Liftoff by Bottle Rocket

Curiosity Killed No Cat

XD Media Episode 22

What is creativity? And why do so many people believe they are missing that “creative bone”?

Well first of all. You are creative. You’ve just let others silence that creativity over time. See when we’re children we are endlessly creative. We’re born with no chains on our imagination or curiosity. We have the freedom to explore and create with abandon.

But then as time goes on, we have to get more "practical."  More structured. And we end up inadvertently demonizing the curious with old sayings like:

Curiosity killed the cat.

He let his curiosity get the best of him.

Get your head out of the clouds.

But practicality and structure and creativity are not mutually exclusive.
Feel free to stalk 'Experience Design w/ Tony Daussat' on Instagram at @xdpodcast
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