The Project: Kuwait

Psyched with Dr. D: The Psychological Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) How to Stay Calm During a Pendemic

The Project Kuwait Season 1 Episode 123

In this episode, Dr.D and Mahdi talk about the panic and the readiness of the world for such  ‏‫ Pandemic. The overall idea in this episode is to be safe and don’t overreact to maintain a clear mind and be safe.  

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spk_0:   0:00
you're now listening to the Project Kuwait to the Project Green Project, where we stop it. Nothing to bring you the right backs on health, fitness and psychology featuring some of the world's most experienced professionals So you can learn and play with your host. Make Dr D and D. We are jamming and talking about the new Corona virus.

spk_1:   0:25
That's right. We're trying t o help people understand that to panic and how you can really deal with this epidemic in a much more healthier way than panicking.

spk_0:   0:35
Yeah, I kind of air on side of caution with this, but you can listen to the entire episode. We discussed a whole bunch of things from what you're seeing on social Media toe what people are doing and buying all the toilet paper, which we figure lie, Doctor. Throughout the joke that her friend told her of, You know, Corona, amazing chestnut your ass. Let's lift to that. So don't forget to leave us a rating and review that enjoy the episode. All this and more Corona Corona, not the beer take. Yes, I can take three Mean the corona bottle in the freezer with the mass on. There's so many means coming out.

spk_1:   1:14
Yeah, that's why my friend Billy Kuroda, I What is that called? Wanted to be a

spk_0:   1:19
writer. So anyways, how's the holiday for you, Dr D?

spk_1:   1:23
Well, it's nice, actually. I feel like there are some positive things. Have been spending more time with my kids. I've been cleaning all the time. You quitting? Oh, my God. I've realized how much this girl doesn't really clean, and I feel like it needs toe now. I'm sure she hates me being here. Seriously, my housekeeper hates me being at home. I mean, obviously, I'm not home all the time. Thank God I have two different jobs. I think she's saying thank God. Yeah. You bits. Just get say that you're swearing a lot on the podcast lies. I really use this

spk_0:   1:56
word. What you said in the last few podcast,

spk_1:   1:59
I get you safe. You

spk_0:   2:03
you drop some f u u about him. You said you said bitch Thio. Harsh one on then my favorite verbal diarrhea, which I'm still waiting for Emmanuel to create seriously.

spk_1:   2:17
So I feel like with this Corona virus and everyone wants to disinfect things. And I feel like since we don't have university. I teach two days, so I hold. But I keep myself busy like have so many errands I've been using this time spent time with my kids, run my air and stole their things and making sure that I checked every dirt in the house.

spk_0:   2:37
So you're doing

spk_1:   2:37
The house is spotless. Swear seriously. There are corners that haven't been cleaned for years. I have cleaned them. Exxon. Tired of asking here to do it? This you love like when you say Please, Kenny, do this. Yes, madam. I just do it. I did it And I know you didn't do it, so finally, but she's a great person. My kids love her. She's a great cook, so figure I'll just do it. I'm home. So this morning since 7 30 at a radio interview on the radio, I mean on the phone. And we talked about Corona that after that I thought I had a ll. This time I'm not gonna go back to sleep, So I think I drove her crazy about this. However, that and since he was like, okay, I'm sure she's thinking Is Khurana really getting thio? I told her we got in this. In fact, we kind of make sure things are clean, you know? But I'm sure not because of corn. And I just feel like this is a good time for me. I feel like I want summer vacation, but local usually summer vacation. We're traveling, so I didn't get to do these details.

spk_0:   3:34
So your O. C. D. Has fully kicked in.

spk_1:   3:36
I am definitely. And it's getting worse with age, to be honest. Really? Yes, I've noticed that. And there is a lot of research that says, Oh, see, Dick, it's worse with age doesn't get better,

spk_0:   3:47
but it doesn't surprise me. Yes. Oh, I just get grumpier with age thio more on the lines. Like oven asshole. Oh,

spk_1:   3:57
just now You're an asshole in general, you know?

spk_0:   4:00
All right, so I go to the bank today, right? Uh, and I parked my car in the little desert or parking lot, and there's like, this little like space that cars can drive through so they can park in the start parking lot. Now the dirt parking, while it only takes, like, 10 cars. So I get out of the bank and there is this asshole in a brand new Mercedes that had parked right in the entrance and exit. No one can get in around you. Serious. So I turned my car

spk_1:   4:26
narcissist. I know I could have. I could not believe a number, though. No, he didn't

spk_0:   4:31
leave a number.

spk_1:   4:32
That was even worse. This is serious. He's probably thinking I'm just going in for two minutes. Is Doesn't really wasn't in the bank, though. You go Oh, my God. It

spk_0:   4:39
was not in the bank, so I turned my car around. And I'm like, if d j wasn't with me If d. J. Was not with me, I swear to God, where was I? You know, I would have just pushed the car out of the way of my jeep. I don't give a shit my car 10 years old, driving a brand new Mercedes.

