Accelerate Your Performance

Vulnerability is at the Heart of Service Excellence

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 127

To deliver exceptional service we need to embrace vulnerability and courage. When leaders model this behavior in organizations, employees are encouraged to take risks and know that it's okay to fail. Today, Jon Malone, Director and CEO of Northwestern Illinois Association discusses his organization's commitment to service and how vulnerability impacts trust and accountability on his team.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What does it look like to provide unmistakable value to those you serve?
  • How can we integrate vulnerability into our team's culture?
  • How can we build a team that chooses character over comfort?

Recommended Resources: Creating Unmistakable Value, Am I a Perfectionist Leader?, Cascading the Building Blocks of Service Excellence & Culture: the Foundation for Withstanding Disruption

Recommended Podcasts: Unmistakable Value, Brene Brown: The Courage to Be VulnerableFocus on Service Excellence & The Behavior that's Holding Leaders Back

Join us virtually for our 9th Annual Education Leadership Conference: What's Right in Education 2020.
As we look back at the year so far, we see a community of educators who are stronger and more resolved than ever to make sure that students have every opportunity to succeed, despite the obstacles ahead. It takes courage to face uncertainty and willingness to unlearn some of our most successful practices and define new practices. Individually, we don’t have all of the answers, but together we can accomplish more, lay new ground and forge ahead.