Liftoff by Bottle Rocket

My Talk at Big Design 2019 on Imposter Syndrome

XD Media Episode 39

Big Design in Dallas, TX is a design conference that happens once a year and has been going strong for 12 years, founded by Brian Sullivan. I had the honor of giving my talk on the Main Stage this year at the South Side Ballroom at Gilley’s. A stage that the past 9 US Presidents have spoken on, too many bands to name, and not to mention Jared Spool was one of the Keynote speakers on said stage. Talk about feeding my Imposter Syndrome...

This talk stemmed from my 10th episode on this very podcast. However, with the extended time frame I was able to dive a little deeper. At any rate, I’ve had a lot of people as to hear the talk so here it is! Apologies for the audio quality. I did as much work in post as I could!

I hope you enjoy! Some of it might be a little lost without seeing the slides, so I’ll be posting the slideshow soon on the Experience Design website:

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