City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City

City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 4 Valley of the twenty-something guys

February 13, 2024 francene & coryne Season 1 Episode 4
City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 4 Valley of the twenty-something guys
City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
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City After Dark: Rediscovering Sex and the City
City After Dark: Season 1 Episode 4 Valley of the twenty-something guys
Feb 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
francene & coryne

Join us as we break down another episode!

Show Notes Transcript

Join us as we break down another episode!

AudioPro X5 Microphone:

City after dark, we discovering sex and the city dive into the glittering world of city after dark, a podcast that takes you on a glamorous journey through the iconic series sex and the city. Join us as we discover the laughter tears and timeless moments of Carrie Samantha Miranda and Charlotte, each episode is a delightful stroll down memory lane, featuring Woody banter, candid discussions, and a touch of nostalgia. Whether you're a long time to voting or a first time viewer come along for the ride. As we explore the city that never sleeps and the friendships that defined an era. And as we compare our viewpoints from our twenties, when we first watched the show to now you'll witness how our perspectives have evolved with time adding a unique layer to our reflections on this beloved series.


I'm like have you not Googled us? And it's not France, Northeast. I remember I once Googled myself and it literally came up with a map of France, Northeast. And I was like, oh,


I'm not famous yet. Oh no. That's one of Cross favorite things to tell her friends is that you can Google my mom. She comes up.


Oh, that is, that


is badass. Yeah, I guess that is badass for sure.


I'm trying to get the pouring of the wine on the


podcast. We need to get the clean. We need to know.


Wait, wait. That's


just me. It works. I also have a huge bottle of champagne that I got for us last time. So next time we have to be in person so we can drink that again


for sure. You know what? This tastes so good. I felt like it's been sitting in the fridge for like a month, but it still


tastes good. It's just like a fine wine, like a fine wine.


Okay. Okay. We are back. Season one, episode four, Valley of the 20 something guys. But before we kick off this episode, we've realized we haven't even introduced ourselves.


We got a little feedback and people were like, Hey, wait. Who are you, bitches? Who are


you? We're just like, hey, it's Corinne and Francine. They're like, okay.


Why are you doing this? Google us?


Do you want to go first?


I can't. Tell us about you. Tell them about you. So my name is Corinne and I am a Texas girl born and raised. I own a digital marketing agency, so I help small businesses manage their social media and websites and their digital presence. I met Francine through a previous business that I owned, which was a mobile retail concept called Shoe Bar that I owned. From 2013 to 2018, it was like a food truck, but with shoes and we traveled all around the city of Houston and set up at different locations and sold shoes and private parties for ladies. And it was the most fun thing I've ever done and will always be my baby in my passion project, but it. Hadn't pulled me accidentally into a career of digital marketing, which has been amazing. And I am of course, a absolute shoe a holic still to this day. And I'm a mom and I'm divorced and I still live in Texas and. This is Francine, who's one of my besties, and what about you, Francine?


I love it. And I want to say, when I first met Corinne, we were at Henry Bendall. Henry Bendall. Yeah. Oh, which isn't even a thing. thing anymore. That's so sad. So we were at like a Henry Bando event and I used to help with a local blog in Houston called My Red Glasses. And I remember looking over and being like, Oh my God, those shoes are fabulous. And I went on my own. I was like, I'm just going to say something. So we came over and then it's been history, which is I forever appreciate. And I'm sure as we continue these podcasts, maybe we'll sprinkle in some of our stories, such as I have multiple, yes, multiple stories from the things I did at shoe bar by accident. And But we'll, we'll save those fun stories. But I'm originally from Scotland. I moved here with my husband, so moved here to Houston in 2014. We are American citizens. Yay, we made it. Also, I'm a mom. I have a daughter. And yeah, same as Corinne. This is obviously why we get on. I absolutely love shoes. I'm obsessed with Jimmy Choo's. They're like my go to. And of course we're brought together because we love Sex and City. So


yeah, shoes and sex in the city and don't forget to mention that you had a wildly successful blog for many, many, many years before. And that's how the, when I met you, it was one of the things I was like most impressed with you with. I was like, Oh, this girl is like doing it. Like she has a blog. Full time career to like a big shit career on top of that. So yeah, don't let her sell herself short. Francine's a badass in her own right. I


appreciate it. I just have a job so I can spend my money on clothes.


