The Project: Kuwait

Chris Burres: Leading Expert on the Nobel Prize-winning Molecule, ESS60, That has Shown to Boost Longevity and Overall Health.

March 16, 2021 Mahdi Al Oun, Chris Burres Season 1 Episode 227

When Chris learned that ESS60 was tested by NASA and had been proven to almost double the lifespan in mammals, he made it his mission to provide the world’s first nano antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplement to people around the world. In addition to expanding longevity, Chris can speak on how to lower risk of heart disease, better vision, improve mental acuity, lower blood pressure, manage osteoarthritis, increase strength & vitality, protect the nervous system and improve hair growth & color. 

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Episode - Chris Bures

Mon, 3/15 7:43AM • 55:02


supplements, people, product, rats, molecule, sleep, olive oil, testimonials, study, scientists, human consumption, notice, longevity, video testimonial, pretty, talking, body, biohacking, carbon, selling


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dr. D. And


people think they can take it and not have to do the other steps necessary. She was like, you know, they say, Oh, you won't die. If you take flaxseed powder and it stops, cancer stops, this


stops that


I'm like, yeah, you could take that every day. But if you're not doing the other essentials, in your lifestyle, you know, it's not going to help that much


to these rats. It extended their life by 90%. So if you think about the average human lifespan, our average human lifespan, if we extended it by 90%, would be 152 years. Remember, that's the average. That's not the oldest person, but that's the average that people would be passing away at, as opposed to current time.


All this and more in today's episode. Hey, everybody, welcome to this episode of the project. And we are joined by Chris Burris. And hopefully I didn't butcher his name too badly. He is a leading scientist in the field of longevity and biohacking, one of our first experts on biohacking actually, to come on the show, Chris, thanks for coming on the show. We really appreciate you being here. And we really hope to learn a lot about your patented or secret idea that you got for longevity, the e s s six zero, which sounds to me like a UFO. And I'm hoping you can explain it a little bit better than that.


Alright, Mahdi, thank you so much for having me on your show, I really appreciate the opportunity to kind of share the story. Mine is a little unique, because I really didn't create this right. And through the kind of the story and that we'll share in this podcast, people come to understand how it is that I didn't create it, but now I sell it. And really, I'm the best place to buy it from which I'm sure you know, lots of people probably say about whatever whatever product they're saying, kind of the history is, in 1985, three scientists actually here in Houston at Rice University discovered the third form of carbon, and I'm jumping right in. So if you have anything that you need to like, if you wave your hand, I'll stop. You're good, man,


you just go, I'm just gonna listen, I'm gonna listen, like all the listeners out there.


Very cool. So they discover the third form of carbon, we're familiar with diamond, we're familiar with graphite. And now there's a whole gamut of molecules called fullerenes. And the most abundant and I'm holding this up some of your audience I'm sure our listeners. So if those listeners imagined a soccer ball, where the lines on the soccer ball represent the bonds between the carbon and atoms, you have this spherical molecule of 60 carbon atoms, it's the first close cage molecule discovered, the guys won a Nobel Prize for this discovery. Part of the reason they want to know Nobel prizes, this material is harder than a diamond, it'll turn into a diamond, it's got six fold symmetry. So there's six planes around this soccer ball shaped molecule, that it has symmetry, which gives it incredible resilience. In fact, you can fire it at 15,000 miles an hour at a plate of steel, where most molecules will just shred apart, this one will just compress a little bit and then bounce right back and remain intact. So really phenomenal. In the early days, I would always say it performs as well or better than the current best material in almost every application, right? In 1991. All 10 of the 10 most referenced scientific papers were written about fullerenes like this molecule, and its associated molecules. So when you think about something going viral on YouTube, or, you know, the most popular music video, this molecule was the most popular music video in the scientific community in the 90s. And again, that was 1991. That's the year that I started my company, and 1996 they won the Nobel Prize for that discovery. Absolutely. In fact, there's a new symbol and chemistry because of this molecule. So the Add symbol, we're familiar with it from our email addresses, the Add symbol is new, and lanthanum at sea 60. So lanthanum is just one of the atoms on the periodic chart. In fact, every atom on the periodic chart can fit inside of this this, the interior of the soccer ball shaped molecule is big enough for any atom to go inside. So lanthanum at C 60 means lanthanum physically trapped inside of the molecule inside of the cage. It's not ionically bonded to the exterior, it's not covalently bonded, it's just physically trapped to the inside. So really, really amazing stuff, as evidenced by the fact that they won the Nobel Prize. And that's really like my company is the first company to deliver commercial quantities of carbon nanomaterials again, we Started in 1991. It wasn't until 2012 that anybody even thought about this might have some some applications as well people thought about it, but nobody really entertained the idea of consuming this on on a regular basis.


So what


happens when we do consume this product? I mean, what are the possible you know, effects that we're gonna see in terms of longevity and what side effects are there from it also, I mean, I'm not trying to be a total skeptic, but I always ask about the side effects. You know, when it comes to anything that has to do with biohacking and longevity, and you're talking to a guy that tried the halo electrocuting my brain, basically. And you know, I've tried it all HRV I've tried taurine, I tried so many different supplements. So what will this do for me? And what side effects can I expect from it?


