The Project: Kuwait

Hybrid training Kuwait (@Hybridtrainingkw) Dr. Aziz Al Khayyat Discusses: Grip Strength, Calisthenics, Bodybuilding and the Importance of Unilateral Training

Mahdi Al Oun, @Hybridtrainingkw Dr. Aziz Al Khayyat Season 1 Episode 207

In this episode I get to sit down and talk to as he's from hybrid training. Now for the first 20 minutes we talk a lot of general fitness stuff talking about grip strength, deadlifts, and then we get into talking about COVID-19 and Corona. And whether I had it with the symptoms work because he had it. And he gives some really good insight from a medical professionals perspective. And we also talk about whether gyms equate should open up or they shouldn't, what is going on and quite wire numbers are spiking as of late. So it's a really an interesting part from a medical perspective. I would say that starts up in minute 25. And then we start talking a little bit about health and fitness and assessments and how he assesses his client. It's a really fun episode, we enjoyed the chat. He's definitely coming back on and if you enjoy this episode, please leave us a rating and review. 

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Copy of Episode - Hziz hybrid

Tue, 11/17 9:44AM • 45:08


people, gym, dude, grip strength, training, unilateral, deadlift, grip, doctor, sick, bit, shit, translate, pull, calisthenics, bodybuilding, years, man, muscle, virus



You are now listening to the project quake project quake project where we stop at nothing to bring you the right backs on health, fitness and psychology, featuring some of the world's most experienced professionals the session so you can learn and play with your hosts make dirty and messy. Hey everybody, welcome to this episode. In this episode I get to sit down and talk to as he's from hybrid training. Now for the first 20 minutes we talk a lot of general fitness stuff talking about grip strength, deadlifts, and then we get into talking about COVID-19 and Corona. And whether I had it with the symptoms work because he had it. And he gives some really good insight from a medical professionals perspective. And we also talk about whether gyms equate should open up or they shouldn't, what is going on and quite wire numbers are spiking as of late. So it's a really an interesting part from a medical perspective. I would say that starts up in minute 25. And then we start talking a little bit about health and fitness and assessments and how he assesses his client. It's a really fun episode, we enjoyed the chat. He's definitely coming back on and if you enjoy this episode, please leave us a rating and review. All this and more in today's episode. Hey everybody, welcome to this episode of the project. And in this episode, I'm talking to as ease or as my cousin would say, Azuz, as it was hybrid training, totally certified trainer. And not only that, he is a goddamn doctor. So don't try and pull your jimbros shit on this guy. This is where I just shut up and listen to you at some point. And not disagree with you too much. So welcome to the show, man.



Thank you, man. Thank you.



We had your wife on earlier we had Hannah. You guys are a power couple. Both doctors, both fitness freaks, so to speak, Mashallah. You're sitting there doing pull ups and bar muscle ups in the middle of your hallway, bumping your head into the ceiling. Go on his Instagram. And see that was pretty funny. That cracked me up, man. But uh, yeah, dude. So why don't you tell us a little bit about hybrid training? You know, what spawned that idea, man,



I guess? Well, so over the past, I would say I've been training for around eight years. First of all, I'd like to say thank you for having me on the show. So it's an honor. It's a privilege, of course, and very nice to get to know you as well, man. So with regards to hybrid training, I've been training for just you know, between seven to nine years, I would say and I've really kind of dove into several different disciplines over the past over the past couple of years, you know, definitely went into the bodybuilding definitely went into the more of the specific sport specific training with the plyometric work, you know, that kind of stuff, incorporating a bit of endurance, CrossFit style workouts and a lot of calisthenics, bodyweight calisthenics. And I think that there's so much in fitness. And I think if you love fitness, you will love something about every single aspect about it, you know, so that's what, that's what I'm trying to create, you know, that's what I'm trying to create. I'm trying to be able to, personally for my training, not my clients, that everyone has their own goals, but personally, for my training, I just want to be able to do everything, I don't want to be completely excelling at one thing, but I want to be at a certain level at everything. So you know, you want to walk into a calisthenics gym, you want to walk into a CrossFit box, you want to walk into some, you know, a bodybuilding gym, you can jump right in there, and you'll fit in and whatever anyone wants to do, like, Hey, you want to go do this today, I'll be like, let's do it. And I'll you know, I'll perform at a high level. And I think that's kind of the idea of where hybrid training came in. I never really liked to be one dimensional, and I've always incorporated all sorts of training into to my own kind of regimen and still trying to you know, kind of tweak the programming a little bit as to where it's on point. But I think that kinda is, that never really happens. You know, it's a work in progress. So yeah, that's pretty much where hybrid training came in. I come from a sports background I used to play football or I don't know soccer, you want to call it



we got a lot of queries that listen to the show, they always give me shit about college soccer. So



yeah, so beauford Nadella quit up until I was around, I would say 14 I even swam on the swimming team brought to study medicine and whatnot. So after that, I kind of had to find kind of somewhere to go, there was no football trading anymore. There was no swimming practice. So I just walked into the gym for the very first time and everything took off from there, you know?



It's awesome, dude. So I'm assuming you probably started out with your typical bro split. Now being a doctor with the medical background and



like 20 sets of chest.