Amen. I just like that's, that's what drives my success. Like I want to grow my business by 20 percent this year, which means I can buy 10 percent more shoes.


Yes. Well I know we're going to digress at this point. Did you do rent the runway? Did we speak about


this before? I'm so obsessed with it. Like I actually paused my membership like two months ago just because I knew like winter and I knew what my schedule looked like and I wasn't, but I do the monthly membership and have done it for years


because I'm sure you were the one that I love it. You really told me about it because I did it for a couple of years and then I paused it because I actually started buying this stuff. I was renting and then I was like, oh, I need to not do


this. I know the thing I like about it though is that like you like there's this one dress that I have rented. So it's a little black dress. I love it. It looks so good. On me. It's great in summer, it's great in winter, it looks great with boots, it looks great with heels. I love this dress and it's like a$650 dress. Yeah. And I've probably rented it six or seven times now. Well, it just went on sale for like 80% off. Well, I'm gonna buy it like I, it's like already a staple in my closet and I don't even know that I like that when stuff is like, yeah, I do. So ridiculously on sale and you can snag it, you know. Yeah, I agree like that that are like, super brand name, but I love, I cannot say enough about their membership. Like, it is always been amazing. And like, it's my biggest thing is like, in the world of social media, where, like, if you wear a really. Serious outfit for an event or a wedding or a whatever, everyone's going to see it. So the next time you have any kind of event, you can't wear that again. So like Rent the Runway is like the perfect solution. I love


it. It really is. Do you think they'll sponsor the podcast? If you,


yeah, as you say, Rent the Runway, if you want to sponsor us.


We'll take it. And trust us, we'll buy this stuff too. Our agent will call


you. Oh my gosh.


Anyway, we digress. Yeah, it is so good. Well, we'll continue to sprinkle in our little, like, bargains of what we're finding, but okay, let's get back to the episode. So, the Valley of the 20 something Guys so, how do we kick off this episode? So, I think it starts off with Carrie and Mr. Big continue to bump into each other. Constantly, right? Like wherever they are across town, they keep on bumping into one


another. It makes New York City feel like it's a small town, honestly. I know, right? How are you running it? I live in Houston, which is like nothing compared to New York City from a density of population standpoint. And like, I've always been amazed at how in Houston, I cannot run into an ex ever. Not ever. Like, I'll never see him again. Like, how did he write it? It's just like, what are we doing? I


know, but also


Have they been in the same borough or work in the same borough? Like, what? I have many more details, Mr. Big. I mean,


maybe, but you know, I was thinking and probably overthinking, but I was like, I wouldn't expect them to run in the same circles.


They shouldn't, right? Right. Except that Carrie is a little bit of a society, not society, person. Yeah. I think because of Samantha, she's like at openings of restaurants or at like that, you know, fashion shows. That's true, yeah. And I think because Mr. Pig is, you know, just a kind of a big deal and very wealthy in the world of finance. Like, maybe that, and again, this is things we didn't understand about New York society at the age in which we were watching this, right? For


sure. We were like, Oh, cool. Of course. I thought New York was a street. I was like, of course, they're going to bump into each other.


Right. I know. And I mean, I've never lived in New York. So, I mean, maybe that it is such a. It's the pot, the amount of people there, it's, it is really a small footprint. So maybe you do run into people more than like we do because we're supposed so spread out or something and you walk everywhere. So I don't know, like maybe it is more common than


maybe, well, okay. So they continue to bump into each other. And then they say. Okay, great. Why don't we make a point of bumping into one another at this bar,


right? Like a planned date. Like they were going to go to like a, yeah.


And then, yes, I took the same thing. And then what I thought was so funny when I was listening to this is So he's running late. So she calls her answering machine. I was like, Oh my God, that is very vintage. Like how many people can relate to that now? And then she gets Miranda to like, but then she gets Miranda to like, listen to the message to be like, are you sensing a tone on this? I thought that was so funny.