Well, first off, I appreciate the skepticism. Let me share how skeptical I was coming. I didn't want to be in the supplement industry actually avoided it for more than four years. And you asked like, well, what happens when you take it? There was a study that was done in 2012. So you think about Hey, it won the Nobel Prize, hey, it's got all these amazing applications, scientist actually considered it to be like a 3d version of benzene, right? benzene is without benzene, we don't have modern society. So if you just look around wherever you're at right now, in this moment, anything that's got plastic, or anything that is plastic is actually the foundation is the benzene ring. Most medicines, the foundation is the benzene ring, most detergents, again, foundation and benzene ring. This is a ubiquitous and necessary molecule for modern society. Well, that shape, the benzene ring shape is actually all over this buckyball, right, there's a whole bunch of them on the exterior. And a lot of the chemistry that works with benzene actually works with this buckyball. If you think benzene necessary for modern society, buckyball, right, this molecule, we call it ss 60, a 3d version of benzene, then it's going to be at some point ubiquitous in our society. And I think that's still going to happen. But when you have something that's going to be ubiquitous on our society, that means lots of people are going to be working with it, dealing with it, managing it, and you need to understand if it's toxic, actually, it turns out that benzene is a known carcinogen and is absolutely toxic. And so they kind of assumed this buckyball, the CSS 60 wouldn't be toxic. And in reality, they did this toxicity study, they published the results of the toxicity study, and 2012. In that study, they gave rats water, rats, olive oil, and then rats, olive oil with this ss 60 molecule instead of being toxic, those rats that they gave, and it really it's the my vital si formula to lived 90% longer than the control group. That's interesting. So you're asking like, what does that do? At least to these rats, it extended their life by 90%. So if you think about the average human lifespan, our average human lifespan, if we extended it by 90%, would be 152 years. Remember, that's the average. That's not the oldest person, obviously, not the youngest, but that's the average that people would be passing away at, as opposed to current time. So that was published in 2012. By mid 2013, we started getting phone calls of people, kind of like you, I affectionately call people like you because I am one wackos. Right, we read these articles and go, Hmm, let me see if that's something I should put in my body. Right? Like, that's pretty cutting edge. In 2013, we started getting phone calls from people saying, hey, how much in a dose, and you gotta, you got to appreciate like, I'm a carbon nano material scientists. I'm wearing my carbon nano material scientist and someone who's going how much in a dose and I'm thinking, Wait a minute, like, this is great in tires, and batteries and photo cells. This is not for human consumption. And in fact, in mid 2013, we added labeling to all of our products, not for human consumption. So think about this, from 1991 to 2000, mid 2013. We don't have to have not for human consumption on our labeling, because nobody was even thinking about doing it in 2013. And let me be very clear, the literature was very clear carbon 60. Right. So that's what what it is in the scientific field this for industrial applications. And there's peer reviewed published research that proves when it's improperly processed, it's harmful. Ss 60 is carbon 60 that's been processed for safe for human consumption. So if you process it properly, even back in 2013, and again, as evidenced by this 2012 talk, quote, unquote, toxicity study, that turned out to be the longest longevity experiment in mammals in history, peer reviewed, published research, it was clear that it was actually safe, but we're just very conservative. A scientist and so we just added not for human consumption, then you're like, Okay, well, great. You've got this not for human consumption label on it, you've got a number of wacky people like yourselves who are interested in consuming it. Like what happens next? Like, why am I on this podcast right now? And what happened is it 2017 latter part of 2017, a guy with a really big YouTube following, he was actually not even in the health space, he was actually in Bitcoin space, started talking about all the benefits he was getting from taking the product on a daily basis. And again, it blew up, we went from one to two phone calls a week to like 10 phone calls a day towards the end of 2017. So yes, we're conservative nanomaterial scientists. We're also entrepreneurs. And with these 10 phone calls a day, we're thinking, this is some sort of opportunity, that literature says it's safe, let's really decide what we're going to do with this. So I sat down with my business partner, Robert one, we asked ourselves two questions. One of them was a moral question, am I comfortable selling this product to you? And the answer is, yes, I take it, my wife takes it everybody on my team takes it. So yes, I'm comfortable selling it to the next is here in the States, the FDA and the FTC, you just have to kind of follow their guidelines and do the right thing, according to them, which we're doing. And so really 2018 was when we brought this product to market. And that's why we're here talking today.


That's awesome. And, you know, I have to actually ask this question, when you have a product such as a supplement, most of the time in the fitness industry, or the health and longevity industry, it kind of gets bastardized, because people think they can take it and not have to do the other steps necessary. You know, like, like, they'll say, Oh, you know, like, I mean, I'll use my mother, for instance, she was taking out a black seed powder or something, right? And she was like, you know, they say, Oh, you won't die. If you take black seed powder, and it stops cancer, subsist stops that, I'm like, yeah, you could take that every day. But if you're not doing the other essentials, in your lifestyle, you know, it's not going to help that much. Now, with this, would it offset some of the bad habits that we may have? Or does it still require us to actually be vigilant in our day to day lifestyle?


