Notes for the Children


May 21, 2024 Season 1 Episode 20
Notes for the Children
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Notes for the Children
May 21, 2024 Season 1 Episode 20

In this impactful episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner shares timeless wisdom on cultivating daily habits that lead to success and fulfillment. He emphasizes the profound impact of daily routines on shaping one's destiny and achieving excellence. 

The podcast explores the importance of going the extra mile, focusing on the little things that make a difference, and the transformative power of consistent, positive habits. Pat advocates for a habit of continuous learning, echoing the teachings of philosophers like Gandhi, Aristotle, Seneca, and Epictetus.  

Join us to hear how self-discipline, resilience, and the daily practice of intentional actions in realizing one's dreams. 

Show Notes

In this impactful episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner shares timeless wisdom on cultivating daily habits that lead to success and fulfillment. He emphasizes the profound impact of daily routines on shaping one's destiny and achieving excellence. 

The podcast explores the importance of going the extra mile, focusing on the little things that make a difference, and the transformative power of consistent, positive habits. Pat advocates for a habit of continuous learning, echoing the teachings of philosophers like Gandhi, Aristotle, Seneca, and Epictetus.  

Join us to hear how self-discipline, resilience, and the daily practice of intentional actions in realizing one's dreams.