Being a doctor with your medical background and everything. I mean, this is shit. They don't teach you in med school. I'm assuming like how to, you know, build muscle in an aesthetic way. So how did you go about it? Were you? Yeah, everybody else with the muscle mags? Well, I mean, you're younger than me. You're what? 24 something like that. So eight years ago, you had you had a lot of access.



I turned 25 earlier this month.



Alright, so So yeah, you're a younger man. I got 12 years on you. So I was reading the muscle mags while you still had Google and shit. So for you bodybuilding. dot com was probably hot on the scene back then. So did you get your information from definitely, definitely. Or did you kind of you know, hypothesize be based on your medical background.



Honestly, like you said, the medical background doesn't really dive too much into this kind of stuff. Definitely, we'll learn about bone structures, tendons, muscles, ligaments, but when it comes to, you know, being a bro, no, doesn't really give you that kind of stuff whatsoever. And I walk into a gym, I guess I was never really intimidated. You know, I'd walk into the gym, I see the biggest guy there, you know, benching three plates. And I think to myself, like, I want to do that. So I kind of emulate the guys around me that were at such a high level, I would go on YouTube, and I would go on Google religiously, every single night and try and pick up as many tips as I can. And when it comes to everything, man, when it comes to dumbbells versus barbells, versus tempo versus pause reps versus drop sets versus whatever it is that you can think of, I dove into absolutely everything. And I think I tried everything. And that's the main thing. You know, I think a lot of guys out there when they're first starting, you know, go for the trainer. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's what the trainer is for, you know, but the trainer knows what works. But he's really tried this on himself and a couple of clients, only everyone's body works differently. So the only way you're going to know what works for you is if you try it. So I think the edge I really had in my first two or three years of training was trying absolutely everything. Now, with that being said, you will learn a lot about your body and training. So you're definitely the first two years of training aren't really optimal at all, especially with the nutrition kind of not being that great. But I think that's important. I think failing in those couple of first couple of years, you know, try and go to X, Y and Zed seeing what works, seeing what feels good seeing what doesn't. I think that's you know, that's the most important thing, and that's how you get better.



But yeah, no, I mean, dude, you're spot on. And I think we've said it a bunch of times on the show, like exactly what you said that everybody's different. Everyone's body works differently. And what were some of the things that you noticed, getting into bodybuilder? I mean, that's a question I always have for people. Like, for me, I had quick change, I was never an aesthetics guy, I couldn't get the cut of the chest and the six pack, six pack abs or whatever. But you know, I could, you know, you know, break my back deadlifting 200 kilos, you know what I mean? Like, which I've done many times when I was, you know, around your age, but you know, now I'm a little smarter. Yeah. So, I mean, how was it for you? Did you notice that you took really well to bodybuilding? Or did you notice that maybe you had to go towards the functional fitness side of things? And what was your strategy back then? And how is it compared to now? To be fair, there was?



Yeah, to be fair, there was no real strategy. I think like most people, I want it to look good. When when you go to the gym, when you get that so called pump, you know, you look good, you feel good. I made a lot of improvements in my first years of training, but it was a disaster man, like I had no training knowledge, I would take every set to failure on top of drop sets. And I think I was doing it you know what I mean? recovery wasn't on point. Sleep wasn't on point I was in medical school. My diet wasn't great. And that stuff was kind of catching up to me. I think, as the years went on, I really started learning about my body more. And definitely wanted to get functional, especially over the last I would say four or five years, I've really kind of shied away from the bodybuilding stuff. I still do some of that kind of work but very minimally. And yeah, I guess that just building that kind of muscle wasn't as fun as breaking that PR or doing that workout in a better time or performing better or noticing when you're playing football with your friends. You just have that kind of little edge and you're quicker, you know what I mean? And that's where I felt where I was headed, but there was no real strategy to begin with. Definitely.



That's awesome. So and that's how you kind of came into the hybrid training. Now. explain a little bit about the hybrid training now is this like more of I mean, you said it earlier, you want to go into a gym and if there's a calisthenics class, go in there, be able to do it go into whatever craft, and yeah, to be honest with you, and I, people are gonna shoot me for saying this. But if you want to do that CrossFit is what you got to do. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, I can, for the most part, go into a lot of different classes, I'm not going to do a strict muscle up, but I can go into most classes and, you know, especially the boot camps, I mean, you know, like that, that's just yeah, in, you can go in there after doing CrossFit for so long and you know, be able to perform everything so to speak. But with that said, if you do CrossFit, you're not going to go that's not going to translate very well to football, basketball, baseball or any other sports in my opinion. And I was reading an article about that today. I'll talk about it later. But I mean, that would that would be a sport that I would say dude, maybe you should give that a try. You know, come on to the gym anytime you want to you want to throw down for a workout with me. I'd be happy happy to work out with you, man. It would be a lot of fun. But now talk to me about cache mix. You've been doing a lot of calisthenics lately, right? So is the hybrid approach just kind of trying to put everything together to see Your body for the most elicit change you