What else I love that he knew she was going to be out, but he still called and left a message on her answering machine. And wait, did she call from a cell phone or from a phone phone? No, it was from a payphone! A payphone,


like a In a bar! How did she even hear anything? All of that, I was


perplexed. We all, we all had way better hearing back in the day to like, press that thing to your ear.




though? Next, there's got to be, and I know it's coming, there's got to be, I was going to say, there's got to be an episode that involves a pager, but it's coming. Oh, it's coming. It is coming. There's a pager in there too.


Oh my gosh. Well, so he cancels last minute and then she continues with Samantha where they then go to a bar and it's filled with 20 something people.


Of which, of course, Samantha is already sexually involved with one of them. And, like, croaks Carrie into, like, this group of twenty somethings and introduces her to Tell me that guy's name. The actor. Can you re I want


Josh. Isn't he the one that married Fergie? No. No, no, no.


He looks just like him. I want to That actor was in one of the Scream movies. And that is the, that, that's all I can get. I can't get it. His name is not Skeet Ulrich. That's the one that was in the original scream. I got to look it up because like, he is that actor, like he's such a, a very, like, distinct look, you know what I mean? Like, I can't get his face out of, like, the horror film that he was in when he's in that scene with Carrie. I gotta remember what his name was. But anyway, so they, they, like, get roped into the like, the 20 something. And of course, like, immediately he's like, Pulls Carrie onto his lap, you know, like very confident, very like, let's have a good time with this. And Samantha's of course, like all over, you know, her, her 20 something. But she, I love that one of the first things Carrie notices about this guy is that he has his tongue pierced. Yeah.


Well, he says that, doesn't he say, do you want to see something cool or something? And he goes, oh, doesn't he stick out his tongue? I think he does


that. She's like, what's that? Or he's like, do you want to see something cool? But he shows her his tongue. Ring. And that brings me to an excellent point. Who here on this podcast ever had their tongue pierced? Have you?


No way. Oh, we're going to learn so much on this pod. Did you, do you still have a hole? Have you still got a pierce now? I


do have a hole. Yeah, not a hole, not a hole. But it's like the scar from where it was, you know? I got my tongue pierced when I was 18. I was fresh into college. Here in Texas. I mean, I hadn't been there like two months and I got my tongue pierced. And I had it pierced for like, like all the way through college. And then like, I had my first big job, you know, my first like career job and I was like, so in love with it that I would like take it out every day to go to work and like put it in when I got home. And that's commitment. Oh girl, it was committed. That's about six months. And then I, I let it go by the wayside, but yes. I had my tongue pierced in my twenties too. So stop.


Was it weird to well, let me ask you then, was it weird to kiss with it? So


the crazy, the funniest part about that story is that my college boyfriend who then became my husband for a real brief stint, I like to call that my starter marriage. He also had his tongue pierced. No way. Yeah, and so it, I don't think it was weird to kiss by any means, like, it, like, we, we could both, like, catch each other's tongue ring with our teeth if we were kissing, like, you could, like, catch it as, like, we would, you know, mess around with each other, just playing. Yeah. I loved how it took place, I thought it was so cool, I wanted to be, like scary spice. Yes!


Oh my god!


Oh my god, that is so funny. My first parade to Rockstar Chic was a tongue ring.


I've never kissed anyone with a tongue ring, to be honest.


Oh my gosh.


I mean, I don't even think I've known anyone. I think you're like the only


one. Totally had my tongue pierced. Yep. It was it was really quick to have done. And I, to this day, can vividly hear the sound. Of like your, because you know your tongue is just a muscle. So like the sound of it like popping as they pierce it. Like terrible. Was it sore? It was so bad and like I was a child, I was like 18 years old in college and did not like properly do everything you're supposed to do. Of course, yeah. Lamed. It was like, Oh, it's so bad. It was so bad. But I was so committed to that 50 I spent getting it pierced. I refused. I really think that's why you can still see it on my tongue is because I let it, I like, it was, it was not good for like a week. I had healed.