spk_1:   4:55
So did you find out who this guy is? No. Somebody hate people do this here all the time. I used to see at the university with the hell they're parked. I mean, just leave a number for Gatti know? Sometimes they leave a number and they don't even answer the

spk_0:   5:08
phone. Yeah, Now, that's the worst part. I learned this from my dad. Okay? When I used to own my little Toyota Jaris years ago were a couch, a grill eating lunch, and some guy had parked behind me, so I couldn't really get out. But his that coffee's too strong, is it? Just had some water to it. Be cold. So the dude's parked behind me. My dad gets out. I'm like, Oh, now I gotta wait for this guy. Whatever my dad's like, just give me your keys. So I gave my dad the keys, and it was like it was a nice car. I don't remember what it was, and my father gets in my car, and he literally just starts friggin punching it into this guy. Like he backed up into his bumper. So it was tapping. And then he just starts pumping it, wheels spinning and everything moves the car back like an inch and then just all right here. You can go home now. And I'm like, that's where I learned it from. You know what? Some

spk_1:   5:57
people fucking deserve it. You think I am? I Come on. Say what the hell You know. I don't understand how people you're not. Maybe you didn't notice it was an entrance.

spk_0:   6:06
The guy that parked out front?

spk_1:   6:07
Yeah. You landed the garden party today? Yeah, he's

spk_0:   6:10
an asshole. There's no way the guy from the bank saw me backing out. He called me and he goes Mental model. You might stay hairless. Opportunity to become not a hamburger souvlaki. I'll see if he's here at the bank. He calls him back, says no, He's not here at the bank. So I'm just like, all right, you know, what am I going to do now? And then? Luckily, someone in the bank was parts in the dirt parking lot, so they pulled out so we can get out through the curb, like, just jumped.

spk_1:   6:35
And nothing happens to this guy. See, this is what that guy's somewhere. And when he comes out, he'll never know. What must he has made?

spk_0:   6:42
No. I left him a no. Well,

spk_1:   6:43
you know, I don't know. That began in England.

spk_0:   6:47
It was in Arabic. It was because it was 100% was equating. I saw them. A spy. 100% brand

spk_1:   6:53
new Mercedes. Okay, miss by That's a Kuwaiti. Okay, for an Arab just saying Is he calling you asshole.

spk_0:   7:00
No, no, I was very polite about it. I said he lent to march to hell away. Hey, E was very polite about it.

spk_1:   7:08
You leave your number?

spk_0:   7:09
No, I didn't leave my name. I should've I should've Would've been good idea. So d j looks at me. DJs in the cartoon. Of course. So he goes, Wow, Dad, you just gave him a ticket. I was like, Oh, yeah, you better. Here's like you gave him a ticket. He's like, That's really good. Good job, Daddy. I'm like, Yeah, I was like, he was He was like, Yeah, he was a bad guy, Daddy.

spk_1:   7:28
See? But that's a good role model. But, you know, if in the U. S, you could have called the police here. Can you call the police?

spk_0:   7:34
Yeah, if you wanna wait an hour,

spk_1:   7:35
I mean, but what they do anything about this?

spk_0:   7:38
No, they I mean, maybe they would boot his car. Maybe maybe they would call a tow truck. But I highly doubt anyone would go to that extent. But if it was in the U. S, you're right within five. But 10 minutes, a tow truck would be their tone. His ass away,

spk_1:   7:51
of course. And they would They can wait till they give you a ticket.

spk_0:   7:55
Oh, yeah. 100%. I go there. I go to the gas station on my way to work every morning. Right now, there's this one little spot, Philip, your tire with air and then I parked there. I'm filling up my tire with air. I look up and there's three cars parked behind me. I couldn't even get out.

spk_1:   8:10
Oh, my God. Because they went on TV. And it's like they're not seeing you pumping. And your times it's only

spk_0:   8:16
with that, like, why double parked behind somebody?

spk_1:   8:18
Because they're lazy and they don't want to look. And they think that they're just going in for one minute. It's never one minute by time. You go in by time, you find the thing you want, the time you stand in line for the cashier and you pay. It's probably 10 to 15 minutes, and they're just like people here not consider it. You know what I mean? There's a lot of people on Consider it like Okay, it's something that happens in the university. I mean, we already have a problem. Parking and then you like. Especially like if you're in a hurry to get somewhere and you go out and you see that someone's parked behind you and you don't know what the hell that is. I mean, how are you gonna figure that one?

spk_0:   8:50
That's a pain in the ass,

spk_1:   8:51
and then you have to stay, and then you gotta call the security. And of course, security doesn't know what to do. Or people like, drive like crazy. And you know how many times they've, like, scratched my car, bumped my car. It's not worth driving a nice car. I mean, I'm always surprised, like my students driving these nice cars. Forget it. I drive my old Nissan. It's better idea. I cannot imagine

spk_0:   9:13
me and hair on the dilemma right now. I need a new car. So where we've turned into a Volvo family.

spk_1:   9:19
Yeah, I like. Well, that's a great My son loves the Volvo

spk_0:   9:23
Amazing car. We got the truck, I light. That's right. Yeah, we got That's 90. Hey, stole that for me.