can manufacture. Definitely I would say the hybrid approach will definitely include some kind of strength piece will definitely include some kind of like power or barbell piece and will also definitely include some kind of endurance piece. That's what my regular day of training works. That's how it works. There will be days where there's a bit more emphasis on you know, other stuff. So more emphasis on strength, or more sorry, endurance or whatnot. But I try and limit training to around 60 to 90 minutes per day at most. Honestly, I think if anyone's training any longer than that, there's just it's just unnecessary in my personal opinion as well. You see guys going to the gym for three hours, I don't know what you're doing there. But you haven't been able to do it. I'm



there for three hours, man, I spent 40 for about half an hour again, loose, and you know, I'm old. So it takes a little while longer to grease the wheels. And then you know, accessory work plus the lifting. And for me now at my age, I've understood that I need to build up, you know, so like, if I'm doing cleans, I start with an empty bar and I build up fives 10s 20s. You know what I mean? So that's personally that's why it takes me so long. Because my warm up routine is so different from when I was 25 years old. I mean, dude, when I was 25, I could walk into a cold and just start benchpress and not have a problem if I do that. So yeah, anyway, sorry, not to cut you think



and I think apart from your warmup, the actual workout if you know one is unable to push their buddy for 60 minutes to a point where they will get good bang for their buck. I don't think they've done enough or they've used their time wisely at the gym. I think it is day and age, nobody has the time to spend that long. But you know, definitely the warm up is an essential part of every single workout. And if that's how long you need, if you feel that's how that's what works for you, then then for sure. But yeah, like I said with the hybrid, I try and get in lots of calisthenics, I try and get in lots of you know, lower rep kind of strength resistance based training with barbells and dumbbells. And I definitely try and get in a lot of endurance work and at the same time recently been incorporating more barbell kind of Olympic lifting work? Well, it's a lot of fun. I'm not great at it, but just like I've progressed and everything goes semi decent and that kind of thing as well. So that's how it works. You could say, That's not for everybody. It's not for everybody. I mean, I guess you kind of have to enjoy a bit of everything. And I know a lot of people these days are very kind of specialized into certain things. And that's completely okay, as well. It just depends on the goals, I would say.



Yeah, no, that makes a lot of sense. And, I mean, dude, it's pretty cool to see that that approach taken and that you're not kind of sticking to one modality and getting into one camp, which I think a lot of people do a lot of it's like, especially in fitness, it's like religion, it's like, dude, if someone's calisthenics, don't talk calisthenics to them, because they'll flip their shit. If they're a crossfitter, they're going to be a dick anyways, so you don't want to approach them. And I think it's pretty cool that you're kind of taking an open approach to all this and Nino and using that to like, you know, generate the most change within your body and do the same for your clients. And let's talk about the body a little bit. And, you know, I talked with your wife, we talked a little bit about pull up progressions and stuff. And from a hybrid approach, let's, let's tackle the pull up again. And yeah, talk about the importance of a deadlift within a pull up. I mean, I think we could probably both agree that your deadlift is essential to doing a pull up. Yeah, that that lat strength comes from the deadlift, too.



So full body movement, that lacks strength, that scapular stability, that grip strength, that translates into so many things, and just your pull up, your clean your roll your everything, you know, what's your approach with the person that says I don't want to do a deadlift, because I'll probably end up getting hurt, I would say, from a medical



perspective, from a medical stress from Yeah, as a doctor.



I mean, yeah, as a doctor, you could say that the spinal stability, your spinal, erectors, and your spine, all your core and your core isn't just your abs, you're talking about your hip flexors, you're talking about your glutes, you're talking about your lats, you're talking about your mid to lower traps. All of these are so, so, so essential in a deadlift. And if you think that the deadlift isn't actually going to reduce your risk of injury, then I would suggest you honestly do some more reading if you take all the guys at the gym who have a good looking strong deadlift versus all the guys who do not deadlift whatsoever I guarantee the chance of injury and the guys who don't deadlift whatsoever is going to be much higher than the guys who do



hundred percent. I totally agree with that now, and when when we do talk about the deadlift and you said it perfectly like the grip strength translates in now for your type of training. How important is grip strength? I mean, from you know, what you've seen and what are some of your methods to strengthening your grip because you do a shit ton of pull ups man. So,



I mean, I would say the grip has grip type of work in so long or isolated my grip or kind of just made that my certain goal just because over the years, just so many ways to Pull Ups and so many kind of static holds on the bar and so many heavy deadlifts, and I haven't worn straps. In years, man, I don't even know what straps look like anymore. I have to tell you this, you know what I mean? So the grip strength when you're doing a weighted pull up, I mean, you're thinking about it. Let's say I'm doing a weighted pull up with 40 kg four reps, I myself, I weigh around between 83 to 85. Depending on the day, I'd 40 kg to that you're kind of dead hanging around over 120 kg, which is heavy for a dead hang and a pull as well. So I guess the grip has just grown grown grown over the course of the years, but I would definitely recommend grip training to somebody who has weak grip, definitely, I would definitely recommend that people who are deadlifting will start with a double overhand grip, but not kind of using the switch grip. There's nothing wrong with the switch grip. But yeah, but initially you need to be kind of growing your grip, and dependency both sides, I would definitely recommend doing a lot of holes. Definitely a lot of contractions in your forearms and your lats and your shoulder and your shoulder girdle because these are also important for the pull ups you know, and your grip strength in general.



