City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City

City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 3 Bay of Married Pigs

February 06, 2024 Francene & Coryne Season 1 Episode 3
City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 3 Bay of Married Pigs
City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
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City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 3 Bay of Married Pigs
Feb 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Francene & Coryne

We are back with Episode 3 from Season 1 

Show Notes Transcript

We are back with Episode 3 from Season 1 

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City after dark, we discovering sex and the city dive into the glittering world of city after dark, a podcast that takes you on a glamorous journey through the iconic series sex and the city. Join us as we discover the laughter tears and timeless moments of Carrie Samantha Miranda and Charlotte, each episode is a delightful stroll down memory lane, featuring Woody banter, candid discussions, and a touch of nostalgia. Whether you're a long time to voting or a first time viewer come along for the ride. As we explore the city that never sleeps and the friendships that defined an era. And as we compare our viewpoints from our twenties, when we first watched the show to now you'll witness how our perspectives have evolved with time adding a unique layer to our reflections on this beloved series.

That's so funny. You say that because we were in a restaurant yesterday, having lunch and they just had like, you know, elevator music on square. It was the sex in the city theme, but like a jazzy version. I was like, that's the, and Jason's like, what are you talking about? I was like, yeah, I said, do I have an audience? They know I'm here. They know I'm here. That's hilarious. Okay. Season one, episode three, Bay of Married Pigs, Bay of Married Pigs, which is kind of a continuation of, you know, they're, they're like taking us through all the different, like different types of relationships in the city. And now we're on marriage. Oh, my gosh. And the way they kick off this episode is Carrie's invited to stay with her married friend and her husband, of course, in the Hamptons, which relating back to this life that. We didn't have, and it's just so different compared to, like, certainly how I grew up. But I was like, oh my god, that's so amazing. And then they dive straight into the first couple of scenes where they're having a great time. Dinner, everything else, and the next morning I love at dinner, too, that, like, she's quote unquote singing for her supper, where, like, she's Giving them like the salacious details of a recent date and their body language. They're just like, they're like hanging over the table, like just like baited breath, like, and then what? Like, they just can't get it up. That cracks me up for sure. But I feel like that's very relatable. Like if I speak to any of my single friends, like male or female, I'm like, tell me everything. And when they're telling me like stories, especially about dating, I'm like, Oh, damn. Then what? Especially if you've been married for a while or like in a long term relationship. It's so relatable. Oh my God. Cause well, dating has changed so much too. So it's like, when you listen, you're like, what? How did you meet? On an app? You swiped where? Like what? No, that's true. That's a good point. I feel like that still happens even to this day that people are definitely, yeah, tell me it all. And then afterwards as a couple, you're then like, Oh my goodness. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Then you have to talk about like, can you believe that is what they're doing now? I can't even believe it. Hilarious. And then fast forward to the next morning where that the experience hanging out with her married couples goes south in a hurry. Like. That's such an awkward moment, like you walk out of your bedroom after spending the night, and he's just pantsless in the hallway, just like drinking his coffee. But not even like, I care. And I was trying to think, I'm like, oh my god, what would I do in like this situation? Probably the same as Carrie and be very awkward about it, but just the confidence. And also like, why? Yeah. And like, I don't know, I feel like I would have been embarrassed for him and like, my reaction would have been to walk back into my bedroom. Like, I don't, I could have stood there and like, had a conversation. Awkward. I do appreciate, though, that Kerry, like, immediately tells his wife. Like, the moment she comes to the door, she's like, I don't think I, depending on who it was, I don't know. I'd probably sit with it for a while and be like, should I say something for her? Yeah, no, very good for her. I feel like a lot of people would've been like, I'm gonna get outta here. Yeah. And then tell her like, I don't wanna be here. But she's