Well, I think that, you know, it depends on the lifestyle that you want to live and the results that you want to get out of that lifestyle, right. So the reality is, if you like to drink, and you like to exercise, do those balance each other out out, like and, you know, the data is pretty clear. If you have one drink, that's okay, right. But if you're drinking beyond one drink a day or in excess, that's going to negatively impact your health. But that's probably a lifestyle decision that you're making, versus I'm just making this decision for longevity, you're 100%, right. Like, if you take our product, or you exercise every day, well, and we want to exercise, but if you take our product, you eat well, and you just lay on the couch all day, like there's pillars of health that you have to follow, right. And then one of them is exercise, one of them sleep, and the other one is nutrition. And you think about nutrition, there's really, that's where there's probably more negative, like just bad sleep, okay, that's not good. That's not helpful. And we'll talk about sleep, because that's one of our best testimonials with our product. If you talk about exercise, just being on a convenient couch potato, that's bad. But there's, we know, in nutrition, there's some really significant negative things that we can do with nutrition. And so maybe that's the one and you know, that's the one that that we have, we can have the most detrimental impact on what we actually put into our body, we have a lot more control over that. The worst you could do in terms of exercise is just not exercise, right? The worst you could do with sleep is you keep your sleep below seven and a half hours of sleep opportunity night. If you continually do that, that's going to have a negative, significant negative impact on you. In fact, that reminds me if you go back to the study. So in that study, they use Wistar rats, right, a typical Western rat, it lives about 32 months, and they and they die with a known amount of tumors and that amount of tumors increases with every week that they're alive, right? So the mass and their body of tumors increases each month, even though the my vital see rats lived 90% longer out to 62 months. None of them died with any tumors. Right. So this is pretty phenomenal. I always like to kind of interject at this point, because some people jumped to the conclusion. Oh, it's a cancer cure. No, no, that is not what I'm saying. In fact, there's a huge difference between dealing with a cancer that has metastasized, right, that is oncology. That is a lot of challenge. And that's significantly different than doing cancer prevention. So you look at things like better exercise, getting good sleep, good nutrition, those are great cancer preventatives. The result in this study implies or shows that this ticular product has the ability to be a cancer preventative, potentially, right? Because it's in rats, and not yet a study in humans. Now, what


are the differences between rats and humans? Especially when it comes to studies? I mean, you know, everyone says, you know, humans and rats, and I can go into that, but you're obviously the scientist. So I'd rather hear from you.


So I had I had that same question, right? And it really stemmed from as I'm kind of throwing myself into this field of biology and bio hacking, and people are like, well, that's just a rat study. I'm like, Oh, that's a good point. Like, what does that mean? How applicable? Because there is, in fact, from a scientific perspective, on number of what number of things that happen in a rat will happen in a human? And what number of things that happen, and that won't happen, you know, is it 90% of things that happen to a rat happen to a human, there's some sort of number, and we may never know the actual number, but there is a number, and I had a conversation with a professor out of university of Durham. And I asked this question, because he actually was on a regular basis, taking rat studies into human trials. And I asked him this question and his response, it's a little bit long, so bear with me. But basically, he said, Listen, when you start talking about the applicability of particular medical interventions in rats, and how they apply to humans, most scientists will hold one particular study up to you and say, here is the proof that it's not applicable. Right. And here's some of the details of that study. in that study. It was a study on a morning sickness drug, and they gave lots of rats this morning sickness drug, and they didn't notice any difference in the rats. So they went to a human trial. As soon as they got to a human trial at a pretty low percentages, the percentage they noticed deformations in the fetuses. absolutely horrible result, and a lot of science. And he said this, a lot of scientists will say, see what happens in a rat doesn't necessarily happen in a human or what's safe for a rat doesn't necessarily happen. And it's not necessarily safe for a human. And then he went on to say, but if they had looked at the fetuses of the rats, they would have noticed that those fetuses were deformed, and they would have never gone to human trial. Right. So here's a professor who's on a regular basis, taking rat studies into human trials. And he points out that the pinnacle paper that says rats are not like humans, is actually there. Look, you scientists are looking at that data wrong. Had they looked at the right information, they would have been 100% applicable. And you couple that with this is really interesting that we're actually genetically closer to rats than rats are to mice. Right? So our intuition is like those things are basically the same. But from a genetic perspective, we're closer. So our kind of genetic intuition is really not that good. That boggles


me. Because I you know, I read something very similar about how close we are to rats. And that's why human studies or you know, the trials are originally done on rats. But let's go a step beside the rats. And let's go to the humans that have experienced your products. Now, there are some testimonials and people that talk about it helps with osteoporosis, and it helps with joint flexibility and mobility. Now, what exactly does it do when I ingest your product into my body? In terms of you know, I mean, I use the I use the term of greasing the wheels when I'm warming up in a go workout. So how would this grease my wheels? And what sort of short term benefits would I see as an athlete or as a regular gym goer every day?


Yeah. So let me start with you mentioned osteoporosis, very specific disease. And it's very important for me to kind of insert a disclaimer, right? The FDA hasn't evaluated our product. It's not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. I will, at this point, share some testimonials. And those testimonials, I have chained like there's a chain of custody to the testimonial, meaning I only share testimonials. If I had a conversation. If my customer service department comes to me and says, Hey, we just got this amazing testimonial. If it's not written down, and we can't backtrack to the original person, I would not share that. If I'm on the phone with a customer and they share me the story of their mother, his experience, I will not share that. It's only if I have direct chain of custody. Also, anything I share might not happen to you. Everybody is different. I think those are very important than a percent Yeah. 100%. Right. Now, if we get into a lot of people ask your question, they ask it a little bit different. They say, Okay, these rats live 90% longer in that study. What's going on? The short answer we don't specifically know, the longer answer is a lot of the medical study says that that aging is related to oxidation and inflammation, right? So we're over oxidized a lot of times because we eat too much and inflammation because we're inflamed and potentially eating the wrong things. Interestingly, our product is a known animal oxidant there's one study that shows it to be 172 times more powerful than vitamin C, we're going to add to that is I don't just think like, hey, antioxidant more powerful, more better, right? Like, that's not my thought process, you can go out and get maringa route. And what I read is that maringa routes like 1000 times better than vitamin C. So, you know, what does it actually do in the body is important, not just its ability to kind of to collect free radicals. That's what I truly believe. But it is a great antioxidant. And then next, you start talking about inflammation. And unfortunately, here in the States, the FDA has equated a discussion about inflammation to be a discussion about disease. And they're very particular about talking about a supplement like my supplement, and how that might impact us specific disease, right. And so I've got to be very careful when I'm talking about its anti inflammatory properties. Certainly, a lot of our product is olive oil. And olive oil is known to have great anti inflammatory properties.