What are some of like your go to exercise for grip saying we did we did a video on grip strength we did we actually did two we did one. Ditch the bar if you're doing the one reverse the mixed grip in my opinion, I think you have no business doing a mixed grip. If you can't come anywhere close to your one RM with normal. Exactly was when I switched to the hook grip. Oh my god, it was revolutionary for me and every single one it translate into everything. To be honest with you,



I would say I would say like you said, you know for somebody starting off, ditch the straps and ditch the switch grips, you know, get your kind of innate natural grip strength stronger. Whether you're doing pull ups or whether you're doing deadlifts. For me, something that worked over the years were farmers carries, they worked so well for me because not only are you focused on your grip, you're also focused on a full body functional movement where you have to walk, keep your back straight, keep your shoulder, shoulders nice and stable to chest high. And that also translates into better grip over time as well. So I would recommend the farmers carry as well.



Yeah, no, I mean, farmers farmers carries, like been one of my go to goes one of my go twos. I'm not sure if you heard our episode, we had an episode with Tanner shock. And he's someone that I saw doing the towel farmer carry. And that's something that I used to do. I used to do that 20 years ago, and well, not 20 years ago. Yeah, like, yeah, it's 2020 Yeah, 2000 dude, when I first got on the gym seat, I used to do that with dumbbells. We didn't even know what a kettlebell was then. So you know, we do the whole towel thing with dumbbells. And people thought I was insane. But my uncle taught me how to do that. And I think the towels are great if you're advanced enough, because I tore up Yes, tensors once when I went back to the gym after like six years, and I was like, Oh, I'm gonna do pull ups with a towel and, you know, be like, took like six months to heal is horrible. But do you have any other cool exercises from you know, your, your, your handbook that you could throw out to people for grip strength, in particular, when I'm dumbbell



rows, especially when heavy and you're able to control the weight are great exercise. And I'm not just talking about, you know, for a bodybuilding purpose, but for everything you know, for your back strength, and it translates into your pull up as well. With the nice thing about the one arm dumbbell row is that it's unilateral. So you're going to be able to work each side independently. Definitely the side that's weaker, you should start with, you know, there's no point going with that stronger arm that stronger grip and roughing it out 200 breaking down the other side when you're fatigued. And I see a lot of guys doing that doesn't translate into good grip strength as well.



Yeah, no. And I think that's a really good point. I used to be guilty of that, where I'd always start with my right side because it was my strong side. Yeah. And I'd be able to wrap them out. And then when I get over to the left side, struggling at number seven, I gotta get to 10 and it's like, why the hell is this happening then? You know, I read a bunch of articles where I was like, dude, start with your weaker side cuz ya gotta conserve that energy. Go into it then. And yeah, I mean, to me, you know how they always say there's the Big Five you know, the overhead press benchpress deadlift squat? Yeah, the big four is called Big Five. I think the bent over row is friggin like, I think that's more than a lot of



Pendley rows. Well,



what's the difference? They're both the same, right? I mean, bent over rope. And



then the row, you kind of go back on a dead hand on the floor, kind of like you're dead, lifting it. So you're a bit more parallel to the floor when you pick it up off the floor. So it's a monster exercise as well. I think in general, most of us, I mean, every single person in the world is going to have imbalances. You cannot be a perfect athlete from birth, where each side is the same, each side looks the same performs the same, it doesn't work out that way. If you hold on to a bar with let's say 225 pounds just in a in a full lockout position, just hold on to that for as long as you can. I guarantee you will side one start, you will see one start one side will start to fail before the other and there's no harm in doing unilateral work to try and strengthen the other side as well. So that's also a good tip work on the weaker side more often, hundred translates into better deadlifts and



you bring up a good point with unilateral training and I think a lot of people neglect that nowadays. Especially with the You know, the functional side of things in the whole gym scene right now it's, you know, a lot of squatting a lot of deadlift, and people aren't doing unilateral. They're not doing the suitcase carry, so to speak. Yeah, they're not doing single legged split squats. So what's your take on that? I mean, when would you translate that to someone's programming? Would you sort of start them with the unilateral training and then move them in gradually into the compound training? Or would you start them compound into unilateral or run something in tandem together,



I would say, in tandem, but I would say that initially, I will start with the compounds and not unilaterally, the compounds, you know, first, getting the basics of every compound exercise, and having those good body mechanics to be able to perform the exercise, well, is ideal for any clients starting off for any person trying to train starting off, unilateral training will come as a kind of accessory, and it will translate into the main compound lifts, you know, you're changing up the game, you're using your entire core, you're using more accessory stabilizing muscles, you're kind of shifting the center of gravity, not in the middle of your body, suddenly to one side, or in front or in the back, whichever it is, you know. Yeah. Which will require your entire nervous system to be involved as well. So unilateral exercises, definitely have, you know, a place in everyone's plan, I should say,