Oh my God. That is hilarious. Hey, I also Googled him and actually his name doesn't ring a bell, but. It is the guy. Timothy Olplant? Oliplant? No, that's the idiot. Yeah. Yeah, this guy. Look. Let me see. Is that him? Yeah, and he was in Scream 2. And he was also


in, At least I have the Scream 2 reference, right? Fun fact. I can see his face. He's the bad guy in the Scream 2. Like, he's the murderer.


Yes, he was also in Gone in 60 Seconds. Oh, the girl next door. I love that


film. I remember him in Gone in 60 Seconds. Oh, he's been in a lot.


He has hit man. Oh, he was the main hit man, right?


In which one? Hit man. Oh, I don't know that movie. I don't know if I've seen him. He


does look like Fergie's ex husband though, right? Josh Duhamel.


Him and Josh Duhamel do look similar. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for


sure. Don't worry guys, we're gonna get some movie trivia on this too.


So when Carrie is looking at old boy's tongue ring, Big shows up at this bar. I know when she's like holding it. Yeah, and so she's like flirting with this 20 year old and Big after basically telling her he's gonna be, like he wasn't gonna make it or whatever, he like gets in and finds her and she's fully flirting with this 20 year old. But he takes


it so well. Isn't he such an adult?


He is an adult for sure. And I mean, yeah, it's probably one of the things we all love about big, but he's like, you know, like, she's like, you made it. He's like, yeah, it took me 20 minutes to park and 20 minutes to get here. 20 minutes to find you. And now I'm leaving. Yeah. First of all, big, what is your schedule like at freaking 1030 on a Friday? Where are you going, buddy?


I know, but you know what, like Good for her. Like, I think we mentioned this last time, but I appreciate how, like, Carrie really continues to be like, like, it's like, she's not really bothered. She's like, Oh, I wanted to see you. But okay, well, I'll just stay here. It's not that big a deal. Whereas I feel like if it was me and I really like someone, I'd be like, I mean, I'll come with you. What do you mean? I know where she was totally like, okay, let's continue on. I'm like, wow, that is a difference between like me and her. I'm like, good for you for being so like, I'm not even disappointed. I feel like it would ruin my evening.


I would, I think it would have ruined my evening that he wasn't going to make it to the first thing we like playing at each other, which again, maybe that was the reason why the 20 year old seemed so attractive or was like the thing she was into that night is because he was there. But later in the episode, she does a really good job of that again with big that we'll touch on in just a minute. But does she 20 year old? They end up making out that night. Does she spend the night with him that first


night? No. They were just making out and I did think and I wrote this in my notes. I was like, man, don't you remember like just when you first started like making out and it was like making out for hours, hours,


hours, like


my face would be


sore for the next day. And she even says that like the next day she wakes up and she's like, my lips are puffy. Like, yes. Yes. I know. I miss those days. Yeah, that's the allure of the 20 year old.


It really is. Also, you know one of the things I wrote to myself and I forgot to Google it? Why was he called Mr. Big? Did they ever discuss that initially?


It was, we haven't yet, but it was because so the whole way the show is written is, it's in her articles, so she just picked that name for him so that she never had to divulge his identity.


Oh, that's right. Okay. I just Googled it and it said, yeah, refers to his status as a major


tycoon in the scene or whatever. Yes. She came up with that name so that she could write. And I think she, she must say that in 1 of the 1st episodes. I honestly


don't, I don't remember, but knowing it's based on a book, she must have said it. Said that in the book, they must have just breezed


over it. Maybe she must say it at one point when she starts writing about him, but that's why in the movie, not to spoil hashtag spoiler alert, first movie. But when they when they get married, that's the first time she ever says his name. Yes.'cause I remember


being like, oh, that's his name.


What an average name. I know. I dunno what I expected because everybody else in the show, she uses their name.


I know he's the only one, but even they say it too. Like, they're like, where's Big? Where's Mr. Big? Everybody


calls him Big, yeah. I know,




interesting. Nice on him that that was his nickname. She could have come up with a whole lot of less flattering names for him. I know.