spk_1:   9:29
No CIA did. She

spk_0:   9:30
said she took it from me, and now she wants the cute little Jeep. So I was like, All right, My Jeep is pretty much like it's got 240,000 kilometers. Oh my God, It's like it's taken a beat. And right now, every time it goes in for maintenance, it's costing me like 2 300 Katie Moore for mounts and this and that in this. So it's like it's gotten to that point where it's training in, yeah, words turned into a drain. So we're gonna get We're thinking of getting the Volvo, and it's like, But do I really want to spend that money

spk_1:   10:00
to anyone? Put payments well, at the right time with Corona, Look where I was reading these financial speculation furs, everything like I was reading in the U. S. Not here, but how, Like a lot of investors are gonna wait. They don't want to invest in, and they were worried about They don't know what this gonna cause. And, you know, it's a lot of businesses. They're gonna go out of business because especially here, you know, it is like a lot of restaurants are empty. No one's eating, so I feel like

spk_0:   10:27
everyone's always eating court,

spk_1:   10:29
you know, it has increased is the home delivery, but what has decreased is eating in. So if you're some restaurants are doing really well with eating in, I mean home delivery, but others aren't

spk_0:   10:41
there. If you have

spk_1:   10:42
a lot of these people have just opened and don't have, like, set reputation, for example, they're not gonna see abstained no, 100%. And even in the U. S. They were saying that that there's a lot of financial reports right now saying that maybe it's not recession, not in the old way of recession that we think. But if people stopped going out and people are scared and people are not going to spend money and help with the financial spending off the country, of course a lot of businesses will close. Which one will sustain our the bigger ones? The ones have been in existence for a long time, so I feel like I don't know if it's a good time to invest even in a car.

spk_0:   11:17
No, I mean car. It looked easy

spk_1:   11:20
payments and he said,

spk_0:   11:21
Yes, these air safe bets when you look at it from a financial perspective, like buying real estate right now, I wouldn't buy real estate right now like that's something you know, any anywhere because right now, with the Corona buyers, with everything else, you have people that are in a panic. They're gonna what people do. They hold on to money. They hold onto their goods. They Overstock on toilet paper de tall. I

spk_1:   11:43
want to understand why toilet paper the other day way fretted Australia. He did. Oh, he had on his Facebook. He had life video where he was take taping all these people that we're like in one of the supermarkets there and they were like rushing to get toilet paper.

spk_0:   11:59
I think that's a friendly people buy. I would opt. I like that, my friend

spk_1:   12:06
is like Kuroda and your test. How did your ass like? He's like people knew what? He's funny like these people don't even know him. But he's like, Look, people you don't understand, Kuroda isn't your chest laddered your but it's true. So most people are running and there was like a lot of these footages that you see on on social media by right now, most even like a target and Wal Mart right there grabbing me a paper. The sanitized This is

spk_0:   12:38
Charmin are like something for baby wipes in the states was sold out across America last week. Look, and I get it. I understand the panic has been created by social media. Let's get that because the media, however, on the other hand, in the bigger picture. Maybe this is a good little drill for everybody in the world. Like if something like this actually did happen, what would we do? Our government's handling this right? In my opinion, I think shutting down airports, ports, nobody in nobody out. I think that should have been done a long time ago in Wuhan when it started out in China. It should have been shut down. My sister's in Boston and there are people that had a business meeting in Wuhan like a few weeks ago, and they came back and they affected 14 people or quarantine in Norwood, now in Massachusetts, because these assholes came back from China. It's the world's

spk_1:   13:29
treaty because there are many because they didn't really understand the seriousness, even though when it started in China, lots of people were dying. It was infected. I mean, us being here, like when I used to hear it on the news, maybe because I heard it as China, and it's there. So we assume that it has nothing to do with us. But we forget that how people travel and how people go from place to place. And even though you I never thought that it was going to be epidemic, to be honest, at first I thought it was a China problem Chinese problem, and they need to deal with it. And there they didn't deal with it very well that the closer they didn't close a lot of their transportation because it was like the Chinese New Year, and people were traveling for that at that time when it really be hit big and I it hit in

spk_0:   14:15
December. But yeah, it was in China in December, right? They didn't close it down to what? February

spk_1:   14:20
That's right after their, uh, they wanted people to travel for their new year, which then, you know. But then after that is like or like, you know, the ideas is that it seems like even with these people were traveling like when so what they were doing in the U. S. In John F. Kennedy, for example, or even in San Francisco, they were measuring their temperature before they say, if they come, they were only looking at people that were coming from China, so its passengers. But now we know it. It's like you can come back and just got your infected, but your symptoms don't show for 14 days. So these people that they were like screened, might have not had any symptom there, like you don't have to have high temperature when you just have it. And in 14 days you would, and then they let them go. There was no quarantine. There was no that's put you away in a hospital for two weeks. Nothing. And that's why it spread so

spk_0:   15:13
quickly. No, 100% it's Look, there are two schools right there, two people. There's my wife, Paya, who is like, Look, it's not that big. It's a flu, you know,

spk_1:   15:23
it's It's like exactly like the flu. And more people die of the flu.