Yeah, no, definitely. I mean, I've seen different approaches where, you know, coaches will start people off with the unilateral training first, and then move them into the compound saying, and their argument was valid, in my opinion, to some extent of, I want to build up each side individually before I say, okay, you know, here's a heavy squat, go underneath the bar, because I don't want that imbalance to be predominant. And, you know, there's that place for that. I do like your approach also of trying to get them to get used to that compound movement, which is something that I've done with my clients, where have them do the unilateral and then use an empty bar for squats or whatever, just to kind of learn more of it, because it is an art and what are some of the things that you hate seeing? Let me ask you from a doctor's perspective, okay? Because this is me off, and I'm not even a doctor and hambo talks about it all the time. I mean, when you see the bodybuilders or the guys from the gym, the trainers, the coaches, and the nutritionists of late night giving out medical advice, what is your approach to that? I mean, how do you feel you went to school for like, what, 10 years? And? Yeah,



I mean, See, the thing is, is that, first of all, we'll leave that just aside for one second, we live in Kuwait, and the number of people and I hate to say this, you know, the number of people who are getting into the wrong things, eating the wrong foods, taking the wrong supplements, even doing steroids at such a young age, when they don't have a single clue what they're doing to their bodies, or what they're putting their bodies simply because the next man at the gym, or the shredded guy at the gym, or whatever you want to call them has recommended that is insane. I've seen it with my own eyes, and it happens on a daily basis. And first of all, giving out advice is great. You know, if you're sure about your piece of information, if you've done your actual research, a funeral, give out advice, but I'm not a car mechanic, would I give out advice on how to fix a car? No, you know, I'm not, you know, whatever you want to call it? I don't know anything about skin? Am I going to tell some girl How to use beauty products? No, it's just not going to work. I'm going to stick to my field, then I'm going to first and foremost, I'm going to make sure whatever I say is correct. You know, because the number of guys who have influence on other people, and they just don't recognize and how they can you know, influence somebody's life left, right, or whoever it is, is actually a lot especially here in Kuwait.



Hundred percent. And what pisses me off is a lot of people will give out medical advice or not even medical advice supplement advice only recently with the whole thing Oh, man.



It's like Dude, vitamin D doesn't cure everything, you son of a batch vitamin D will not do it. And vitamin D, vitamin D did it for million fucking cases.



And for me, it just pisses me off because I believe people should always stay in their lane. I think I'm a firm believer of Okay, you can know a lot, but don't act like an expert in someone else's lane. Bring that person, bring the doctor in to validate what you're saying. And I will think you're more credible as a resource.



The thing is, especially with this Corona kind of example, is that most doctors don't know this is a virus that's been around for well under a year and there's just not enough research to tell you what works and what doesn't. So people, everyone is really running their mouth. Whereas I'm telling you, the medical professionals in the hospital are trying out different treatments. I'm looking at what works and what doesn't just because we don't have that kind of global based evidence to say what works and what doesn't. And like you said, there's some piece of shit comes in and says you know, vitamin C and you're golden, you know,



like Donald Trump telling all the Americans if I can drink Clorox now Clorox has to put a label on the bottle saying don't drink it, dude, that guy's Yeah,



but you know, some guy in New York I think went into the hospital with esophageal rupture, man Jeez, because of that GM and he was admitted, and he went into endoscopy and his entire esophagus was perforated just because he heard Donald Trump. So that's my point, you know, things could go wrong and you're giving out their own advice.



That's 100%. Now, speaking of Corona, I mean, as a doctor and you had Corona, right, you were diagnosed with COVID-19. You and your wife are both diagnose your recording lane. Now, before we get into that, let me ask you, how long do you think they should spin around man because I think I had it in January, to be honest with you. Like, I think me and my son had it. My son almost died dude. And I'd never seen him get sick in his life.



My shuttling shot of



my eek. I mean, it was, it was very scary for my family. And I've never been sick. Like I've been sick, but never that sick. So do you think it was here in January couldn't have been here? I mean, I can't say



I love the medical training bros or something. They can give you the answer. But if I'm not sure about the answer, I can tell you that. Yeah, I definitely would say that it's been around for a bit longer than we actually expected. Okay. Yeah, you can't really come up with the right timeline, just because at the time Kuwait wasn't even investigating or testing for it. The testing kits weren't even available at the time in Kuwait. So you can't really say But listen, in this day and age 2020. If whoever had a fever, a bit of shortness of breath, a bit of coughing, a bit of body aches, then more often than not, it might have been a coronavirus. So yeah, with a good you know, degree of suspicion, a high degree of suspicion as well. So, yeah, dude, the



only time I felt good when I was sick during that time was when I was in a shower of hot water. It's the only time my boss LIKE A BOSS hit me. How did it go for you? I mean, your wife was asymptomatic. She didn't really have symptoms. But then she said, No, it kind of hit you hard, dude.



Yeah, I got I got sick. I mean, I think I was on call. I was working overnights at the hospital just this one night and kind of felt a bit off, you know, but you know, you just say you're fatigued because of training. And I trained three days in a row and it was heavy kind of stuff that you tell yourself. Yeah. And I just went home and I was shivering and my wife was like, I've never seen you this cold. And it's funny because we're always like getting into an argument at home as to how hot the AC should be because I want a cold and she wants she wants it warm. But I was shivering you know, the next day I woke up I had a full blown fever. I had body aches and I was coughing. And again, I kind of thought that these body aches were because I was sore from from training and I was a bit saying that I'm kind of take it one step at a time. It's gonna be okay, obviously, I didn't go into work because our work is all patients and stuff. And the last thing you want to do is get anyone sick. And then the day after that I was still sick and fevers and chills and you know, coughing with the body aches. I just kind of went I got tested and I had to get tested just because my work is with all the patients and the last thing you want is a disaster in a hospital. And yeah, it turned out to be positive spent. spent a bit of time a job at hospitals spent a bit of time at institutional Korean time, back home for home quarantined, and then back into work. You know,



Was it scary at all? Or did a hit you like a severe flu? Or, you know, I



mean, yeah, it was like it was like a severe flu.