I know. Okay, so then she continues to make out with the younger guy, and she kind of talks about Like afterwards kind of having that urge like the whole like, Oh, I just needed it. Like it was kind of like a drug kind of thing.


Yeah, like it felt so good and she couldn't wait to do it again. And yeah, so she well, so isn't that so that doesn't what happened next is her and big make another plan to see each other. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So they, they're going to actually go on a date. And so, of course, I can only she's super excited, gets all dressed up, shows up for the date with him. His friend and he's got the friend there. Jack. Yeah. Yeah. He's got the, no, wait, hold on. I think we missed out on a very important part. No, I know we did. No, I know we did. She's in her apartment and she's almost dressed. She gets a phone call from a very frantic Charlotte and you see Carrie on the phone and she's like, I can't talk about this right now. I got, she's like, no, no, no. I need your help. And she's like, okay, I'll pick you up in 15 minutes. I'm going to pick up Samantha on the way. And she's like, no, don't pick up. So they all get in the cab together and they


get, which I love. This is probably one of my favorite scenes of sex in the city. Like. Oh my god, I feel like I can relate to it so much. So Charlotte, the guy she was dating, so Brian asked her for anal. And she was like,


what do I do? On like, what their like, sixth date, right? Like, they had not been together long.


Yes, and she's like, and she completely overanalyzed it. They then all got in the car and it was a very dramatic. Oh my God, but what happens if you do it or not. And then, of course, Samantha is like, girl, just, just do it. It's great.


Everybody's doing that. Like, what are we talking about? She's like, don't knock it till you try it. Like, I also love that they're having this conversation in the cab with in the cab driver is like, he's like, what are we talking about?


And I think Samantha is like. One of the phrases she says, she's like, it's just a whole, I mean, I don't know, like, I don't know if we want to like divulge certain things like on this podcast, but like, for me, the statement that stuck with me forever was no one wants to marry the up the butt girl. Yes. And


I held on to that. Yeah. Yeah. Charlotte says that, right? Yes. She says it to the




That's that sticks with me too. For sure. Like that is definitely one of the lines from the show that like, yeah, that's one of the ones that sticks out there. I feel like, you know, it's such a great view of like four different women who obviously view sex. Four different ways. And like, it's very cool to kind of see like the spectrum from Charlotte to Samantha and Carrie and Miranda in between of like, everyone's opinion on, you know, what that was. Now I will say this is also in the nineties when like, it was way more taboo than I feel like it is now. I feel like so many things are way



taboo. Anything goes now, but it was, yeah, I feel like it was more of a. Yes, bigger deal. Oh, for them to be


talking about it. I'm sure when they wrote that episode and like did that, it was like, I know.


I think so too. Yeah. I know. And episode


four. Yes. Oh, right out the gate. Like right out the gate. This was HBO though. This was like What HBO was doing then that made HBO so great was like they, it was cable TV. It, they were pulling no punches. They could say and do whatever they wanted, like good for them. Like they were, they were pushing the envelope for sure. For sure. But that, yeah, that scene was that scene was amazing. And so basically they leave Charlotte with like. You know the spectrum of what each of them would do and I think she's I feel like Charlotte feels like she's gonna do it And yes, yeah She like gets on the date with the guy and it's like after a nice meal and they like go back to her place And he's fully expecting it and she's like I can't do it. I can't do it.


I love her reaction I feel like that's how I would react and I'm like, I just I just want to do it the norm or didn't he say? Let's do it The normal way.


And she's like, yes. Yes.


But I also appreciate how it was like it's in the moment, right? You would just go with it depending on like your partner or whatever. And I don't mean go with like, you know, I just mean like you, you would be having those discussions. What I found interesting about this is how he like, Proactively was like, hey, like, on Friday, can we do anal? Like, very interesting, right? How you were like, let's, let's plan for this. Yeah, and no, no, it's like, hey, I want


to go out of town for the weekend, and can we also have anal sex while we're doing this? Yeah. And it was very Thought out and you're right to that. I feel like in real life, like, it's something that like comes up in the heat of the moment and like, you decide as a couple in that moment, like what you're comfortable with or what you aren't. Yeah, I love that. It was like a, a proposition from him followed by like a. Full breakdown discussion with their girlfriends in


the back of a cab.