like, no, I wanted to see the beach. Don't kick me out. No, I know. I love that. She, and I love how she, she got kicked out. Anyway, she tells the wife and then she's like, so what are we doing today? Yes, But I couldn't even imagine how I would react. Like if someone said that to me about like my husband, I'd be like, what the fuck? I know. Well, and again, like, why? Like, what? Why? She has no reason to lie. And cut to the scene where she's then with Charlotte and Miranda and Samantha right after and they say like why and she's like, it didn't even, it didn't feel sexual. And it really didn't. It didn't. As a viewer, it didn't seem sexual. It didn't at all. I feel like he just like, it was, it was, he just. Is he like, almost like that I want to get in trouble thing? Oh, maybe. I don't know. That was, it was a very bizarre thing and hilarious way to start the episode for sure. And like to kick off the conversation of like comparing their married friends. Yes. It's embarrassing for sure. But even just I love like. Because I think this is the second time they've all got together for like brunch and or sorry the last time the last episode they were in carries like apartment they're all around having dinner now they're having brunch, and we continue to see that throughout all the seasons, but I just love the girl chat and just how honest and like in detail and then they obviously start. In being like, well, how big was it? I know. Well, tell us. And the pepper grinder, like that, that was hilarious. I like Samantha again. Like here, here's her character really starting to come out where she's like, Oh honey, I think we could all use some ground pepper. But also like, that's big. Yeah. And circling back to the why, maybe that's why. Maybe that's why. Maybe he's like, you should know. I'm, I'm impressed with it. You should be too. Yeah, probably. Maybe that's why. And then what's interesting too is then at the branch, they then start having that conversation where they're like, when your friends get married, single people become the enemy. And I was thinking to myself, I'm like, well, have your relationships like changed when you've been in a relationship or like married? Because I don't think mine have. So it's, it's interesting, I think, because I feel like you're, so this is a funny question to ask me, cause I've been married a couple of times and I've been, I've not been married. So like, I've seen it, the ebb and flow of it. And so I will say that the first time I got married, I definitely felt like, cause I was young, I was 22 when I got married which you shouldn't be allowed to do by the way. And so, but I definitely felt like at that point, not I didn't feel like they were the enemy or anything like that. It's just like your lives are just in different moments where, you know, you're working on thinking about living in, you know, solving married problems and your, your friends that were single are still in that game. And there's another, there's another movie and I cannot remember what it is right now, but there's a scene with that talks about this and it's basically like the, you know, like you're not, you're not in the game anymore. And it's like, you lose your girlfriends when they get married, but then once you're married, you're like in the same game again. You're like, yeah, we're back in. Yeah. But the second time I got married, I don't, I didn't feel like that. And I think probably because I had this long stint of time in between where I was single and I built these really important friendships for me. And so I knew how much I valued them. And I also think I was older. Yeah. It was just different. You know what I mean? Cause I was, my friends, the second time were like, some of them were already married or like my, one of my very best friends is gay. So like, that's not, you know, it wasn't like, we weren't all trying to get married, you know, a gang of girls trying to get married, which is sad we ever were, but that's just what you, you know, when. My generation, unfortunately, that's what society taught us to do in our early twenties. So I don't feel like that the second time that that happened as much. I definitely have seen though, since that marriage has ended some of my, like our couple friends, like, I don't see them anymore. Yeah, and again, I don't think it's because we're the enemy or it's competition. I just think like I'm just in another different place in my life and then they are and I feel like the the similarities and the commonalities we had that were the reasons we hung out aren't there anymore, you know. I mean, we're still friends. It's just as much as I, you know, used to. I then also was really lucky because my marriage ended and then my very, very best friend's soul sister's marriage ended one year later. And then my other, like my, my second closest best friend, hers was right behind that. Like six months after. Did you start a friend? I know. And the crazy thing is the