Accelerate Your Performance

Shifting Workplace Culture

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 153

What are the signs of a workplace culture in need of shifting? Are you noticing a disconnect between what leaders are trying to accomplish and what employees are internalizing? Do your employees continue to ask questions about what the organization can do for them, rather than speaking to how their lives are better because they work there? Today Janet provides 6 actions to stop doing and 6 actions to start doing to positively accelerate your culture.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • Is your culture on track? 
  • What do people expect their organizations to do for them?
  • How can we make life better for employees? 

Recommended Resources: Cultivating a Culture of Resilience, Culture & Strategy of Organizational Excellence, Boost the Employee Engagement & The Keys to Employee Engagement
Recommended Podcasts:
Can You Fix My Culture?, Stop the Subconscious Behavior Infecting Your Organization, Addressing Poor Performance & Increase Employee Engagement with Recognition