Dancing in the Discomfort Zone with Anne Bonney

IGNITING COURAGE Podcast Episode 49: Melissa Gavin-Smith

Anne Bonney

After battling addiction, and spending almost 3 years in prison, Melissa Gavin-Smith has courageously rebuilt her life with energy, enthusiasm and positive momentum.  With recidivism rates as high as they are, Melissa's story is a rare beacon of light on a very challenging problem. 

In the episode, we talk about Tapestry, and The Harmony Project.  Here is a great news piece about that.  You can also visit The Harmony Project website at https://www.harmonyproject.com/.  

Igniting Courage Podcast with speaker, author and trainer Anne Bonney is the place you go for a boost of courage, either to make a huge leap in life, or to just get through the day!  Listen to my friends, who are each regular old people (but also unbelievable badasses) share what courage means to them, how they developed it, and how it plays into their lives every single day.  Be inspired in their, and then your own every day courage.  Then go transform your life.