three of us all got married pretty close together. And then like, and the crazy thing is like my, I ended my marriage. So like, I'll take my lumps, but my, my very, very best friends, her husband cheated. And so like that was out of nowhere. Like it wasn't. And then the other one, hers was, was a similar thing where it was like, All of us, I would have never guessed that I would never, ever, ever seen that coming. It was crazy. So yes, I started a trend or that are the, me and those two girls just move in cycle or something. If we all three get married again, close together, there's something in the water. Okay. Oh my gosh. Wow. That is wild. Yeah. It's crazy. So yeah. So my, like two very, very best girlfriends and I, all three went through divorces within a year and a half. Oh my gosh. Yeah, it's crazy. So we're like all giving each other advice and like, yeah, like co parent, like we were like, how are you managing that? For sure. But I do think in that episode, is that an experience that you, you, you were young though. And like, yeah, I was like, 25. So not really. And like, I still have like, single friends. But if I'm honest, I actually appreciate the thrill of being able to go out with some of my single friends and be like their wing person. And again, like, I just appreciate hearing like the stories and stuff. And yeah, I don't know. It's like you have an appreciation, right? You're like, but I think it makes you sometimes like, appreciate like what you have, or if you see something, you're like, okay, I need to do something about it, you know? That's true. And I think it also, it depends a lot on the relationship that you're in, because like, I think you're in a healthy relationship where y'all are, you know, both trustworthy and honest, and you have a good thing between each other. You, you have some freedom of movements. Yeah. That allows you to still, you know, be close to single friends. I know that there are relationships where, you know, for whatever reason, that's not the case. And so then there's like, there's kind of like a, it makes one or the other person anxious if they're, you're hanging out with single friends. Yes. And that's what I never wanted. Like, that's the one thing. And I see some of my friends like that, they're like, Oh, blah, blah, blah is going to hang out. Whoever. Yeah. And that is the one thing I can't deal with that anxiety. So I'm glad I don't have that. You guys have a great thing where it's like that is there's a, there's a super level of trust and y'all are both really good to each other. So it's like you, I love that. I think that's how it absolutely shouldn't be. And I think like, Like it gives you perspective on your relationship and appreciation for it. It's also great too to go get crazy stories and then come home and be like, guess what? Yeah. Oh my God. I love that. And I'm sure I've got new things to tell you. Yeah. You know what else made me laugh? And we were speaking about this the other day was that they mentioned a couple of times. And they refer to married couples as like, well, we do this and we do that. And it made me laugh. Cause I was just thinking about the Royal Wee and I was like, when my husband talks about wee, it's like him and his friends and hunting and all the trips that he does. And I always have to be like, that wee is not like me. I'm not in that wee. I'm not, I'm the other wee. I'm not in that wee. You're making me laugh. I was like, not every wee is. The, the couple we, Oh God, I am so guilty of the we of everything. I'm the worst about it. Like, especially like when I'm married to Michael, like, like we got pregnant. No, we didn't. I am pregnant. Okay. But I was, I'm terrible about that. I caught it. So I get that for sure. I get it. And the other thing so then after brunch, I think Carrie's then kind of walking with Stanford and what I also thought was great about this episode, especially at the time was they bump into one of Carrie's like gay couple friends and immediately, which is also very interesting talking about like not speaking to someone for a while immediately, they're like, Oh, we're looking for an egg donor. Could you be it? I was like, wow, that's so forward. But I love that they're even like talking about it. Like, that's awesome. But I love that in that moment when he's like, oh, we're married, you know, and they show their rings and she's like, that's great. And then they're like, are you seeing anyone? And she's like no. And they're like, is it, don't they say like, don't you want, do you want to get married? She's like, I don't know. That may not be for me. Yeah. And then. They're like, Oh, and they look at each other. And the, the, the husband is like, I think that's great. My, did your mind immediately think they're going to fix her up with someone? I thought that's kind of where they were going. So when they, said, would you be an egg donor? I was like, Whoa, that's like, that's a lot. Like at least take her out