If you just look at the Blue Zones, or the green zones, or whatever you want to call it, wherever the you know, the places with the most Centurions. Yep, they all had one thing in common, I think, and this was across the board that they consumed olive oil, and a


lot of


a lot of it. Yeah, a lot of it. It was across the board, you know, whether it was in Italy, in Sicily, I believe, or the island in Greece, or in Japan, they all consumed olive oil, they all consumed decent amounts of it. Yeah. So you know, I mean, it makes sense. It makes 100% sense to me.


Yeah, it's important to note even in that original study, right, though, they gave rats water rats, all of wool and rods, olive oil with eso 60 the rats that they gave olive oil actually showed a 30% extension of life. So whatever olive oil you're consuming today, there's a Dr. gundry has a couple New York Times bestseller books. Really interesting diet out there. And I love what he says he says that the purpose of food is to get more olive oil into your mouth. So whatever olive oil you're currently taking, it's probably a good idea to consume more olive oil.


It makes sense. I mean, there was a time where I was really on my biohacking binge where I would take tumeric, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, you know, like all the you know, longevity things or all the anti inflammatory everything I could think of that would you know, help you out? Yeah. And I'd make a cocktail every morning. But my main ingredient was always olive oil. Because I mean, it's been proven for 1000s and 1000s of years, right. And oil seems to get bastardize because of canola oil and sunflower oil and the synthetic oils that we see in our supermarkets. But if you get pure olive oil, it tastes completely different. Yeah. So now what kind of olive oil do you guys use in your products?


Right? So we actually use a blended olive oil that we source out of Greece. Okay. Yeah. So we're we understand, and I think a lot of people do that the olive oil industry, it has some challenges. And by kind of going directly to the source, we're really trying to mitigate any, you know, opportunity for fraud on its way to us.


Alright, that's pretty cool. Now, if I were to take it, say I was gonna take it now and you said this, and I agree with you 100%, every single person's body is completely different. What works for me may not work for you, or what works for me might be completely different than what how it would work for you. Would this help? In the short term? Yeah, say, you know, what I see results in a few weeks in terms of, you know, less joint pain, or, you know, less inflammation personally, you know, I'm 37 years old, I know my body pretty well. I can tell when I'm inflamed from eating, you know, high amounts of gluten or dairy. Yeah. So with this help, and what I see results, you know, in the short term,


so let me give you I'll share with you some testimonials, right. One of them we've people asked us regular like how quickly I'm going to see results. I've gotten video testimonials from people who the same day now this isn't related to kind of what you're talking about in terms of, you know, helping to manage inflammation, not implying my product. I have to be so careful. It's not


understandable. That's understandable.


But helping that actually I can talk about it as it relates to exercise because that's not disease. Right. So we do get good testimonials as it relates to exercise.


Yeah, that's I think that's the important one for a lot of our listeners is how it relates to exercise because personally, I noticed a big difference when I stopped supplementing with tumeric. Yeah, for instance, you know, I definitely 100% notice the difference. Yep. In how my body reacted with heavy loads of exercising. I'm a crossfitter. Yeah, so I work out two and a half hours and a 20 or 30 minute portion is a vigorous workout where you're close to death at the end of it.


Are you pitching your your workout regimen? Oh, definitely not. You're close to death.


Like when people ask me Oh, should I do what you do? I'm like, No, no,


no. When I shouldn't even be doing what I'm doing?


Exactly. Like I do, because I still like to be competitive. So yeah, any step like, um, you know, I'm in an infrared sauna, you know, at my house. Yeah, I try to take every step ice baths, you know, I'm going hot to cold. I'm trying everything in the book to manage my recovery and speeded up. Yep. So with this help me speed up my recovery and reduce joint pain and you know, all the other aches and pains that come with aging.


Yeah. So I believe that when you get the product that your testimonial will be that it has helped you. That is what I believe. And we'll see. And maybe we schedule like another kind of podcast to get some product over to you. And we can do that in terms of how quickly right because that's the next red and gray Do I have to take those for like nine months and then and I start seeing something. I've got video testimonials one lady gave me and again, not necessarily not related to inflammation after workouts, but she her testimonial was, I only drank half my cup of coffee this morning. So our most consistent testimonial is people take it in the morning. They report mental focus and energy during the day. And then better sleep that night. Right. From a workout perspective, mental focus and energy. Okay, I can probably can manage that. But the better sleep aspect is something that I'm really excited about. In fact, I've I've got a sleep study going with aura ring. I don't know if you're familiar with aura ring.


