Accelerate Your Performance

3 Changes to the Major Role of Leadership

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 145

What skills do we need to cultivate now to lead our organizations into the future? In this episode, Janet challenges the solution of reorganizing the hierarchical structures within our organizations and recommends we focus on increasing agility to manage through consistent and continuous change. As leaders our most important job is to develop and coach employees to work across boundaries, transforming people into leaders.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How do we advance our skills as the leader of the team?
  • Which relationships at work are most important for employees to prioritize?
  • What gets in the way of breaking down silos and building cross-boundary teams?

Recommended Resources: Cross-Silo Leadership, Busting Through Barriers, Identify Barriers in Action & Cultivating a Culture of Resilience
Recommended Podcasts: The 5 Behavioral Traits for Sustaining Improvement, The Behavior that's Holding Leader's BackBe Bold About Action & That's the Way it is