Notes for the Children


February 13, 2024 Pat Priestner Season 1 Episode 6
Notes for the Children
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Notes for the Children
Feb 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Pat Priestner

In this introspective episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner delves into the profound lesson of self-compassion, sharing insights from a journey marked by personal struggles and growth. 

Pat opens up about the critical realization that loving oneself is foundational to loving others, and the inability to treat oneself kindly makes it challenging to extend genuine kindness and compassion to those around us. Exploring the barriers to self-compassion many of us face, including the harsh inner critic that often drowns out our ability to appreciate our worth, Pat shares hard lessons learned along the way. 

Pat offers practical strategies for cultivating self-compassion and challenges the misconception that self-compassion is selfish, arguing instead that it enables us to be more present, supportive, and loving towards others.

Join us in this heartfelt episode as Pat guides us through the essential practice of being a good friend to oneself, demonstrating how self-compassion can lead to a life of greater happiness, resilience, and connection. 

Show Notes

In this introspective episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner delves into the profound lesson of self-compassion, sharing insights from a journey marked by personal struggles and growth. 

Pat opens up about the critical realization that loving oneself is foundational to loving others, and the inability to treat oneself kindly makes it challenging to extend genuine kindness and compassion to those around us. Exploring the barriers to self-compassion many of us face, including the harsh inner critic that often drowns out our ability to appreciate our worth, Pat shares hard lessons learned along the way. 

Pat offers practical strategies for cultivating self-compassion and challenges the misconception that self-compassion is selfish, arguing instead that it enables us to be more present, supportive, and loving towards others.

Join us in this heartfelt episode as Pat guides us through the essential practice of being a good friend to oneself, demonstrating how self-compassion can lead to a life of greater happiness, resilience, and connection.