Okay. All right. Was your nose.



I get regular foods, I would say maybe once or twice a year, but this was a bit worse. I would say okay, definitely the body aches were nasty my my back and my shoulders and wasn't really nice.



But yeah, yeah. Dude, I fucking had Corona, man. Listen



to your story, just



the way you describe it. I'm like, Yeah, I definitely had like that, that I definitely had that shit. I'm 100% positive right now. I gave it to my poor little son, that little bastard or he gave it to me from school. Because I talked to I mean, we did a show with Laura Niecy. She's in Italy. And she was swearing up and down. She was like, we had it in Italy since you know, end of December, early January, because of when everyone came back from Christmas break. Tears like I had kids that were collapsing in my classroom. And they were refusing to believe that it was Corona at the time. They're like, how could it come from China? And I mean, dude, we live in a global you know, like, we live in a town now. It's no longer like a globe. It's like everyone tries exactly shits gonna spread around. Yeah. I mean, from your perspective, like you said, No one knows shit about this thing. And like, dude, is it true? Like they just really like kind of say something one day and something the next day because I I saw something on the news saying, Oh, you can only get if you repeatedly touch a surface area. And then someone else had no you can get it from one touch. And then someone was like, No, you can only get if someone sneezes in your face. So how does all this shit work? Man, like, I don't get it.



But a lot of it is droplet spread. But, you know, there have been recent reports that said there was airborne as well just because of the influx of cases you know, you can't really do you really want to believe that. You know, these four or 5 million people who got sick all got sick because of somebody coughed in their face. You know, you doubt it really, you know, but definitely, definitely droplet spread. So somebody's cough syrup. There's a surface and you touch the surface and then you touch one of your mucosal surfaces, which are your, your nose, your mouth or your eyes. That's likely how you get infected. Now, I think the what explains the kind of infectivity of it is that this virus has huge transmission compared to the influenza. The mortality rate of it is just actually a bit higher. You know, it's not, I think it's the first the figures were like the mortality three to 5%, or something. No, that wasn't that was that was definitely false. Keep in mind that that was only the mortality of the people who were tested. Initially, the people who aren't tested are millions and millions and millions who probably could have had it. So the mortality is definitely over estimated, but the transmissibility, which is how fast the virus spreads, is actually very high, which was the worrying sign.



Is that what's going on right now? I mean, I don't know when this episode is going to drop, but right now in early July here in Kuwait, I'm gonna try and drop this episode soon. Now, is that why it's spreading so fast? Right now? Like, I mean, we had a complete drop off in April, May, you know, it was looking good. And my cousin,



country open.



But it was the one who was like, dude, I'm telling you right now we're gonna hit 80,000 as koay he was like, You wait and see, as soon as like quarantine ends, yeah.



Family visits, my mother was going to people's homes and like, testing them there and stuff. So so I think he had first line image more than anyone. But man, you know, the figures that you see now are definitely definitely underestimated. I can tell you that. Not entirely sure about it.



Even in Kuwait, like we're probably underestimate. Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. I do think people are not, we don't have the



where I work. Now. They're only actually testing the people who are actually coming in sick or who require hospital admission, for example, the current protocol is okay, you're sick. And I mean, sick as in, like, you know, you need oxygen, or you need ventilation, or you're that kind of sick, you know, or you have shortness of breath. Those are the people who are getting tested, the rest of them, whether they're asymptomatic, or they have mild symptoms, or they've even been in contact to people who are positive are just not getting tested. Because the verdict is going to be the same. They're going to go home, and they're going to isolate themselves there, regardless of whether they're positive or negative. The only people who are getting admitted to the hospital are



the positive cases. Oh, wow. That's, that's Yeah, I was trying to explain this to my mother. She was like, I can't I don't understand why are the numbers going? I said, because it's hitting different communities. I think it hit the community down here in the awesomer region, you know, like the awesomer, the city area, and now it's slowly shifted towards the Amity area, and how do you know during that way, because if you were I was looking at the numbers, I'm like, holy shit, this is, you know, yeah, blown up. Oh, it's blown up with the Kuwaitis. And you know, the numbers were too low in April. Anyways, for quailty figures. I was looking at as someone sweared only 40. Kuwaitis have it. That's crazy. You know, no one's getting it. And now lo and behold, it's like, it's blown.






