Accelerate Your Performance

Blending the 80% Emotional 20% Rational

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 159

Change is continuous, and in our organizations, leaders have the responsibility of balancing employees' emotions with the rational side of work. This past year has taught us that it's easier to lead with agility to manage change when we hardwire leadership fundamentals in our organizations. Today, Janet shares the foundational tools and tactics to advance our leadership and provides the framework we use to do just that - the Nine Principles for Organizational Excellence give teams an opportunity to thrive and truly accelerate performance. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What tools and tactics support the emotional needs of employees? 
  • What tools and tactics support the rational needs of employees?
  • What tools and tactics blend the emotional and the rational needs together in the workplace?

Recommended Resources: Motivate with Recognition, Rounding: The Most Important Questions to Ask, Measuring What Matters & Drive Team Success with Consistent Communication About Results

Recommended Podcasts: Transform Culture with Communication, The Ritual that Keeps People Aligned, Questions for Continuous Improvement & Words Have Power