Dancing in the Discomfort Zone with Anne Bonney

Episode 142: Heather Dominick and Highly Sensitive Leaders

Anne Bonney Season 4 Episode 142

Part of building influence is learning how to get the best from yourself and from the people around you!  Are you highly sensitive?  Is someone on your team? Understanding how different people work is vital to being able to lead them to provide the best work possible.  Leave the judgement at the door and listen to this fascinating episode with Heather Dominic of A Course in Business Miracles and learn how you can create a more inclusive environment for the individuals on your team.

In this episode we talk about

-          What highly sensitive means. (it’s different from highly emotional)

-          How the world is not set up for highly sensitive people

-          How to use energy management to retrain your nervous system to the volume of the world.

-          How her daily tea habit helps her identify with other highly sensitive people.

Want to take the quiz to find out whether YOU are highly sensitive?  Click here. 

More on Dr Elaine Aron who did research on highly sensitive people:  https://hsperson.com/about-dr-elaine-aron/

And more about your host: Anne Bonney is a fun, energetic international motivational keynote speaker influence ignitor.  She is an authority on Change Management, two-time author,  podcast host of this here glorious podcast!  She is an experienced virtual, in-person and hybrid workshop facilitator. After 20 years in highly successful corporate and non-profit leadership positions, Anne, now uses her experience, education, and expertise to ignite YOUR ability to influence others by harnessing emotional intelligence, courageously communicating and effectively dealing with change.   

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