Leading up to the actual date where like she has to break it to him that it's not happening.


And she built up so much that I'm sure like we spoke about this previously, like for him, he was probably like, I'm glad just to get it right. Like they hadn't been dating that long. Like, I'm sure it wasn't a deal breaker, but Just knowing how much he fully built that app and was like, Oh my God, what's going to happen? Is he gonna break up with me? And he was like, sure, let's just do it normally.


Yeah, it's fine. I just had to ask. Like, thank God.


Very like Charlotte Dave.


Yeah. So then that takes us to Carrie shows up for her date with big and yes. Yeah, and she sits down, and Big has a friend on the date with her, and this is one of my most proud moments of Carrie, how she handles this, like, oh, like, I was just like Yes. Yes, ma'am. I'm just so proud of how she, she just, she sat down and like the friend is there and he's obviously, I don't know if he's drunk, but he's getting there. He seemed, yeah,


he seemed a little drunk.


Yeah. And then he gets up cause he sees someone else. I think he knows the friend. Begins to apologize and basically say like, he's going through a divorce and he just called me tonight and I couldn't say no, so sorry, can we make the best of it? Basically, and she just like, takes it in freaking stride and like, takes a big slug off of his like, whiskey or old fashioned or whatever he's drinking and she's like, you know what? I'll let it be a boys night tonight and she throws like a$10 bill on the table and it's like mixed rounds on meat, which Carrie is so cute, but I know, I love it. No, I know. Especially


in New York.


Jesus, you didn't even pay for water even in the nineties. It's not mine round in New York, that's,


it's the thought that counts. Right?


And she just leaves like she fully leaves like.


I know she had, she did handle that very well because I feel like this would be another situation that I feel like I'd be visibly like disappointed, but at the same time, I love seeing this other side of big we're knowing his how important his friends are and knowing that the fact his friends as a guy would call him up and be like, I don't know. I just need like a night out. I, I just need to like chill out. Similar to what she would do with her girlfriends.


True. That is true. For sure. It's just very different for a guy. Yeah. Well, and it's interesting too, knowing how his character develops. Like, I don't remember ever seeing Big have another friend ever in the whole series. Like, I can't think of a friend. Like, I


don't. Yeah, that's right. He's always solo.


Yeah, he doesn't have any friends that like show up at any point. That I can think of. We're big. Is he okay?


Well, I'd be What happened to Jack?


Yes. Can we, can we get a Sex and the City 3 movie and talk about Let's talk about Big's




Can we get a spinoff of Big's story? Like, this is great. Bullshit. So she goes back there, back to the 20 year old.


Yes, which I also love that going back to that whole like addiction thing like she went straight back to that bar on her own, by the way, yeah, and like saw him. Fortunately, he wasn't with anyone else. I was like, that would have been very awkward had she turned up and he would have been with someone or, I don't know, with his friends, and then immediately she's like, I want to go back to your apartment. And then, of course, they do it. It's amazing. And then she wakes up and reality hits that she's in a 20 year old's apartment. Dad


wake up scene in his apartment. And it sucks.


Even, like, his bed. Oh my god, his room. Oh my god. That is the worst. Literally, every minute. Ugh, it was so messy.


Like, I personally never had that experience. Like, I can remember, I can remember dating a guy and, like, spending the night at his house for the first time and waking up and, like, the sunlight was, like, coming in the window a little bit and there was, like, this. There was like this three inches on the side of the bed that I was sleeping on because he obviously never slept over there that was just like dust. And I was like, Oh, you haven't changed these sheets in a year. Oh, no. But that thing like, like Carrie experienced, like that dude's whole living situation was a train wreck. Yeah, same.