spk_0:   15:26
More people. That's what she keeps saying. But let's look at it this way. One I don't think hospitals are ready to deal with, like the masses. If they all get this as a new bug or a new disease, too, they're more worried about the elderly people over 60 have a higher death rate with this. That's where I worry. That's where I look at it. And I'm like, I get it. I understand it from my perspective that they don't want masses of people to die when it is preventable, and you can, like, prevented from taking flight in the community. But on the other hand, I think people are overdoing it to an extent, you know, like shutting down the borders and doing all this crazy shit. Like,

spk_1:   16:07
I mean, I think that people are panicked and so they don't know what to do. And we just have a tendency to do more extreme thing. I mean, when you close schools for two weeks or even a month now, soon it seems like a kid, right? Yeah. Yeah. But then, you know, you sound like my kids, But then you have to understand that you got to make this up somehow and it's gonna shorten your summer.

spk_0:   16:28
My kids principle, I said I'm paying, paying a pretty dime for him to go to your school. You know, it was like, I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but are you guys gonna make this up to us? Are they gonna make up the school? Are we gonna get money back?

spk_1:   16:41
Exactly. And they have to figure that out.

spk_0:   16:42
We do, because my point is his kids develop Maur through the environment that they're in. And TJ's developed so much, you know, like,

spk_1:   16:50
of course. And now you're wondering, Ah, month off. And then they're gonna extend it a couple of more weeks. They can extend beyond July because it gets really hot here. So you have to think about what are they planning to do? How are they going to make this up? But what I'm saying is like when you close schools and then when everyone is like listening to social media and people. I mean, a lot of people are ignorant. And instead of going to the proper websites like the Ministry of Health or even the World Health Organization, you get people to just

spk_0:   17:20
talk to the checking your phone. I got a phone call O u t. I gotta tell you. See, I don't look at my phone on the podcast.

spk_1:   17:27
Well, I don't need them when you have a phone. I looked at it again. Uh, just it's for my daughter, Whatever. I mean, what I'm saying is like, you know, I think that we're bombarded by a lot of everything. You open, you open Facebook. Someone's was talking about Corona and there's always these, like rumors. It's this. It's that it's this and then So if you don't have a lot of it, if you haven't educated yourself a lot or aware off the proper reason or what is Corona virus, then you're gonna believe everything. It I mean I have. I have clients. They're like they're in these family groups and they bombarded by different links. And what is going to cure Corona virus? You should eat garlic, and I don't know what someone else has this type of book, or I heard it will help you like, you know, I mean, come on, people like, seriously, do you really think

spk_0:   18:18
the masses are ignorant and

spk_1:   18:20
the masses the sickening? Why is everyone wearing a mask? I mean you, we have doctors who are professionals off so many times have gone on social media and said, Look, the mask is not something for regular people to be wearing. You only wear just like if you had the flu, which, you know people are times they don't wear the mask. But if you had the flu, you should be wearing the mask. So that way you're not contagious. So if you have the symptoms and if you're not feeling well, you wear it. Or if you're going to a very crowded place where you worried about, you don't know who's around you. Other than that, you should not be wearing the mask. And I seen people wear the mask wrong. Some people don't even have their nose covered. They have only their mouth covered, and it's like I don't know. It's just like it's the fashion. Like everyone's wearing musk. I should wear a mask. People don't really educate themselves.

spk_0:   19:09
I'm gonna wear a cool elevation mask. Oh, you are? It does nothing about it like it's gonna wear a cool bath. Lola, just to go with the fashion, said no. You know what

spk_1:   19:18
it is so funny. Like we need to

spk_0:   19:20
talk to Gucci and Louis Vuitton and Chanel masks. They would make it.

spk_1:   19:25
Oh, my God. You know how many people will be wearing it? Just wished I had 100% 0 my God. Well, you know, like it's so funny. Like you're driving and you see these, like, even taxi drivers to have it on their nose, you know, all day long. Can you imagine wearing this mask because you're worried about their transporting people in the court. But the ideas is that if they don't have anything is I'm gonna help you. It's only if you have symptoms and people don't know that. I mean, if you sanitize. Look, if you go on

spk_0:   19:53
a proper website, you're wearing a mask, and someone coughs in your face. The mask is kind of gonna protect you a little

spk_1:   19:58
bit in my not

spk_0:   19:59
am I not, But at least you're I would rather see I'm on the side of caution. I'm walking around with No, I don't walk around with a mask. But I'd rather like air on the side of caution at the end of the day. But

