Liftoff by Bottle Rocket

What is Design Maturity? (w/ Jared Spool)

XD Media Episode 52

I couldn't think of a better way to kick off the new year and new episodes of Experience Design than with the one and only: Jared Spool.

I won't belabor the bio, because the man truly needs no introduction--But, Jared is "Maker of Awesomeness at CenterCentre/UIE. Helping orgs deliver well-designed products & services."

In this episode we discuss the levels of design maturity inside organizations, advice on becoming a better designer and person, Imposter Syndrome, ego, and... meat hot tubs? That's right. Just listen.

Find Jared on Twitter: @jmspool
As always thank you for listening, and if you enjoy what you're hearing, please share with your friends and co-workers :)
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