for coffee again, reacquaint yourselves. Yeah. Like, can we like ask me to dinner and let's have this like conversation about, and I love how the guy is like, here's our card, which is even a further extension And then he's like, he's like, we'll pay. Bye. I'm like, wow. What like a weird day, weird day for Kari. She puts it perfectly. She's like so now I'm just an egg farm. Like what in the world? Oh my god, that's crazy for sure. It is cool though that they kind of like show that the marriage and the we and all of that is a gay couple too. Like it's, you're not safe if you're, all married couples are doing it. They're all the same. Yeah. And then what I love about this episode is we now do a little bit more of a deeper dive into Miranda. So we've seen her defensive, argumentative side when she was with Skipper, and now we're seeing her more of that professional setting where you can see her vulnerability when it comes to her work and the way she is seen and she wants to be a partner. And she's at that baseball game and one of her colleagues sets her up. I thought she was gay. But then when she ran over and she was like, I'm not gay. He looked her up and down and was like, really? I know. I know. He's like, are you sure? Cause like, really? Oh my God. And she does such a great job of taking it in stride because I don't think I would have been offended. First of all. I would have I don't know that I could have walked back over and been the one to take on the responsibility of telling the person you've just fixed me up with. Yeah. That they were wrong. Like, I mean, not that it's that person's fault by any means, but I'm sure they had their hopes up too, of like, let me get my, let me get my wine. There we go. But yeah, she And I love, what a good sport, what a good sport to go back, both of them, her answer is to go back and be like, I'm not gay, but should we stay and play? Like, let's do this. That's a very, very great way to handle it, for sure. Well, in question, as we continue down the Miranda at the end, her boss Charles, who was like, refer to me as Chip, we're good he invited them over for dinner and immediately she was like, yes, because clearly she saw an opportunity and was like, yeah, I'm going to take advantage of this. Yeah, would you have done the same because I would have. I know. Well, that's totally right off the brain is obviously someone who's so career driven. Yeah. And, you know, as a, as a woman, I can empathize with and have personal experience with like having to break those glass ceilings and being seen as a certain way. So she has obviously experienced that the not being married factor is playing into her having opportunity within her company in this way. So I, she did a great job of just being like, yes. And I, I, I think I would too. I think that that would be my instinct. I'd be like, we'll work this out after. Yeah. Like I'll pay you an escort, whatever. Yeah. I think that she, yeah, it, it works for sure. And you got to give props to that girl, Sid. Cause she's just like, Oh, like we're going to do this. I know. I love you're so good with the names by the way. Like you immediately, you're like, Oh yes, Sid. And I was like, Oh yeah, shoot. That was her name. Listen, all these extras are like, I know them all stuff is ingrained in some file in my head. I just have to access it. And when I watch the episodes, I get up like, yes. I also wondered, cause you know, Cynthia Nixon is a lesbian. That's right. Well, she wasn't then. She was married with kids. Yeah. I forgot that. She came out way later. That's true. Cause I, so I of course didn't know she was a lesbian, obviously, cause I guess she didn't come out until way later. So when I watched that episode, it ran through my mind and I was like, I wonder if she was like offended at that. I know. But that's interesting. That's, I had forgotten that, that she didn't come out until later. Is is interesting. She was married to a man, right? Yeah, and then I think she has like two kids. It's probably Sid. Sid probably turned her, y'all. I know. That's season one. She's like, you know what? I'm gonna come back with a vengeance. I do love after the dinner party, we need to touch on their dinner party too with the boss, but after when she's had such a great time and it's gone swimmingly and like, she's getting all the accolades from the boss that she's been dying for. And they're like in the elevator together and she kisses her and she's just like, I just had to make sure. But even the fact she told her boss, I don't know, even if I would that early, I mean, I don't know what that says about me, but I probably would have given a couple of dinners. I think I definitely would have kept the lie going for her. And then I would have just been like, we broke up. I know. I know. I don't. I mean, missed opportunity. Good on her though, because she was straight up honest about it. Like, she's better than us, obviously. No, for sure. Obviously, she's