spk_1:   20:12
I mean, obviously, if you're sick, don't be around. So if someone is sick, you shouldn't be taking that taxi and putting the risk of the taxi driver. You know, that's what the common sense should be. But if you wash your hands, sanitize, don't touch your face. Everyone says that the World Health Organization says the only way you can transport this virus to yourself is through touching, touching your don't touch your eyes. Don't touch your nose. Don't touch your lips. Okay? These are simple thing that you need to follow. And if you can follow these things, that's it. But there are people sitting and thinking about the future. And what is this going to mean about this? And are we goingto you know, just the same thing is like I'm thinking, how am I gonna make up this like one month of Klaus? But to be honest, I don't care. I'm just gonna wait for the proper authority to tell me how to do it, and I'll do it and I'll do the best I can. But people don't think like that. Most people in panic, not because they think they're going to die of it. They're just panicked because they don't know what the future break. Because people can handle unpredictable things, and so they're feeling like it's unpredictable. They don't know what's gonna happen. But to be honest today, When I was on the radio, I said something like, I'm kind of happy. Not that we have Corona, but I'm happy that we have a an epidemic distress because for me, I feel like we raise our kids with, ah, lot off, like, you know, AA flower revision. Ah, lot of parents. I know when they have problems, they exclude the kids from it because they don't want the kids to be stressed over family problems, financial problems, myrtle problems. What we do is we shelter kids so much that we never introduced him to any trauma and the last time, maybe a we talked about. And you know how big I am on the psychological immune system. I feel like this is really going to help all parents because it's an epidemic. They cannot shelter their kids from it. And maybe we can use it to our advantage by teaching our kids. Where do you do in a time of stress and anxiety? You know, I have a conversation with my kids like my daughters so far did the other day. She's like Mom, Do you know how Corona virus happened? Well, there was this Chinese guy who who ate a live bat and this life that had the fighters, and then he caught it. And then they took his soul and put it in the freezer. Every she's small and she doesn't just I said they took his soul. I said, I think that you can put a soul in their eyes just like I don't know, Mom. But it's something inside Just pointing to the hard rock I realized. I said, You know, the idea is, is that it? What happening is that they probably don't understand this, and it's my job to sit and talk to them. And I told the look from now on, when you're with your friends, why don't you just play? I don't want to have anyone talk about Corona wires Your questions about talk to me because I think this is the time where we can, like, really explain to them. We can be the one educating them, not having them go online and looking at these like what the hell were a couple of weeks ago? Is it? Where's this guy just standing there and suddenly faints and dies? There was a video

spk_0:   23:23
I have seen. She didn't even have a

spk_1:   23:26
Corona virus. Well, they found out it was an old video. Nothing to do with coronavirus. What the hell?

spk_0:   23:32
I got a video someone sent. Oh, this is the current situation in this country. People sleeping on the side of the road and dead. And I was like, Dude, that looks like Mexico. And someone got shot by the Mafia like there's no way. But yes, it's, too. I mean, you're gonna get you're gonna get the whack jobs right now. Well, I mean, the conspiracy people will always

spk_1:   23:53
put that video. I mean that seriously. So ever since then, at that time, we didn't even have any crew in a case is here, Right. So the ideas is like, I remember this client's Lee. Could you imagine just what's happening in China? People standing and you just faint. I mean, this is like all these things that are not really accurate and at that time is like, you know, I didn't really wasn't like, pursuing a lot about understanding croon. And then and then I was like, Really, there's just faint. And people really understand that this is like real, and that's what happens to you and you condemned I suddenly of it because

spk_0:   24:27
it's a low education level. It's good. It's a lesser education. It's for people that are more susceptible and gullible to this stuff. Yes, which there's nothing. Look, there's nothing wrong with it because some some people need to survive off of this drum. Like, for instance, my mother. I love talking about

spk_1:   24:44
what you say. It s Oh, my mother. This is

spk_0:   24:47
my mother's jam. Bythe she's better than CNN with reports are accurate. No, uh, I would say both.

spk_1:   24:57
This time I'm not saying anything about your mom because she doesn't like me already. Doesn't like me, Doesn't like Hey, uh, yeah, you know what? I say nothing about her. She's

spk_0:   25:07
our Hershey's. And I love conspiracy people in, like the wack job people. I'm not called my mother of waxing job, but abstained. She believes in conspiracy theories. So she believes is the Illuminati trying to kill off humanity? Uh, are sorry the aging population, Uh, and this is their way of doing it by creating a virus that only attacks older people now. I mean, some of this crazy crap can be true at times, you know, we found out, like, through different things, but in general, I wouldn't believe anything until I kind of, like, saw proof of it. That's the important thing,

spk_1:   25:43
right? But maybe she's right, You know, we do. It is kind of

spk_0:   25:47
weird. Yeah, we are overpopulated by for

spk_1:   25:50
once. I'm saying your mom is right, but things is the conspiracy theory right off. Like, you know, AA lot of people are saying, Well, we're overpopulated. The earth can't handle us all. And this is like a way of, like, eliminating the elderly

spk_0:   26:04
and like, Yeah, it's sad, but true. We are overpopulated like crazy. We definitely are overpopulated. And is this the world's form of population control? Maybe. Maybe it was some guy that ate a bad that and he got a

spk_1:   26:20
bit too. Yeah, I called the bat shit. Virus isn't really someone ate. But I like that Someone ate a snake. I have no idea. I

spk_0:   26:27
don't know if it was about I'm not a doctor. I don't pretend to be one, but I just call it the bat Shit virus for a reason. I'm gonna make a T shirt that says bad shit virus coming your way. But like in general, we can't predict these things. But if we take precautions were fine and I don't know. I mean, you could get hit by a bus. That's what I said to Hey, I was like, Look, we could be walking down the street, Get hit by a bus or we could get Corona. Let's turn the odds air pretty much the same, you know, if you really think about it. But if

spk_1:   26:55
you're anything about statistics, more people died of eating disorder last year off hunger for 100,000 they say. I mean, if you think about 10,000 cases off people died of flu and we don't even know about it, there's nothing. I don't know why this Maybe this is because it's spreading all over. Maybe because more people are anxious, it is, Yeah, maybe because they don't have a cure for it.