Yep. Yep. Very familiar with the whirring Yeah. So


I've got an I'll talk about that in a little bit. So her video testimonial was, I didn't finish my cup of coffee this morning. So if you're a coffee drinker, and you notice that you didn't finish your cup of coffee, that's a big deal, right. In terms of athletic performance. I've got two people on my team. One used to be a former professional football player. He took his first serving the next day went to workout with his wife who's a personal trainer. And both he and she noticed in him they were running stairs, bleachers and Houston is flat. So there's no hills, it has to be bleachers. They were on a bleachers, and he and she noticed the difference in his performance. The other guy who's on my team, he's a young Colombian guy who plays indoor soccer, right? If you're familiar with indoor soccer, it's just straight up sprint, like you sprint until you can breathe. And then you sit down until you can barely breathe. And then you go back out and sprint some more. He said that his again. Next day after his first serving that he was able to extend his time. Normally he's about 10 minutes on the field. He went to 20 minutes. That sounds a little high to me. But even if he went to 15 minutes, a 50% increase in ability to run sprints is insane. Right? So those would be the physic I also have one other and it's funny, I recorded it because I've never had a testimonial use more expletives. I gave him the product on a Thursday, he called me on Friday. And he would just he just laid in like what in the world is in this stuff? Right? Like, what choice words? And I said, Hey, hold on a second. So I gathered like my team, because it was really good. It was positive, although, so Kurt, and I recorded it. And he was like, Look, and he was mostly a free rate holder, weight, vested weights and lots of so he's doing a ton of reps of stuff, right? And that's when you can really, I think it's easier to notice, like, because if you can't crank, if you can't do one more on your max load, it could be a day to day thing. Yeah. 100% if you're used to doing 200 pushups, and the way he described it is like I'm doing my routine. It's Friday, so I should be exhausted, right? I should be physically exhausted from the week of working out. And I'm 80% through my routine, and I still have energy to go, What in the world is in this stuff? Right? So and those were next day results?


That sounds to me like a miracle drug, so to speak. And now where's that? There's got to be a catch with everything is a catch? And, you know, I mean, that's my main question with something so good. And all right, you know, it's definitely not a secret because you guys are, you know, your products are available everywhere. Yeah. So now, where's the drawback? Or what's sort of, what do people say? Alright, where's the skepticism? And all this? Like, is it a scratch ticket? Or is it really something that I can, you know, hold on to and see results from?


So what you're expressing is how I felt for the first nine months of 2018. So really, remember, this guy comes on YouTube, and we were selling the product, we were selling the oil mixed with the SS 60 molecule since 2013, all the way until 2018 with a label not for human consumption. And if you wanted to do this study on your rat, right, then, hey, we've packaged what was used in the original experiment, by the way we were our product was used and that original where the rats live 90% longer our product was used in it. My companies actually mentioned in the publication. So we're like the foundation of this science. And we're selling this and I told you we were getting two calls, one to two calls a week. And those calls were things like hey, my knee pain is gone. Or I've got mental clarity. And you know, we're kind of going back with them going. Okay, I hear you saying that your rats knee pain is gone, right? Because this says not for human consumption or your your rat seems to have good mental clarity now, right? Again, conservative scientists. So I didn't make this. It's not like I made this product. And I was like, Hey, I'm going to make this and Mahdi, this is going to be the perfect product for you, it's going to increase. Like, I'm not this kind of mad scientist. In fact, I think people become supplement guys or gals, one of two ways. One of them is somebody wakes up and they decide they want to be wealthy, and they want to do it with supplements. And I have no problem with people being wealthy. It's just not how I ended up here. The other is, and maybe like, in your case, you're like how I've pushed physically harder, like biohacking, or other people have actually have a physical challenge that they're trying to overcome, or maybe have a loved one who's going through some sort of physical challenge, and they solve it with supplementation. And now they want to save the world. Hopefully, it doesn't surprise you, I am not against people saving the world. It's just not how I ended up here, you go back to 1991, I've been making this soccer ball shaped molecule since 1991, selling it to research institutions around the world, which actually gives us a totally different pedigree from any supplement company that I'm even aware of. And then in 2012, they do this is supposed to be a toxicity study on my molecule. And now those rats live 90% longer. So I'm a skeptical for the first nine months of 2018. People are calling me and, and telling me amazing things about the product. And I'm like my responses, I believe you because you're a human telling me something, right? I just don't know what to do with the information. Like, as a scientist, I don't know if I should believe you, if that makes sense, right? Like this is that that ingrained skepticism that scientists are supposed to have, right? Believe me, I have it. But it was it was probably nine months into it, where I'm just used to the phone calls, I'm used to the positive testimonials. It doesn't seem to work for everything, everyone, I think, you know, there's probably 2% of our customers come back and say, Hey, I didn't really notice it. notice any difference. And so I'm not going to be purchasing your product anymore. Most of our customers are actually on subscription. And for me, because I didn't, you know, put my all my heart and soul into this one thing and present it. For me. It's just another data point, like what percentage of people does this work for you? What is the right servings that people should be taking? We're still trying to figure a lot of this stuff out. And so when you ask me the catch, I mean, I almost feel like it'd be better if I said something, right? Like, you get diarrhea, or something like that. If I could provide a catch. Literally, the only complaint we have is some people if they take an olive oil, and I know you're in the Middle East, so olive oils are all over the place, right? Oh, yeah, yeah, right. Americans don't get as much olive oil. So some of them aren't used to the taste. And so it doesn't, you know, a full teaspoon of olive oil doesn't necessarily sit well on their stomach. And you know, we can have a cleansing effect. But other than that, we just, we don't have and again, according to the FDA like to follow their guidelines, I have to document everything. If somebody calls me up and says, Hey, this thing went bad. It seems like it interacted with this poorly. It's all documented, and we're just not getting that kind of feedback.