a really good lawyer as well. Because you want someone that's honest. I'd have kept the lie going. I'd have kept it going for a little bit longer, for sure. That's, I did definitely feel her in that moment, because I've joked about this often. Because I'm always like, if sexuality was a choice, 10 out of 10, I would choose to be a lesbian. Okay. Like, like, are you kidding me with this? Like, yes, that's what I would pick. So it's not a choice. And way to go, Miranda, for trying to see if you could be like, is it? Can I just wear it? Yeah. Did you see that thing there? It's like, no. This would be way easier. That's it. That's hilarious. And then, so the other thing about this episode is we see then Carrie starting to date. Wait, the guy that she gets set up with. So she meets her other married friends for lunch. And then of course they're like, Oh my God, what are you doing here? I love that. I've never had that happen. I was, I was like, I love how she acted like it was so normal. And I'm like, I would accept part in my. Puppy barking in the background. She's literally not here. Okay. Good. She's having a good time. Or they're not. I love it. They foliar, like she acted, like it was so normal. Like this happens all the time that you are out to lunch with friends and they just like trick you being out on a blind date. That's hilarious. And from moment one, I knew that dude was not right for Carrie. I know, but at the same time. I was thinking as he was, I agree, definitely not good for Carrie, but he was saying all the right things every moment. I was like, okay, so, because I have a checkbox and I was like, okay, you have your own apartment, good location, clearly a good job, good set of friends, you know what you want, you're like, you're on it. And I was like, really? I was like, he's so upfront about like all of it and then be like, come over to my apartment, come be part of the party, meet my friends. I was like, how many times as a girl, like you crave, you're like, I want to meet your friends and you know, it takes so long or I don't know, you're not being pulled in. And especially, I can't imagine nowadays, like how that is with dating. But I was like, he was straight up. He was straight up from the beginning, and I feel like that's his downfall. Car is like I need a bit more drama here. Yeah, well, and not like that. But I mean, I don't know if it's just it's definitely Carrie. And that's something that I definitely am seeing them building in these episodes. And it's so interesting to watch it like this. But like in all three episodes so far, they have touched on or directly said that Carrie has issues with commitment and love and like serious relationships. Like they definitely have like just. Put the thumb right on it, but I do think with him, like it's, it's like, it's like skipper light where it's like, yeah, there needs, you got to have a little mystery. And it's almost like, he's so sure of what he wants. Like, he's just trying to like, find the, like anyone will do. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I've always joked that like men are like calves and when they're ready to be in a relationship, they just slip their light on and it's like, whoever gets in next, like, that's the one, like, whereas women are, yeah, like we're the ones searching, but I don't know. I feel like you need a little bit of a chase. And then I also thought too, I'm like, But is he perfect for Charlotte? Like, is that? Well, and that's well, and I guess we'll get on to that piece that they kinda do at the end. But, what I also thought was hilarious as they're talking about kinda married people is Carrie's like, okay, Friends come with me to this party. They turn up and everyone is married and coupled up and Samantha's immediately like, what the fuck, why are you taking me here? And then starts with the tequila shots, which I appreciate. But then there's one scene that I also found very interesting and I think, again, we could probably all relate depending on the relationships you've been in where he's talking to One of the husbands, they're talking about, I don't know if it's like money or finances, and the wife comes over and is so dismissive of Samantha and looks at her like she's a piece of shit. And it's like, you need to come with me. But yet, in another scene, when they're talking to Carrie, knowing that Carrie's dating their friend. Coupled. She was so different. Yeah. She was like, oh my gosh, he's amazing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, gosh, girls sometimes are so mean for no reason. Well and it's that hope that in 25 years we've gotten a little bit better about it. I hope so. Yeah. It's just that like. I'm sure we've all done it. I've probably done it. It's that instant jealousy. Like, yeah. Like, why are you talking to my man? Right. Right. And I mean, especially because you know, what's going through Samantha. Like could not be less interested. Like, right. Yeah, for