Same. I've never experienced that. And even just, she's like, I just need coffee. And then, you know what I love the most too, is like, you see this side of him, so his name was Sam, that in the bar, you know, he's kind of mysterious. And then when she wakes up next to him and he's like, Oh man, I had a dream last night. And like you were in it, there was like a unicorn. And she's like, Oh my God, it's


like the worst hangover ever,


but it is, it's like you see something in a completely different light the next


day. Best part is when she's like, I have to pee. And she's like, peeing. And she's like can, there's no toilet paper. And he is like, oh babe, I used the last to make the coffee.


like, oh, oh. And then she like screams when she sees these roommate, that also is like a horror.


Oh, that is hilarious. That, yeah, that whole scene cracks me up. Like, that's the fucking best. I love it. I loved that


part. So then she then. Hop, skip and a jump to the shoe store, which I appreciate was Dolce and Gabbana, I think love Dolce and Gabbana. And, you know, I was thinking this when we were talking about the fur jacket, like last episode. I feel like now they've kind of introduced the characters. I feel like now they start introducing like her. Love for fashion and for shoes because this is the first time that she's then being seen like shopping. She's like, okay, I just needed to get like retail therapy and she's still in the clothes from the night before and she like maxes out her credit card. And I love seeing this. I'm like, this is the


best. They've declined it. Like they declined the purchase, which is like, Oh,


no, that's next episode. Oh, is it not?


Oh, yeah. She's at Dolce. Was she not? Or was it Manolo? I remember she's at Dolce when she maxes it out. We're getting our fashion lines crossed.


I like it. No, you're right. No, no, no, you're right. The next episode is Dolce. I think she was at Manolo for this one. But she


buys expensive shoes, which we can all appreciate and love. And I'm so glad we got to see beautiful 90s era You know, high end fashion, because that is the best. Yes. Oh my gosh. it as now, because I remember when like, those episodes came out and like, all those shoes I was just like, drooling over. And now to see them, I'm like, Yeah. Like, you know, cause they just, they're like, they're out of date now.


Yes. It's true. Yeah. Some of us are very out of


date. The toes, they're just, you know, they're older for sure.


So then she's leaving with her new purchase and as she's walking past, she then sees the guy Jack from the night before and then big kind of pops his head up. And they then have a exchange and he's like, Hey, I really want to go on a date with you. And she's like, Sure, call me. Yeah. And then she walks off so amazingly cool. And then she looks back. And then her last her last phrase is, Oh, it would have been so cool had I not looked back. I would have looked back immediately. She waited so long.


And he was still looking at you. So. You know, I loved that exchange between them and I loved, like, how that was just, again, like, bumping into each other, which is so crazy, and I love that she handled that so well, like, she just was, like, so cool about it and just, like, the whole thing was, I, yeah, that was so, and what a great setup for, like, you know, the, the, what's to come between the two of them. Not touch on in this episode with Samantha. This is so funny, especially what we were talking about right before we started this pod, because yes, ladies and gentlemen, we do, we chat it up sometimes before we hit record. Yes! Yeah, Samantha is in bed with her 20 something and they're like, and Samantha is told, Oh shit. Yes. Yes. Yes. He's told Carrie multiple times. Like the sex is just like out of this world. It's so amazing. And they're like laying there just like moments after doing it and he's like, Oh, just like being all lovey with her. And he's like, I love you like that because I can see the little wrinkles in your neck. And she's like, Oh, hell no. Immediately done. All done. Completely finished with that dude. Why would you ever say that? Because you're 20


and you're I know. It's like the worst thing to


say. Oh my gosh. It made me laugh so much thinking about that as we're talking about this because I was just telling Francine earlier how I had my neck threaded a week ago because, you know, y'all, if you could See me right now. Like I have theme, unbelievable bruising on my neck. Oh my God. It looks like somebody has grabbed me by the throat, but it's not. Yes, it does. It was not that much fun, I promise, but yeah, that's, so listen, it's, I mean, if threading had been a thing back then, Samantha would have been fully into it, I'm sure.


Oh, you know she would have been. Whatever they had back then, she was. For sure taking him.


It's so crazy, too, that they, like, pulled that in. Cause she's so young in that episode. I mean, I guess she's not, but like, there's no wrinkles in her neck.


I mean, how old were they again? Cause I think Carrie was But, Samantha was like 10 years older, no? I don't, I


don't think she's 10. I think, let's see, how much older, pardon us while we Google. We're doing so many good fun


facts, by the way.