Now that makes sense. And I mean, look, I don't want to sound like a total skeptic. I honestly truly do believe in your product. And I think it does have a lot of validity from the research that I've done and seen. And it's kind of like other supplements that no one really knew about 10 years ago or five years ago, for instance, you know, thinning Yeah, wasn't really on the scene. Here in Kuwait. A lot of people didn't know about the need. And here I was mixing thenI into my cold brew coffee with some alpha GPC, you know, before baseball game, and little did I know thenI actually had the opposite effect on me. I got wound up right. Like I can't take certain supplements just because, you know, it doesn't work with my body. Yeah, I have a different reaction to it, versus my wife who will take in, you know, she'll fall right asleep. If I take it, I'm up. I'm up all night and I'm still like, Alright, but this doesn't it's not supposed to do it for everybody else. So I totally get it and a lot of supplements that are really good for you and in the biohacking field, so to speak, are really under the radar. Yeah, and I think it's mainly overshadowed by the fitness industry, you know, the excuse my language bullshit supplements that are out there on the market, whether it's, you know, the amino 2000 that's gonna give you, you know, biceps, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, some people don't want that some people actually want the longevity piece. Right. So I mean, what can you say to that in terms of the supplements that are all out there, and that Do raise the skepticism against you know, the biohacking supplements?


Well, let me share something that I think makes the situation potentially makes the situation worse. And I do have my products in Amazon, we actually have them over at an Arab Emirates. We have them in the Amazon facility over there. So we can ship all around. But I believe Amazon is one of the worst places. I think a lot of people go to Amazon and educate themselves on supplements inside of Amazon 100%. And I think that's a travesty, right? Because if if you just stop for a moment, and let's just say like a common supplement vitamin C, if somebody gives a five star review for a vitamin C that they've just purchased, like, what does that even mean? Right? One thing that we know, it doesn't mean is they probably didn't take their tabs that were supposed to be a gram, and even measure them on a scientific scale and confirm that they're even one gram, right? They probably didn't take that tab, break it down, and stick it into their HPLC. and confirm that it's ascorbic acid, like five stars doesn't mean what it means about electronics, right? If you see a five star rating about a phone, you're like, well, that phone, probably if you see a whole bunch of them that you're like that phone probably works pretty well, right. But if you see it about a supplement, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. And that's pretty scary. And then it's very frustrating for me, I'll talk about remember that original study came out in 2012, we started getting phone calls in 2000, mid 2013, we could have just like immediately jumped on this and say, Hey, like we've got a supplement now, but I actually read an article about the supplement industry. And that article went something like this, it said that 50% of the supplements that they tested. So this is a peer reviewed, published research did not have in them what they say they have in them 100% Yeah, and I'm not the extreme guy was like, Okay, what they're not saying is like, the company that's selling a gram tab of vitamin C actually had some other thing in it. But if that one gram was only point nine, five grams, then it doesn't have what it say it has in it. So this this whole industry, even just from a purely scientific perspective, like 50% of the products don't have what they say they that they have in them. That was a big part of our hesitation, do we even want to get into this industry. And then finally, we're like, okay, our customers are just clamoring, like, we've got to do something with this. And you talk about the pedigree of company. So the molecules discovered its carbon 6016. This study comes out on C 60, in 2012. And then people start manufacturing c 60, and olive oil, most of them were buying it from us. And that actually kept their community pretty safe. But then they stopped buying from us, but they still have a product on the market, which means they're not buying from us, they're buying from somewhere else. And that probably means China. That's just how things are. And then we're like, Well, hey, let's just look at the quality of products, right? We I've got this article that says 50% of supplements don't have in them what they say they have in them. I wonder how true that is, for my industry, we buy 22 of the brands that are out there labeled c 60, labeled, you know, maximum concentration, sometimes MCT products, right, so you can have this molecule. And again, if it's safer for human consumption, I call it ss 60, you're gonna have ss 60 and olive oil, and avocado oil and MCT oil, you just have different concentrations because you can't get as much of the SS 60 molecule into the different oils. So there was a company out there that was focused on selling MCT oil, which is a beautiful purple color. And their labels said point eight milligrams per milliliter. But you can only get point three 2.35 milligrams per milliliter into MCT oil. That's like a scientific fact. So these companies that came on new to the scene, were selling to an audience that was very different than what I was used to, from 1991. Really, until 2018, I sold to research institutions around the world. And when a research institution gets a gram of carbon 60, or gram of carbon 70, or whatever it is they purchased, the first thing that they do is they give it to a grad student, or they give it to a research associate, who takes it back to their HPLC. And they know how to test it. And they test it to make sure that I sold them what I told them I was going to sell them. This is the opposite of most supplement companies on the market, I would say actually all supplement companies on the market because they haven't sold to an audience who knows how to test their product, right? Your test is do I feel it? And that's I believe that's a little legitimate test. Some people are really bad at sensing things in their body, that's for sure. And some people are really good at it. And if you're keeping track, especially a two hour workout, you're probably noticing how that last 10 minutes feels, or maybe 20 it would be the last hour and 40 minutes if it were me.


We'd be feeling every second You probably noticed like, there are things that you notice because you do it so regularly. And it's also pushing your bodies to the limits where other people pushing themselves as much may not notice what's happening in their body as much.


That makes total sense. And I love the fact that you broke it down so well of how to judge supplements and where to actually look. And we've had other people, other guests on this show from lab door, almost a year ago, he came on the show and lab door, they test products. And you know, he gave us a rundown of everything that's involved with fillers and you know, things that are really in the supplements. And I feel bad because I think the fitness industry did most of the damage to a lot of the good supplements that are out there. And you know, let's be frank, it's, it's pretty easy to get into when you're selling protein powder. Yeah, you know, most of that fillers. And when I found out there was arsenic in some of the protein powders, I was like, Are you kidding me? How is this even legal? And then I found out when I did more research that you could actually, you know, do the manufacturing of your protein supplements in your garage in the States. And I'm just kind of bewildered by like, Alright, well, how is this possible? And what am I actually putting into my body? And that's when I started sourcing my supplements a lot better and finding out where the manufacturer was based. Yeah, if they had any lawsuits previously, how many times they change their name was a big one, also for me. And it really sucks because the supplement industry has been, you know, demonized, so to speak. But let's go into one of the more important things that your product also does. And that is sleep. And I think that is a huge problem for a lot of people right now, especially with blue light as I'm staring into my computer screen at nine o'clock at night.