spk_0:   27:18
I think it's the cure, the fact that old people are dying, you know, older people are dying. I think that's like if my grandmother got this virus, God forbid she wouldn't She wouldn't survive it like that's, you know, that's almost get

spk_1:   27:31
your mom has been staying at home.

spk_0:   27:33
Moms are locked down. She's on locked out, masks the gloves full night because my brother's got down syndrome to sew his Emma. So for her, like I get it, I understand I wouldn't go out if I, you know, if there was enhanced risks and that's the thing. That's the fear. The fear for me is not me getting sick. The fear for me is getting my wife sick, my son sick like my grandmother, God forbid, or my father in law, who has some medical issues. That's the fear. And I think when people understand that there are these precautions because we don't want this to get out of hand with the aging population, and I think that's the big key. There's not a medicine for there's no medicine for right. You

spk_1:   28:17
take another year before they find something. If that just like when they did that, you know the flu vaccine, which you know so funny. I've only taken the vaccination once, and I was more sick that year when I took it. So I decided I will never get the flu vaccine. So whatever they're gonna discover for this, I will never take it, cause I feel like my immune system is fine. And and I think if you can keep your immune system healthy and do exercise diet into all the right things to keep it strong. And I don't think that you should worry about it,

spk_0:   28:49
but on the same the same note for those exercise freaks out there. You can kill your immune system by overtraining. That's a big

spk_1:   28:58
one. I I never overtrained Aiken Bandy

spk_0:   29:00
through, but But there are a lot of people that will over train right now in our gym. We, you know, they have, like, something called calorie Wars. So I see people in there 34 times a day. When you're going to the gym 34 times a day and you're exerting so much from your body, your body naturally is gonna be weaker. Your immune system's gonna be weaker, and it's easier for you to get sick. Like two years ago, I was doing calorie wars, and I wound up in the hospital. I did two workouts on a Saturday, followed it by Sunday, doing three workouts plus, like, you know, Sprint work out. And then Monday night I did a workout in the morning. I was like, I'm not feeling well. I got to get out of here Monday night I'm in the hospital with a temperature of 39 hooked up to an I V and just puke in and everything. And it was just over exhaustion. And I got its stomach bug. Yeah, you know, no one else in our family, but,

spk_1:   29:51
I mean, that's an extreme. And when you work out twice a day,

spk_0:   29:54
but there are a lot of people that do that when they go on the dieting binge or the crazy crazy look, I work out,

spk_1:   30:00
I can barely do an hour which I haven't worked out for the last two weeks. Oh, my God. I just been like, in this, like, lazy mode Is it happened all during the national holiday? We already had one week, and I had promised myself because I've prior to that I was feeling very burned out, and I say of 50 million jobs, so I decided I was going to become a revolt. Is really I don't know. Why do I get myself into this? And I can't say no like more opportunities come and I just say yes. I really have to learn on trying to prioritize what I really like it. I like everything anyways So I had told myself as a way of rewarding myself, since most people will be outside celebrating, which then it didn't happen. I told myself that Sunday was the last day of work, and then the celebration started on Monday. I told myself that on Monday, I am not going to leave the house. And I was just gonna watch Netflix because I know this sounds weird to you. I never watch Netflix. I never I have a TV in my room that I haven't I haven't even

spk_0:   31:05
watched pandemic on that flicks or a pandemic.

spk_1:   31:08
I was gonna call you until you give me more shows. I watch the 3rd 13 reasons why? Why she killed herself, remember? Well, I mean, it's I don't understand. It's like seasons. At first I thought the first season I watched the witcher. No, I wasn't watching anything. But now I'm like taking suggestions.

spk_0:   31:25
All right, So you gotta watch the witcher. That's a Great

spk_1:   31:27
Lakes region. I am. I can I see with my son? Yeah,

spk_0:   31:32
he might have to cover his eyes on a few parts, but he'll be all right. Okay. All right. He's what? 13

spk_1:   31:37
15 15. Love it 15 15 2 weeks

spk_0:   31:42
now. He'll be fine. Just a couple of parts. You have to have to cover his eyes. That's about it. That's a good show. It takes two episodes. Really Kind of get into, uh, how I met your mother. Okay. Hey, what

spk_1:   31:53
time I know that when I like Seinfeld, I have seen

spk_0:   31:56
if you want your old friends.

spk_1:   31:59
No, I wanted him there. You. But why is everything now Siri's There's no good movies

spk_0:   32:04
because series is gonna be the new the new movies. In my opinion, I think you

spk_1:   32:08
are I Why I was so disappointed. To be honest,

spk_0:   32:11
he pour into it and they binge watch it. There's another one where it's people need to get into heaven. Forget the name it I'll send you.

spk_1:   32:17
People need to get Yeah, we'll die, right? That's

spk_0:   32:22
like heaven and go there. And it's like everything's the way you want it. Oh, my God. I gotta find

spk_1:   32:30
you finally gonna tell me. It's

spk_0:   32:31
a hole. I gotta find the name right now.

