Liftoff by Bottle Rocket

Beyond the "Growth Mindset" (with NYT Best Selling Author, David Kidder)

Bottle Rocket Season 3 Episode 14

Our guest this episode is David Kidder, the NYT Best-Selling author of The Intellectual Devotional, The Startup Playbook featuring exclusive interviews with over 40 of the world's most influential CEOs and founders and New to Big: How Companies Can Create Like Entrepreneurs, Invest Like VCs, and Install a Permanent Operating System for Growth. 

He was an early angel investor in AirBnB and SpaceX and remains an angel investor for over 40 startups. And we’re not done! He's also a co-founder of Bionic, which offers proprietary organizational solutions to Fortune 100 companies.

On this episode we dig into:
-The difference between leading and managing.
-Getting out of a fixed mindset, and into an adaptable one.
-The 5 lenses that all successful people view the world through.
-The importance of Systems Thinking.
-The truth about the two realities of America that we live in.

…And our very first “Lighting Round”.

Discover more about David Kidder:

Find out more about Liftoff: Here.

Until next time, friends...stay curious.