Dancing in the Discomfort Zone with Anne Bonney

Dancing with UMA SHANKARI: Spiritual artist and multiple dabbler!

January 10, 2022 Anne Bonney Season 5 Episode 166

OMG you guys, I'm so excited because this episode is awesome!!  Uma Shankari is an electrical engineer turned spiritual artist, chef, business consultant and dabbler in other fantastic things, living in India who is waltzing in discomfort on a daily basis having chosen calling over comfort.  I originally thought this might be an interesting episode, and it turned out to be positively fascinating information from a wonderful person.  

We talked about

-          Her journey from Electrical Engineer to Spiritual Artist

-          Her confusion and incredulity at her spiritual awakening

-          Her first healing session and how she started.

-          What spiritualists and scientists are saying about her artwork

-          Her daily discomfort and getting back to her roots

So open your mind, and listen in!

And if you're interested in experiencing a healing session, get in touch with Uma and mention this podcast and she'll give you $25 off.  (It's truly a fascinating experience!  I'll tell you about it in the intro and conclusion of this episode.)

Interested in more from Uma?  Here are the social media things.
https://www.instagram.com/umashankariauthor/ https://www.facebook.com/umashankariauthor

Want to check out her book?  The Lion’s Wisdom, then click on the green there and you'll be magically transported

Uma talks about Paul Selig's book I Am the Word.  Click here to check out that book.