spk_1:   32:33
It's called Paradise. What's paradise?

spk_0:   32:36
Yes, Paradise. Something like that. Nice. Are you googling it

spk_1:   32:39
trying? Because I was like, OK, so I watched 13 reasons because somebody told me I should watch. Obviously, someone's like colleges. I needed toe. I like to. And then my son wanted to watch this. I don't know. It's something about I don't like this or I don't want this. I don't know something like that, because I don't watch Netflix. I didn't realize everything with a serious. So I was looking and I was leaving. I was looking on TV and the list and everything. I picked him like Great. This is gonna be a great movie. And then I find out our Siri's I hate Siris. Why? I just want to watch an hour to hour of a movie. What happened with that tie?

spk_0:   33:11
Honestly, enjoy Siris? Yeah. Yeah, I still do. I can't remember the name of that movie. Dammit, that's gonna piss me.

spk_1:   33:18
They go into paradise. They all go to Paradise is really great to know. It was

spk_0:   33:22
like they they've all died. They get into heaven in this lady's in heaven and it's a Siri's and like nothing can go wrong. And then apparently she wasn't supposed to be there and everything goes wrong, like it's just the weirdest Siri's Hey, watch the whole thing. I watched what happened. It was good. It was funny. Like I I thought it was pretty funny. Okay. You know the guy from Cheers?

spk_1:   33:45
Yes. The bartender. Yeah. Hey, what's his name of there? Oh, he's still alive. Yeah, he's so he's so I know I was like, because sometimes, like you say things, like, especially my students, Doc, that was very old. He's dead now, and I'm thinking, Oh, my c, I don't watch. So anyways, my story. So I decided I was going to be a TV junkie where I'm just going to stay at home and I'm gonna try it because you know me for so long and you know that I never stay home for nothing. And then at first it was okay. And then I was, like, starting to get bored. And then I started. I feel like I became depressed. I was like, Is this what my life is gonna be? I eat, I sleep, I wake up, I eat again and I watched TV and then I was sailing myself. Now I understand how some of my clients are like this. They don't have an agenda. They don't have any goals. They don't have a job. And this is their life. Every day.

spk_0:   34:32
I don't know how they could do it.

spk_1:   34:34
I don't know how they could do it, because I was starting to become depressed just a little bit. And then I was I wasn't motivated. And the more you sleep, the more you wanna sleep.

spk_0:   34:41
Good place. It's called the Goat. Good place. Okay. Good place. It's I can't head dancing. That's his name.

spk_1:   34:48
Oh, yeah, Ted, That's right.

spk_0:   34:49
Sorry. You gotta watch the good place. It's actually a really good show in Black Mirror. You won't,

spk_1:   34:53
really. We're gonna write all this stuff all on a minute. The good place are these Siri's, though. Anyone seriously?

spk_0:   35:01
I don't watch movies anymore. There's the new Ah,

spk_1:   35:04
How do you catch? How do you finish t to me then? Once I watch one thing or two, then I want to finish it. Do it every day. Watch one a day. That's not I don't have every day. The place

spk_0:   35:13
is 1/2 an hour.

spk_1:   35:14
I don't have any. How many? How many seasons? Plus I don't understand. Why do you have so many seasons?

spk_0:   35:19
Well, because I Have you watched the walking dead?

spk_1:   35:22
Did I watch that? Or somebody told me

spk_0:   35:24
about walking Dead is by far my favorite, like Siri's. Ever.

spk_1:   35:28
Okay. Wait, What can I write?

spk_0:   35:30
I totally believe in zombies. Okay?

spk_1:   35:32
Walking on a like zombies

spk_0:   35:34
Walking, I believe. Like we're gonna get invaded by zombies one day.

spk_1:   35:37
No. You what? That good place. What else did you say?

spk_0:   35:41
The good place, huh? Getting here.

spk_1:   35:43
We gotta get the audience. Send us some more stuff. Black mirror,

spk_0:   35:47
The black mirror. Yeah.

spk_1:   35:48
Really? Is that good? Yeah. Let me anything that's like, Not really

spk_0:   35:52
No, I like some of the black mirrors. Got some really good shit.

spk_1:   35:55
I was thinking about that. She'll remember one time you told me about sociopaths. Yes. What was that called? Remember you were watching it. And somebody else in my class mentioned it. Three episodes you and I were talking about

spk_0:   36:06
Yeah, interview sociopath. Uh oh, shoot. I totally forgot the name of it.

spk_1:   36:11
OK, well, when you find it, let me know. So now you gave me some things to add more to my junkie nous. Yep. So but to be honest, I really I don't know how people do it. How do people just sit at home and Jenna? And now most of the people like your mom. What is she doing all day at home? I don't know. That would make me to press

spk_0:   36:30
that for because she's like you

spk_1:   36:31
won't even go outside for a little bit. Because our doors and there was a You know, it's another thing people don't understand. If you do things out door, it is. But like, for example, in Lebanon, my best friend lives there, right? She of course. Their school is closed also, but they do all online, and she does all these activities with her kids outside right out because they can do skiing. They do climbing. They can do all this stuff issued they so they avoid indoor because the virus can be endure. But when your outdoor Corona virus doesn't have anything to do with it, and most people are forgetting that, like maybe you should take a walk, maybe you should go outside and do something. Don't go in on Don't go to a big any any any big

spk_0:   37:15
my kid in the gym with me all day today.