sure. But that I know that it's definitely, they flipped the script. They do a great job too. Of like, that's such a great illustration of their original thought of like, once you're married, then yes. It's a great, yeah, they show that really nicely in the episode for sure. Well, and then the other piece as Samantha continues to get completely drunk that evening is, the guy carries dating. He then kind of shows around the apartment. He takes her to one of the rooms a spare room and was like, Oh, I would see this as like a baby's room and Charlotte's face in the background was just like, Oh, I carry could not be any more. Like, I need to get out here immediately. No, and I fully feel Carrie on that, like, too much too soon, homie. You'd be like, what? She's for sure the female, I mean the male Charlotte. Like, a hundred percent. Oh, yeah, they like set that up. But then the next piece. So at the as Samantha continues to get drunker, Charlotte then is like, I need to take her home. So she takes her back to her apartment and Samantha being Samantha, which we've seen from each episode now. She needs to ensure that she also gets her. Yeah, yeah. She gets her piece that night. I love that she like, Charlotte, she waits till Charlotte goes to sleep. I know. She must have been so drunk as well. I think I would have just passed out. So good for her for also getting naked and then taking herself downstairs to entice the 18 year old Bellman. I know, and he seems so young as well. No, but she literally like, again, she's just like, I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it. I've got it, yeah. Come with me, come with me. And she does it so well. That is, that is, that's the Samantha I love right there where it's, there's no, there's no shame in her game. And I feel like there's no she's, she's not vulnerable at all in that. Not at all. Yeah. Like that, that is powerful. Samantha that I love right there. They, they, they're, they're turning her. They're taking it back. I'm like, I don't like the vulnerableness. I like this hardcore ness where you're just like, this is how I wish I was. Yeah. I love that. I definitely have been that person in my life. I've definitely had some long runs of being just like that. And it's, it's fun. And in my experience, it's, it gets, it's pretty empty too, but you know, I think that that Samantha, Samantha's character is just after different things than, you know, I think I was. I'm a, I'm a, At the end of the day, I'm, I got feelings, you know, it's bullshit. Yeah, no, for sure. And I'm like bubbling Charlotte here. I have like way too many feelings. My inner Charlotte creeps out. There's a lot going on. I try to tamp her down. Like, dammit Charlotte. Yeah. And then at the end of the party. This is when Carrie, which, interestingly, when I was watching the when I was watching the episode, I was like, okay, when you're dating someone, of course, you're gonna, like, stay over, and, you know, at the end of the party, but immediately, she's grabbing her jacket, and he's like, wait, where are you going? And she's like, so, I don't think this is working, and Obviously, we know he's not right for Carrie and we saw all the alarm bells kind of going off from, you know, how she was kind of acting and kind of portraying that throughout, but it's the way he's like, so confused. He's like, I don't understand. Like, all I hear is y'all just want to get married. And he's like, what more can I do? But it's like that desperation to your point. It's like anyone will do. No, I know it's like literally like he's just like whoever will get in my cab. Let's do this. I know it's the desperation and again It's like there has to be some cat and mouse and like some mystery in the beginning Even if you know, that's what you want. And I feel like he is making the classic mistake that women Stereotypically made, you know, or men complain about, like he's doing all those things of like, has, has his whole life put together. And it's just being like straight up with it. And it's also not working for him. I know. I feel so bad. No wonder guys, like no one communicates well. So then at that point. Harry is like, oh, well, maybe I should hook you up with Charlotte, and that lasts a whole of five minutes, because he picks a different plate that she disagrees with, which is also interesting, because knowing Charlotte, Yeah. It's interesting to see, like, her, the fact that although she's such a romantic, and she loves love, she's still unwilling to go beyond what she expects. Well, she, yeah, she's not desperate, you know, she does come off that way. A handful of. It's just like, where is he already? Which is coming, but like the, that, that, it is so funny too, that like in the five minutes they're dating, they're in like a Barney's or a shop with store like that. And they're looking at like China, that's hilarious in and of itself, but yes, it's like the worst date. Gotta be, right? I hate to do that. I don't