the guy that was in the little ship and they sent him inside the human body and he drove around like, yeah. So

spk_1:   1:5:26
interesting. Oh, probably gut got all right. Yeah. I mean, I'm a nutritionist, so yeah, makes sense. E I would live in the second brain. Thank you so much

spk_0:   1:5:41
before we wrap up. Do you do anything online. If people wanted to reach out from Kuwait, especially because, I mean, over here, we're still. I mean, it's still kind of a new field. And I'd say we're getting some of the mainstream education versus the holistic approach. So do you do anything online? Are how can people get in touch with the You order one of the best methods again in touch with you?

spk_2:   1:6:05
Yeah. So I am at occidental nutrition dot com and I do. I have a couple online things coming up. I have a actually an IRA vet IQ training. That's a three months training coming up in January, which I'm doing with my I obey the teacher. And so it's gonna be amazing because she's really amazing to, um, and I also have some online blood sugar classes coming up to for people that are struggling with blood sugar, and they want to go. Okay, I need to change everything to get back on the path. So that's like a mostly for maybe people that are pre diabetic and they're just ready to shift it out of there. And you can one thing Justus, if you want to stay connected to me on my website. I have a breakfast report which I talk about the rhythm of the hormones and we break it all down and breakdown like What's the best breakfast to honor that rhythm. So if you get grabbed that you'll be connected to me and then you'll hear all about all my stuff. So I do a lot of like online little webinars and I do cooking show on my Facebook Channel denial. Nutrition's don't even have a

spk_1:   1:7:08
YouTube. I have a YouTube channel that I'm just starting to get. Theo. That is why I'm keen to learn more about that Ayurvedic thio. Also, I had made a note here. Your bone both recipe you were talking about Is there a place we can find that? Yes, I could send it to you. And then maybe you can shove the relations like that. I don't know if we can put it in there. That'll be great. Perfect. Hey, Thank you so much was amazing. Thank you so much. I think we'll be seeing you again. Oh, I hope so. Thank you guys so much. All right. Have a great day, Mary. Sheila, You too.

spk_0:   1:7:44
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