Notes for the Children

First Five Minutes

February 20, 2024 Pat Priestner Season 1 Episode 7
First Five Minutes
Notes for the Children
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Notes for the Children
First Five Minutes
Feb 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Pat Priestner

In this episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner shares invaluable insights into the critical importance of the first five minutes of any interaction, especially in the context of sales. Drawing from decades of experience in the automotive industry, Pat underscores how these initial moments can make or break a deal or a relationship. 

Listeners will discover practical strategies and tips for winning over customers and making positive connections right from the start. Pat delves into techniques such as walking meditation, the significance of active listening, the trust-building power of eye contact and the often-underestimated value of a genuine smile. 

Beyond sales tips, this episode explores the "I Like You" process—a simple yet profoundly effective approach Pat adopted early in his career. 

Join us in this enlightening episode as Pat guides us through mastering the art of making an excellent first impression, demonstrating how a few minutes of mindfulness and positivity can lead to lasting connections and success. 

Show Notes

In this episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner shares invaluable insights into the critical importance of the first five minutes of any interaction, especially in the context of sales. Drawing from decades of experience in the automotive industry, Pat underscores how these initial moments can make or break a deal or a relationship. 

Listeners will discover practical strategies and tips for winning over customers and making positive connections right from the start. Pat delves into techniques such as walking meditation, the significance of active listening, the trust-building power of eye contact and the often-underestimated value of a genuine smile. 

Beyond sales tips, this episode explores the "I Like You" process—a simple yet profoundly effective approach Pat adopted early in his career. 

Join us in this enlightening episode as Pat guides us through mastering the art of making an excellent first impression, demonstrating how a few minutes of mindfulness and positivity can lead to lasting connections and success.