think I've ever even done that with my husband. I was gonna say, I hated doing that when you were supposed to be doing it. Yeah. Just do it solo. It's absolutely miserable, for sure. No, yeah. An interesting way that they wrote that like he is essentially the male Charlotte and then those pull those are opposite magnets to like work. Yeah, they don't work either. That's hilarious for sure. So then this is when the last scenes carries kind of reflecting, and being like, you know, it's, it's not kind of worth it. Like, I don't have the kind of quote. But then she decides she's goes to the movies with her girlfriends and that's how she wants to spend her time. And what fun fact, because I feel like now each episode needs to have a fun little fact is when you look at the background of that scene, when they're standing outside the movies. In the background, there's a movie poster and one of them is Godzilla and that is starring Sarah Jessica Parker's husband, Matthew Broderick, which by the way, I love that film. Such a classic crazy that you caught that. I'm so proud. I know. I was like, Oh, I need to find something else to impress Corinne. Easter egg. That is well done. And I had no, I can't remember him in that movie. I don't, did I see Godzilla? I mean, God, it's like, when was that? Like 99, I guess It's got to be that old. That's it. Well, especially if they released in 98, I don't know. That's definitely an old one for sure. But I wonder if. Surely that placement was on purpose, right? I think so. That's what I liked about it. Yeah. It's gotta be, I mean, like that because he was, he was, I think he might've been, he was definitely bigger than her. Oh yeah. This first came out. It was until sex and Save. Right? Because she'd been in some movies like, girls Just Wanna Fawn, she was in one Nichols Cage, something else. But really not, not as much. Come on. What's the other one? I'm trying to see if in the uk this made it over to you? What's the, the Sarah Jessica Parker movie. Is there one? Famous dancing. Oh, wait, the the famous dancing. Oh my god. Kevin Bacon. Wait, what movie? Footloose! Stop! She is in that? I did not know that. Yes, that's dating his really tall cowboy friend. She's the girl that he's with. I did not know that. Do you know what I thought you were talking about? What? Hocus Pocus. Well, she's in that too. I was like, now I made it to the UK. Yeah, yeah, for sure. No, she's in Footloose. Yeah. No way. Come on, I need to watch it. You gotta watch it now. Exactly, watch her movies. She also, she got her start on Broadway in Annie. That's right. I did know that. Well, and also big wasn't in this, this episode. That's right. You know what? I did not think about that until right now, a whole episode without him. Interesting for sure. Yeah. I do love how they pull it back in the end though. It's like, they bring it back to the girls and like, yeah. Yeah, I think that's great. And I love what they say about it's nice to have someone to go to the movies with, but it's also nice to let that person be your group of girlfriends, you know, I think it's this show was, was so great. I think it's the first thing I can think of that was like and it's really a just honing in on like this and we've touched on this before, but like your girlfriends being your support and your fallback and your date and your, you know, like that is your chosen family, you know, which is, I love that they continue to pull that back in. I mean, they should, it's kind of the thing, but it's true. And I fully, and I think it's. Not just because of sex and say, but I know for me, it's like, that gave me the foundation of regardless what's happening in your relationship, your friends are always so important, but you have to continue to work on those relationships. Well, encircling back to what we were talking about earlier about when you're getting married and like, do those relationships change? I do think that that is one of the things that really changed for me after my starter marriage failed at a very young age was that those were the people who picked me up and like, I rebuilt a life and it was so like, those relationships were so important to me for the next, you know, eight years of my life when I was single. And like, that was my tribe and my family and my day to day. And those people were, those were, those were the people I was in a relationship with. And so I think because of like having that real world experience of like, that's why this is important. Like I'll never, I'll never go through a period where I don't. Actively participate and cultivate those relationships because those people are forever, you know, I know, hopefully if there's one thing people can take when they listen to this away from this particular episode, it's that go call a friend, go invite your friend out. We are gonna end this episode here. And then we look forward to episode four, which is Valley of the 20 something. Guys, we will see you soon.