So where do you see this going? Do you ever see us going back to a normal life anytime soon? Yeah, I do. Really. Because I got a I got a five year old dude. And it broke my heart the other day when he was just like, Daddy, I want to play with some other kids. I had to tell ya, buddy, you can't go over there and play with them. You have to keep a social distance. You have to, you know, run through this. And, like, I could see his eyes watering up and he was just like, okay, Daddy, that's fine. And that's how,



that's how we grew up. We were just playing with kids, you know, you know, keeping a kid indoors now must be held for him, honestly,



dude, I get him out. Like, I still take him out when I can. And I take him he's really good about it. Like in the morning, I'll take them to a playground. Usually it's completely empty. No one's there. So he's really good about you know, touching things and then sanitizing. I think he's a little OCD with the sanitizer now, you know, so



all kids are now they've grown up this way, you know, and it's kind of sad, because as kids we were going out to play and you know, mud on our faces and coming back inside, getting beaten by your mom, because you didn't take your shoes off. It was just fun. And oh, no, it's just different for kids. And it's so sad.



When will life go back to normal? Like in your you're on the front lines? You've seen it firsthand. So yeah, you know, the doctor Tarr?



I mean, I would say, I can't



really give a personal opinion. But me September, among a few talking about normal normal, you know, the thing is, is that they were going towards the, you know, herd immunity phase initially, but turns out that that doesn't really work. There it is, the virus undergoes something called antigenic drift, which means the shape of the virus changes. So your body kind of doesn't detect it. And it's a mechanism for the viral survival in the future, you know, when it changes, so not everybody gets immune to it. And, yeah, so you kind of have to live with it. You know, at the end of the day, what are you going to do to be locked down for the rest of your life? It's not going to happen.



I don't know how detrimental would this be to somebody? Like, I mean, my son, DJ, he's always had a background of respiratory issues, you know, once or twice a year, he's usually in the hospital and they give him the command whatever.



You know, a medic.



Yeah, he's asthmatic. He doesn't have as Yeah, but he I mean, you guys say he's asking And he doesn't have asthma, but it's only twice a year he'll get like a really bad cold or used to get a really bad cold, it would go into his chest and have to give him the thing. You know, you know, the whole nine yards type of deal. Yeah. So now for me as a parent seeing that previously, and seeing how sick he was in January, it's like, would you know how detrimental? How detrimental? Would this be towards someone like him? Like, what would this do to a child like that? Now, you don't see a lot of kids dying from it. Mostly, you see older people with underlying medical issues. But what about the kids? Like, are they sure that kids you know, can survive this thing? And like, what's the deal of that man,



I think that kids are actually in a good position, just because their immune systems are constantly growing, you know, the way the immune system actually builds up, which happens? Absolutely. Each and every one of us is that we get exposed to shapes when we're younger, constantly, you know, since you're born all the way up to your time, that's exactly how your immune system builds over time. So I think they're a little bit on the safer side, but definitely, definitely for a child with you know, underlying respiratory issues, you know, chest conditions and stuff. I think it's definitely better to stay a bit safer when it comes to that.



That's what we've been doing. I mean, it's just yeah, it's not it's not worth it. Like, dude. Like his mother was rushing into the hospital, she she was like, he can't breathe, and like, I work an hour and a half away by the border. And she says that to me, I was I was doing like to 25 on my way back, you know, just try and get home clean, just yeah. And the voice. It's like, oh, give me shit about anything right now. I want to make sure my kids all right. Now, let's talk about getting sick and going to the gym. Alright, because now the hot topic is gym should be open. Everyone's saying, Oh, nothing jams. And in my opinion, if we can't friggin trust people to stay at home, in social distance, how in God's name, are we going to trust them at a gym? where it's like, it's a haven for viruses and bacteria and all Yeah, like, dude, I can't even name the amount of times I've gotten pinkeye from



my gym. I mean, that's true by the level of soza got a lot of that scratches and bumps and kind of small little skin infections as well. But I think that the rate of infection in a place like that is going to be way higher than a gym anyway, at least in the gym, we kind of maintain some kind of distance, because you need a kind of your space to work out, you know, whereas you saw the picture circulating of people in line for buying a watch or something at this time. And you know what I mean? Yeah, at the end of the day, and, and so I guess it's just a question of priorities. I do understand that the people, you know, in charge of the businesses of the big malls and stuff need to get their income and stuff like that. But, but no, if you're talking about infection, I would say that the infection rates in a gym, if you can trust people to sanitize their hands, wash their hands before they leave away. You can't you can't, we can't



wait. We can't trust that. And you know, if someone says to me, no, we can we can reinforce the rules. I'm like, No, you can't. Like. Yeah, we all know the mentality, the Kuwaiti mentality, especially of when they're in the gym. And someone tells them to do something. We all know that. I mean, let's be realistic shoot, she kept in cheek. Yeah, yeah, you have, you know, the assholes that think like, they're, you know, nothing's going to harm them. So yeah, with that said, Do you think it's possible? No, you



can truly trust people, man, you can't. Unfortunately, you know, they said they were going to kind of, you know, dictate and make the rules nice and nice and firm. But hey, you know, it's been a full lockdown or a partial lockdown for months now. And I see cars every day. It's nothing. Yeah, and I don't understand if it's kind of like lack of education or people just don't care. But at the end of the day, you know, when you're told to leave only when necessary, man people I see a lot of people leaving I don't know what's super necessary on a day in day out basis, but there's not much you can do, I guess.