Convincing your body that it's noon,


right, exactly. I know. It's like I know better. But in reality, like my blue light blocking glasses, they didn't get here. And I'm just not going to order them again, because it's just too expensive to lose the order. Yeah,


they may not get here again.


I mean, they got taken away customs, why? I have no idea that's just quite for you. That's frustrating. Yeah, it is really frustrating. But I mean, you know that that's something that I try to take seriously. But at times I find myself I'll be honest, I fall into that trap of, you know, watching Beverly Hills Cop late at night. Yep. So it's one of those things, what will your supplement do for my sleep? How will that aid my sleep?


Yeah, so our most consistent testimonial again, is people take it in the morning mental focus and energy during the day, and then better sleep that night. And then part of me believes that every other testimonial, whether it's related to knee pain, or hair growth, they noticed their nails growing whatever that testimonial might be, could easily be explained by sleep. So I'm in the process of doing it. I'm in contact with an associate professor out of University of California, San Diego. He's a consultant for Oregon. And back in 2019, we started having conversations about how do we do a sleep study because, again, different than other supplement companies, a lot of supplement companies, you know, have maybe you make a great supplement and your audience is telling you all these amazing things. But then they never go the next step to prove them. And from a scientific perspective. 100% as soon as I was put in contact with Bindra, I'm like, hey, how do we do a study? What does that look like? And when participants give him access, he can actually look at the data behind the scenes, and can actually really dig into the data. So we started it a guy in the latter part of 2019, beginning of 2020. But what happened is, this ring actually turned out to be reasonably good at identifying COVID before you have symptoms, so he you know, you publish a couple things. Now he's doing all sorts of PR the actually the NBA has authorized players to use this to help them identify if they have COVID. So it's kind of a big deal. And as you can imagine, is just swamped his time for all the way to now I think I had one, maybe two conversations with him and all of 2020. And one of the conversations was like, Hey, I saw this article that referenced you, like, you know, great job, keep it up. But you know, we'll pick up our sleep study later.


It's funny that you mentioned that because I read that too. And I just want to give people a background because you are wearing the aura ring. Yeah. And it gives you so much data if I'm not mistaken. I mean, yes, sleep, body temperature, everything to movement. Now, have you seen I mean, first off, have you had COVID? That's my first question.


I did well, actually my family and really everybody at the office here got COVID so I will tell you that it does not prevent COVID during COVID. The only thing that I did take though was what's my product?


Yeah, no but but with the ring though, did your body temperature fluctuate before you actually felt symptoms coming on? I that's just out of curiosity. And


yeah, one of the conversations that I had with Benjamin is like I might have died And I actually like sent him an email saying, like, here's when I think I got it. Here's when I had my first symptom and like, here's the progression of it. But it turned out I didn't do a good job of charging my ring. Okay, so there were like, you know, two days, three days while I had it also, I mostly slept for four days, like just, I was just asleep. And so I think I had my ring on, but at some point at discharge, so we ended up not getting good sleep data from as it relates to COVID.


Now that makes sense that with your supplement, do you think that actually helped with COVID? Because I'm pretty sure that I had it before testing was available in Kuwait. I'd never been so sick in my life, you know, and I've, I've been sick. But yeah, last February, it was just a whole different, you know, body chills.


Did you lose your sense of smell?


No, actually, I honestly I can't remember to be quite honest with you. I just remember like, eating and just feeling off. This does not taste good. And just going back to sleep. And yeah, you know, I mean, I've been sick. And I think maybe once when I was 18, I had a really high fever. Yeah, but for this, like, I was burning up sweat. You know, my wife woke me up. She was like, you gotta go take a shower. You're in a puddle of your own sweat. And yeah, I was just sitting there shivering in a sweat, you know, sweatshirt be like, no, it's cold. What are you talking about? So? Like, it's, and I'm pretty sure I had it. I still got vaccinated. But now Do you believe in your heart of hearts? Do you truly believe that your product help relieve some of the symptoms? I do you think it did anything? Yeah,


I do think that it impacted the symptoms. I mean, one of the things is just just a better sleep. Right. Sleep is the most healing and restorative thing that you can possibly do. I think it's better than any of the supplements that we might sell. It's better than any great nutrition exercise or whatever. Those all support. Right, actually, great exercise supports good sleep, but in its impact on sleep? Absolutely. I think I think it had some benefits.


That totally makes sense. Now, before we wrap up, you know, obviously, you have your supplement, what would you recommend to sort of, you know, go hand in hand with your supplement to guarantee a maximal effect on a person's body, because I'm going to be quite frankly, I'm looking at this for recovery. And mainly, I adore recovery. And I'm pretty sure if it enhances your sleep, you're going to get a boost in testosterone. So all of these things kind of fall into play when you do enhance your supplementation. Yeah, so what would go well, sort of with your supplement?


