Accelerate Your Performance

Service in the Relationship Business

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 128

Building relationships with people is more important than ever as we shift to more virtual environments. Not only are relationships key, they also help us all get through obstacles and challenges. In this episode, we are joined by Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Chris Hartly, and Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Colby Smart, from Humboldt County Office of Education in Northern California.  Listen as they discuss overcoming the challenges that come with improvement work and how they're developing relationship capacity within their organizations.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What must first happen before an organization can improve?
  • How can organizations build the capacity for leadership growth?
  • How can leaders successfully build ownership and allegiance to the mission among team members?

Recommended Resources: Lead Your Work, Trust: Consistency of Leadership, Use Clear Expectations to Bring Teams Together & Always Be Recruiting

Recommended Podcasts: Anticipating Community Fear & Building Trust, Listen for Ideas, Perspective & Connection, Manage Disruption: Adjust Quickly and Communicate Transparently & Vulnerability is at the Heart of Service Excellence

Join us virtually for our 9th Annual Education Leadership Conference: What's Right in Education 2020.
As we look back at the year so far, we see a community of educators who are stronger and more resolved than ever to make sure that students have every opportunity to succeed, despite the obstacles ahead. It takes courage to face uncertainty and willingness to unlearn some of our most successful practices and define new practices. Individually, we don’t have all of the answers, but together we can accomplish more, lay new ground and forge ahead.