Accelerate Your Performance

QuintEssential: Tips to Become a Great Leader

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 126

Quint Studer has joined us as a guest on our podcast throughout 2020, sharing his stories and experiences from his career that we can learn and grow from. In this episode, we have collected highlights from these interviews and we revisit some of Quint's top tips and advice for leaders who want to be their best. 

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What is really getting in our way?
  • How can we build the courage it takes to make decisions that stem from character, not comfort?   
  • What driving factor can help take us across the finish line when leading change? 

Recommended Resources: Notice What's RightCourageous Conversations, To Increase Motivation Show More Appreciation & Deal with Problems
Recommended Podcasts: Be Bold About Action, Reinvent the Organization: Increase Efficiency While Reducing Costs, The Middle is Hard but it Doesn't Have to BeFacing Community Resistance to Change

You can hear more from Quint at our upcoming 2-day virtual conference, Destination High Performance Pensacola 2020. Day 1 will focus on leadership tips, tools and considerations, and Day 2 will focus on building a vibrant community. The event is scheduled for October 28th and 29th. Register for free now.