Well, I think the most important thing is hopefully you've got a pretty solid routine, and stick to that routine, and only change one thing, right? So don't like stop vitamin C and add my vital C or whatever it is, don't stop something, don't change something. It's with people who have an aura ring, we collect 10 days of data prior to them taking the product, 10 days of data while they're on the product, 10 days of data back off the product, and then 10 days of data back on the product. And so what we're looking for is how can we control it because that's the problem with you know, people like you and me often. And from what you've described more you is that you are trying a lot of stuff, and you might be but if you're folding something new in while you're trying something else out, like that can give you some bad data. Let me give you an example. I got a video from a lady in the UK and kind of engaged her to like, hey, try my product and give me a video testimonial. She starts the video testimonial with I'm in the process, I started the process of quitting smoking. So I don't know if you know, like the process of quitting smoking. But if I had known she was going to quit smoking, I would not have sent a product, you can pretty much guarantee that the result was going to be bad, despite that the actual result was very good. And she talked about very interesting things. One of the statements I remember her making was, I feel like I have a longer fuse with my children. Right. And that goes to kind of, you know, again, sleep helps mental, physical and emotional well being. If your emotional well being is intact and in a better place, then you're going to have a longer fuse with your children. Right. So that was a situation where I would have never asked her to like try the product and give a testimonial but it did actually work out. So my my biggest recommendation is and actually when we ship our product, we actually have a like a little calendar where you can keep track of certain things. You can have a rating system. So use that and try and change as little else as possible. Like don't take it when you're about to go on vacation. By the way. One of my testimonials as it relates to kind of traveling is my wife and I went to the last World Cup in Russia. We were taking the product and we didn't feel much jetlag That's very kind of I usually don't like those testimonials, but we didn't feel much what I can specifically say about my sleep and this is a lot this is more I like binary data like I used to here it is I have to embarrassingly admit, I used to take two naps before noon, on Saturdays and Sundays, I would wake up with my kids go down to the couch, they would sit on me and watch cartoons and I would take a nap. And then I would have breakfast. And I would go back and take a nap. I was taking two naps before noon on Saturday


sounds about right to me.


What's wrong with that?


I'm like, that's probably that's what I


do every day. I'm telling you set in 2018. That stopped when I started taking this on a regular basis that stopped, I will take a nap. Probably I'm about once a month now. And so as it relates to sleep, it is absolutely impacted. Here's another one, which is interesting. I was on the phone with Benjamin, the ordering consultant. And I don't even know where I got the idea was like, Hey, you probably have data related to sleep and people who have had drinks. He was like, Oh, yeah, I've got lots of that. And he fired over a couple of days of himself two or more drinks, right. And what happens is, your resting heart rate typically has a fairly flatline, across at least mine does, right? And his was very similar. But what happened when he had two or more drinks, is his resting heart rate would take a while to come down and get to that kind of low level that it's supposed to be in his sleep. That wasn't true in my data. Right? So when I would have two or more drinks, I didn't I mean, if I have too many, then of course, the body and you kind of theorized with him over the phone, that that's the your body metabolizing the alcohol in your system. And if you look at mine, if I didn't have that dramatic, long term, you know, to our decrease over time. So it is I'm 90 and you know, I'm a scientist. So I'm 95% sure this is impacting people's sleep, not just from testimonials, but also from that kind of data in my experience. And that's why it's just so important for us to do that sleep study.


No, it makes sense. And if you're getting more restful sleep, you're going to be more cognizant The next day, and you're really not going to need that nap, that a lot of us, you know, tend to take when we do get crappy sleep, and that happy sleep is waking up in the middle of the night. And, you know, I'll say to my wife, I slept eight hours last night, but I woke up four times to go to the bathroom. And every time I woke up, it took me another 15 minutes to fall back asleep. So I mean, if I can supplement with something that will help me sleep better and give me better quality sleep. I'm definitely down for that. Now, how can people find you? How can they find your supplement? you'd mentioned that you are present in the UAE? Yep. So you know, that's a pretty big market over here in the GCC, which is great, because that means our listeners can definitely get their hands on your product. So why don't you tell everybody how they can find you how they can find your product and what you guys have planned in the future.


Yeah, so I made a specific link for your audience. So they can go to my vitals. forward slash p h WP right. So for project health, wellness and psychology, of course, I'm a bad speller. So like it's psychology with a p p h WP, and that'll get you to a page that we've made for you on that page, like so this is our kind of standard bottle that's like 99 bucks. If you get it on subscription, that price comes down to 7495, which is a 25% discount, you can cancel that at any time. So I just recommend, you know, get on subscription take advantage of that right away. We also have a coupon code, the coupon code is also p h WP, and that gets you an additional $15 off of your initial order. And yeah, we do have a relationship with Amazon over there. And so we can ship out of there. You can order directly from our website. And I don't think for Kuwait we if you know, whatever audience members you have, and we're in Kuwait, I'm not sure that we have discount pricing on there. So you can just attach a note saying, Hey, is there a better pricing? And we'll let you know, right? Because if we're shipping from Arab Emirates from Amazon, then it should be a better a better deal.


Oh, that's awesome. I mean, we got listed as a Saudi Arabia all over the GCC. So they'll probably take advantage of it hopefully. And, you know, is there anything else you want our listeners to know? Are you guys on Instagram, Facebook, all that stuff?


Yeah. So you can find us on Facebook, you know, forward slash my vital see on Instagram, it's, you know, my vital See, and we try to stay active. I know sometimes coming off of this somebody hearing a podcast, they're like, really would like to have a conversation with me. That is possible. I am obviously pretty busy. But if you kind of get in contact with us, feel free to call us. And if our if our team can't answer your question, or you just wanna have a conversation with me, they'll coordinate with my schedule, and we can have a conversation. Amazing, Chris, thank


you so much.


Yeah, thank you so much for having me.


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