spk_1:   37:17
You did? Yeah. Well, I had to go to the gym and who isn't a board?

spk_0:   37:20
Well, no, he

spk_1:   37:22
but there's not a lot of people out of

spk_0:   37:23
there. It was pretty empty. The nanny was with him, so she kept wiping his hands with detail. Wife. So that was good. And I needed him to move. The kid's got so much energy like,

spk_1:   37:33
No, they're gonna be bored. Used to see I mean, you wondering why I'm lines bounced off the walls?

spk_0:   37:37
He was doing chin ups, bar muscle ups. Yes, exactly. Chin ups and whatever else and using.

spk_1:   37:42
But everyone is so security. But my kids are driving me crazy. And now you're saying they're gonna give us two more weeks and my kids are great kids. To be honest, not because they're my kids, they get up in the morning. They try to do some homework. Whatever they confined, they entertain themselves. But poor kids is like they are home all the time when I'm working because they're not allowed to go here and I let them go outside In our in our complex, they need to have a breathers. I take him for a drive, and today I was planning a play date. My daughter, One of the moms very easy. I mean, they're both wonderful people, but it's like, you know, one of them was like she didn't even question cause I was gonna take him to the mall. I mean, what else can we do? Yeah, and then it's like they can. The girls can just come to my house, and then they'll be bored. And then the other one is like, Wait, I gotta ask. I gotta do this. Like, now. People nowadays, people don't even want to get together. And so the kids are feeling bad because they're not seeing their friends. Unless you've got a Shelly or you've got something that you know, a way that you can be an open space. The rest of us are stuck with our kids. So much energy and not enough exercising. My kids do skating right? Yeah, Well, they're skating. Place has been closed for the last two weeks. Why? How is the virus gonna go in? You know, how is that gonna affect them if they're just skating by themselves and there's no contract.

spk_0:   38:56
So as we wrap up as being about what are your closing thoughts? I'm on the bat. Shit virus.

spk_1:   39:02
Look, there are two things, really. I think people need to understand that you can't control the future. As I said, please get your information from the right source is stop taking all these online people sending you this and e garlic and drink this I don't know. These shit is in a work or at the bat. What the idea of like, you know, Wait till the day. I mean, our government's really doing a great job. Ministry of Health has, like, really quarantined the right people. They've stopped all this so already The government is doing all the work for us. We don't need to think about anything more. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Don't touch your face. I haven't time tell you that. And this is really while you touch your nose. Disgusting.

spk_0:   39:44
I'm not picking my nose. I'm just you know

spk_1:   39:47
and then. But the idea is is that I want people don't have clean. But our fears are exaggerated. You know, we're trying to control many things, and we can't. And most of the fears are from what? They're unrealistic exaggeration of our head. So don't think about what's happening. Take care of yourself. But to lock yourself at home and not even breathe a little bit outside is not going to kill you. And remember, you know, everybody is going through the same thing. So it's not like it's a problem only for Kuwait. It's a world wide problem. And whatever the solution, ISS, we're all going to benefit. So the ideas is and to sit there scared and to make your kids feel scared. But then the other thing I was telling you in a way, I was happy that this is happening, that we don't have work of spending more time with my kids. I'm doing more activities. I've become very creative as a mom. I've made my kids clean the house with me. I mean, they don't see me that much. And because of Corona virus, it has brought us closer. You know, we talk about different things. I do a lot of things in the house now. Even my photo shooting for the TV, I do it and I noticed

spk_0:   40:52
that you were doing You were in the kitchen

spk_1:   40:55
every line because you know what I want now? I got used to like I really want to be a home. I really want to be a

spk_0:   41:00
talk. A little Arabic for me, Dr D A.

spk_1:   41:05
Ah, Uh huh. Hey, Uh huh. Was it? Hey, I loved it. I loved it. But sometimes when I speak in Arabic, I feel like I have toe always telling the director I have to do it slower. Like you know how When you learn a new language, I feel like people can understand.

spk_0:   41:26
Love it quick, I assure you.

spk_1:   41:31
Everybody thinks I'm Lebanese. Marjorie lemma you junin clinic Often time they make references that I'm very much but they always make references on Lebanese like they'll say it was more missile equipment off Lebanon. That's what they say. And then I'm like, I'm not Lebanese. People make derogatory comment any Anna had a more hurry. And with little e

spk_0:   41:54
I know what you mean. All right, All right. S o days. College, huh? I gotta give my little piece of advice before we wrap up here, huh? And it is all right, everybody by all the toilet paper, you can get all the costs way. Don't need time. Paper yourself down in your house. No, I'm just joking.

spk_1:   42:11
BC might live your life normally. Go back to your routine. Yeah, the more your routine a more normal and normalize your life 100%. That's true. Well, thanks.

spk_0:   42:24
Thanks for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed it, please head overto iTunes to subscribe rape and leave a review. You can also find us on Instagram at the project. Cool. Thank you. And join us next time.