And do you think that's I guess, I



guess but but you know, if you want to do something stupid, you kind of hold yourself accountable. And if you don't care about yourself, at least care about the next person. Like I say you're healthy. You know, maybe you spreaded some guy who has a mom who's sick or something, you know what I mean? Just don't be selfish about it at the end of the day, hundred percent dude. And do you think that's why



Europe right now is like seeing their numbers dwindle down to nothing? Because they just follow the rules like Europe and yeah, you know, the most of the EU like their numbers are nothing. I was talking to Lauer again the other day. And she was like, yeah, we have barely any cases in Italy. We're fully opened up near you know, maybe we get like one case a day. But other than that, she was like we're out of the woods. And do you think it's just because people are people listen to the rules versus here?



Yeah, they did. Also also another point is the virus did actually get weaker. Okay, which is which is a good sign as well. So what



was happening here, man, like, was it just like, is it on steroids? Now? I haven't. I'll tell you my theory, okay. I'm not a doctor or biologists or any of these shit. Yeah, but my theory is the reason why it's leaving the communities that actually work and whatever, is because they're outside all day or they're outside for a good portion. Are there there aren't as strong. Whereas one thing I've read from the whole COVID-19 thing is that, you know, it's actually stronger in a colder environment. And you could probably correct me if I'm wrong. And with our, our culture, everyone's inside a room with an AC and it's freezing cold. And, you know, is that is my theory on point at all? Or am I just like, I mean, out of my ass?



I mean, no, you're not really pulling it out, there is kind of some theory behind it. Because, for example, if we talk about the flu, you know how they say winter is kind of the flu season or something, it doesn't mean that the flu is necessarily stronger or more virulent, you'd say it's just because that the cell wall of an influenza virus is actually more stable at a cooler temperature that is as a warmer temperature. So it's harder to get rid of. So you could say it's more resilient, you could say it's more persistent. Does that make sense? So yeah, there is definitely some kind of theory behind what you're saying.



No, what and actually, this is a topic I got to bring you back on for about, you know, when you work out what it actually does for your body and builds up your immune system, we'll do that. We'll do that in a separate episode, because I think that would be fun talk with you, man. Let's jump back into a little bit of the hybrid training because I spent Sorry, man, I spent a lot of time on your site every day we get we get some smart doctors on the show, to be honest with you.



Yeah. Come on, man. Get on the show. Dude, how much



he's afraid, man. He's got stage fright.



The kids can



get stage fright. He's on stage though.



He's like, I don't get it. I'd like to come on the show. No, man. And then like, he's like I do. I'm not really sure. I'm like, dude, you like he's got he's, believe it or not. He's got a very good background in bodybuilding. He has been doing that.



No, I do. I know that.



Yeah. And granted, genetically, he's a freak, because he's always had a six pack. All right. Don't think he's ever worked on that shit. All right. As always at a six pack. And he's one of the smartest guys that I know. I know. He's my cousin. Yeah, for sure. A smart dude. And yeah, he won't come on. I think he's scared man,



I'll try and push him towards it a little Belgian.



That'd be convinced him a little bad because I don't put too much pressure on him, his mom would kill me. But let's go back to hybrid a little bit. And let's talk about when you do prescribe things for some of your clients. Now, you come in all shapes and sizes. What are some of the key evaluation points that you look at?



When you get a new car? Well, you know, there are a couple of things I would do i do like a step test, I do an A Davies test, I do an overhead squat assessment or pushing or pulling assessment and kind of checking their max heartrate after three minutes of stepping on like a 12 inch, there's just some basic parameters to do with strength, muscle imbalances, and muscle mechanics and Max heart rate and stuff like that, just so the programming, at least, you know, when you come to program into a program is specific to what they Exactly. And then a couple of months after when you come back to ss, you show him you're like, Look, this is what we did on day one. And this is what it is now. And I think that serves as huge motivation to everyone, man, for you. And for me, when we do something better when it looks better when it feels better. That's an achievement for you. It's a small win, you know,



so when you show that to somebody as well, you're like, Listen, you're winning. It's a huge achievement to him as well. 100% man 100% dude, and we've kind of gone over a little bit on the time time here and you're a busy guy, you're a doctor, so can't really mess around with your schedule, dude. And it was awesome having you on the show love to have you back here maybe dive deeper into some different topics. You know, other than Nice, dude, I actually want to dive deep into what exercising does for your body from a medical perspective and how it actually helps Oh, my immune system,



you'd need like, eight hours on a podcast for that. Dude,



you know what? Look honestly our podcasts run Look, they run. I've had podcasts go two hours on this shit. So like it's all good man. Like we could do a



for sure exercise and benefits, whether it's physical or mental or immunological, we can definitely do that.



I'd love to do the immunological because we have a lot of traders that listen to the show. Wanted dieticians that listen to the show. Lately I've been ripping on dieticians just because they're all acting like doctors lately, for some reason.



I don't know why. Yeah, it's weird. It's weird, man.



Why is it the dietitians? They're like, do they? Do they walk out of medical school?



I'm not gonna ask you that question. Oh, I think it's like an insecurity for them or something. So it's not gonna say,



Oh, that's why you dodged the bullet a little while ago.



All right. I see.



Good, man. It's all good. It's all good, dude. But seriously, thanks for coming on the show. Really appreciate it. Dude.



You're most welcome and thank you for having me. We'll definitely meet up again or have a nice chat soon inshallah.



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