And, Carrie, here we go. I don't think she's, oh, she is almost 10 years older. Wait, so then she would have been in her 40s at that point. Okay, I didn't realize she was a whole, I always thought she was like five years older.


Yeah, I always remember because I'm sure there was an episode where they were talking about like, checking the box and she was like, welcome to my box. And it was like, 40 to 45. Yes, that's wrong. Was it? No, no, no. Maybe it was 35 to 45


or something. It was like a birthday or something. Yes, I remember that. That's crazy. Yeah. Wow. So she would have been in her 40s and that guy was in his 20s. That's hilarious. That's even better. I like it even more now. I know. Good for her. Good for her. I don't have Miranda up to this episode. I don't even, what was Miranda doing? You know,


the only thing I, I know pro Miranda, the only thing I wrote about Miranda was she's now dating Skipper.


Oh yeah.


And she, aw. She has such a bad attitude towards him. You know I actually reached out to him on Instagram to see if he would come on the


pod. You did? Skipper? Oh my God, Rizzo has died.


I was like, who'd come on this pod? I was like, I wonder if Skipper would. What's he up to?


Get ol Sam. Let's talk to Sam. That's so funny. Okay, crazy story. My uncle, who is only like, I think we're six or seven years apart because, you know, hashtag blended families. But he was actually in an episode of Sex and the City. Yes. He what? Yeah, so he lived in New York. Hey Uncle Todd, if you're listening. He lived in no way. New York for a long stint of time, and he is, was, is fabulously gay, and he worked in a few of the gay bars along, he did all kinds of things, but he's, he's gorgeous and amazing and wonderful, and I don't know how, but he got to be an extra, and I'll remember the episode when it comes up, and I'll point him, I'll show him to you, but he was, like, in the background dancing in a gay club with Carrie, and and Frank When they go to Staten Island? And? Yes, I think, yes, that's it, that's the one, yes, there is a cake yes, yeah, but Stanford's with her, Stanford's with her, yeah, he's in the background, and so is Anthony. Yes. Yes. And Anthony. Yeah, there he is. He's in the background dancing on one of the episodes when he lived in New York and he like got to be an extra on the show. Oh my God. We need to get him on. Oh, I can totally get him on. That's easy. Oh, that


is a great claim to fame. There's me reaching out to Skipper. Who gives a shit about Skipper?


We need gay dancer number four from episode 62.


Do you imagine being an extra if they did? Oh my God. It would


I remember him telling me that it was like, you know, they were recording the scene and like, there's no music playing because they need to get the audio of the actors speaking to one another. But in what we see, of course, it's like the whole vibe. Right. And so they, they're on like boxes in, you know, how, like, like underwear dancing. And like, you're nothing to nothing. Absolutely nothing. And he said they would like play like, like club music to get you like amped and then they would shut it all down and the actors would come in and do their lines and you just had to like keep going with what was like in your head. So when you watch that it's always funny to be like There was no music playing. That is


so, oh my god, I cannot wait to get to that episode now. Yeah, yeah,




sure. That is funny. We, you know, that's what should be like our goal of doing this like, breakdown, is we should go to New York and just be an extra in, and just like that.




I don't know how we can do it, but we should just do that. Just be


in the background. I actually know somebody who knows the industry that could probably make that happen for us. That'll be our, that'll be our season two opener. We're extra. Yes! We're going to take the pod off the road, ladies and gentlemen. Could you


Matt, we should do that though. Wouldn't that be a justification to like our partners? Be like, well we have to go to New York. We need to


gather the pods and all 10. We need to get like we need to get like a hotel in New York to sponsor us. And then we have to go out there. And do live sets. Do you like the tour bus? Yeah, we can like tour all the spots. Hey, help us out pod.


Help us people and run the runway. We can dress in your stuff. It's


totally fine. We'll do it. Okay, well,


that is a wrap on season one, episode four. And next time we're going to be discussing season one, episode five, which is the power of female


sex. Oh, Charlotte shines. Charlotte shines.